黑帆 第四季演员表


Flint是文学史上最有名海盗角色之一,也是海盗黄金时代的代表人物。他和一些人在新普罗维登斯岛上建立了被称为「海盗天堂」的无政府社区,并为维持新普罗维登斯的存在而与各种敌对势力交战。在这个罪犯的避风港里,除了来自四面八方的海盗外,还有形形色色的妓女、强盗、小偷和寻宝客。Hannah New扮演美丽、勇敢、自信的酒馆老板娘Eleanor,黑白两道都很熟。她一方面帮助低贱的海盗销赃,另一方面也为有钱有势的头面人物举办舞会。Zach McGowan扮演Charles Vane船长,是Flint船长的竞争对手。Luke Arnold扮演传说中的著名水手John Silver,但他当时和Flint一样没有名气 [2] 。来自《秘社》的Jessica Parker Kennedy扮演一个受到折磨的年轻妓女,是新普罗维登斯岛黑暗面的见证人。Mark Ryan扮演Flint船长的得力助手Gates

New was born in London, UK and is the younger of three sisters. At the age of four New attended a ballet school. She later joined the National Youth Theatre. Her interest in other cultures made her visit over 20 countries and even spend 3 months in a children\'s home in Bolivia in 2003. After traveling around the world, she studied English and Spanish at the University of Leeds.New moved to Spain, where she further studied the language and the Meisner technique. To financially support her studies she decided to model and was scouted by View Management in Madrid and Barcelona where they offer her print and commercial work. She studied at the Central School of Speech and Drama and obtained a Master in Acting with a Honors in 2011. New is able to speak fluent Spanish.