黑色孤儿 第一季演员表


流浪的孤儿Sarah(塔提阿娜·玛斯拉尼 Tatiana Maslany 饰)目睹一个女人自杀,因为与死者长的极为相似,遂决定假冒死者的身份领取一笔数目可观的存款。然而Sarah万万没有想到,自己竟然闯进了一个危险的谜局。在“扮演”死者的同时,Sarah发现了一个惊人的事实:她和自杀的女人其实都是克隆人,而且这批克隆人不止她们两个。不法组织为了达到不可告人的目的,创造了一批克隆的胚胎并将她们植入毫不知情的普通夫妻体内,让她们在不同的环境中出生、成长。没有人知道是谁创造了这些克隆人,也没有人知道他们的最终目的。这些克隆人必须尽快查明真相,否则一切都晚了,因为一个刺客正在将她们一个一个暗杀。

与其他大牌女明星不同,Tat在世界上的知名度并不高,她的成功很大程度上归功于她自身的努力,而不是靠演艺圈的潜规则。所以在她的电影里,看不到那些“激情”的场面。她所表演的角色都很有特点,从自闭症患者到痴迷的狼人控,这些都是在生活中很难触及的角色,而她却可以把这些角色演绎的活灵活现。虽然她主演的电影很少,有些也只是配音或者客串,但这丝毫没有妨碍她成为一名实力派演员。  Tat第一次被大家所知是在她12岁的时候,当时她出演了一部加拿大的少儿节目《2030 CE》,剧中扮演Rome Greyson (男主角Hart Greyson的妹妹),用当时的原话描述为:一个鬼灵精怪、思想开放的电脑奇才(hip, open-minded, a whiz with the computer.)受到当时很多小朋友甚至是大人的欢迎,而这部电视剧并不是Tat的处女作,在她10岁那一年就参与了《奇妙故事摄影棚》(Incredible Story Studio)的演出,这部儿时的短剧也给很多中国小朋友留下了很深的印象。在Tat所有的影视作品中,最有影响力还得属《变种女狼2:释放》,她在剧中扮演疯狂的狼人控\"GHOST\",她生动而富有感染力的表演让人们无法想象她在出演这部电影的时候只有16岁。  在学校里,Tat的学习成绩非常好,在班级中也很受欢迎,是有名的“乖乖女”。她积极的参加各种社团活动和表演,例如参加了\"improvisational theatre\",这是一个加拿大专门为高中生提供的竞赛活动,类似于夏令营,但内容要比夏令营多的多。在2007年上映的《鬼使神差》(英文名:The Messengers)中,Tat客串了一栋古房中被父亲杀害的幽灵;在同年上映的恐怖片《死亡日记》中,她又客串了一名在出游途中遭遇丧尸而自杀的大学生。《一个古老的感恩节》(An Old Fashioned Thanksgiving)也是她最为成功的作品之一,在美剧《闪点行动》(FlashPoint)中,她扮演了一名12岁时走丢的小女孩。(在第一季的第九集当中),最后被一名恋童癖者收养自闭的故事,虽然因为年龄原因字剧中稍显老气,但她小时候演出的那份灵气仍在。  Tat的演绎事业已经日趋成熟,她主演的电影《硬线》(Hardwired)将在2009年底或2010年上映。
Dylan Bruce has established himself well in television. Bruce was born in Vancouver, Canada on April 21, 1980, and raised in both Vancouver and Seattle, Washington. In 2005 Bruce appeared on the mini-series 24: Conspiracy (2005), the spin-off to the original Kiefer Sutherland series 24 (2001). The spin-off lasted for only a season, but the show landed him on the cover of Variety and Bruce continued making frequent television appearances across a steady length of series. Other series in which he has appeared include episodes in the 2005 season of Passions (1999), followed by work in 2006 on Joey (2004), the mob drama The Sopranos (1999), CSI: NY (2004), and Las Vegas (2003). Bruce scored a considerable level of notability by his portrayal of Dr. Chris Hughes on the daytime drama As the World Turns (1956). From 2007-2008, Dylan played this important character, making him the eighth actor to appear in this role, following the departure of actor Bailey Chase who played Hughes from January 2003-January 2005. In 2008, Bruce ended his time on the series and once more moved on to newer projects. He made his official film debut with the fast-paced action outing Unstoppable (2010), which stars veteran actor Denzel Washington and Chris Pine. Afterwards, Dylan had a recurring role on the series The Bay (2010) before landing work in the television movie thriller Willed to Kill (2012). In 2013, Dylan joined the cast of the drama series Orphan Black (2013).
Maria Doyle Kennedy (born Maria Josephine Doyle; 25 September 1964) is an award-winning Irish actress and singer. As an actress she is possibly best known for her roles as Queen Katherine of Aragon in the award winning The Tudors and as the title character\'s wife Frances in The General.
Natalie Lisinska (born 11 January 1982)[1] is a British-Canadian actress.
伊夫林·布洛初(Evelyne Brochu),1983年出生于加拿大魁北克,加拿大女演员。
Michael Mando, is a Canadian film and television actor, writer, and director with a background in contemporary and classical theatre. He is well known for his role as Vaas Montenegro, the secondary antagonist in the video game Far Cry 3 and his role as Victor \"Vic\" Schmidt in the sci-fi thriller television series Orphan Black. He currently portrays Nacho Varga in the AMC television series, Better Call Saul.