洛基第一季(Loki Season 1)演员表



汤姆·希德勒斯顿(Tom Hiddleston),全名托马斯·威廉·希德勒斯顿(Thomas William Hiddleston),1981年2月9日出生于英国伦敦,英国男演员、电影制作人、音乐人。2005年,从英国皇家戏剧艺术学院(RADA)毕业的汤姆·希德勒斯顿开始出演电视剧 。2007年,参演伦敦西区剧院《辛白林》,并凭借辛白林一角获得劳伦斯奥利佛奖最佳新人奖。2008年,汤姆·希德勒斯顿出演舞台剧《伊万诺夫》。2011年,凭借漫威电影《雷神》中洛基一角走入公众视野,同年,获得帝国最佳男演员新人奖和英国电影电视艺术最佳新星奖提名;2012年,汤姆·希德勒斯顿主演吸血鬼题材浪漫奇幻片《唯爱永生》;同年,主演的科幻动作片《复仇者联盟》在美国上映。2013年,出演当玛仓库剧院制作的莎士比亚悲剧《科里奥兰纳斯》,获得伦敦标准晚报戏剧奖最佳男演员奖。2015年,出演吉尔莫·托罗执导的恐怖片《猩红山峰》和本·斯特利执导的科幻动作片《摩天大楼》;同年,出演自传电影《我看见了光》。2016年,主演兼执行制作人BBC制作的迷你剧《夜班经理》,并凭借该片获得他第一个金球奖最佳迷你剧男主角奖。
欧文出生于美国德州达拉斯,爱尔兰裔美国人,家庭信仰罗马天主教。母亲劳拉·康宁汉·威尔逊是一名知名摄影师,父亲罗伯特·安德鲁·威尔逊是一名广告行政人员及一间公共电视台的导播。欧文曾进入兰普莱特学校就读,2005年曾经造访母校;也曾就读德州圣马克学校,不过在高一时期因为了数学作业而偷窃数学老师的教科书,所以被踢出学校。之后毕业于新墨西哥军校。  1991年,欧文与两个兄弟路克以及安德鲁一同搬到洛杉矶,展开演艺生涯。1994年以自编自演的《Bottle Rocket》踏入影坛,其后出演了《狂蟒之灾》、《世界末日》、《鬼入侵》等卖座的影片,2000年在与香港功夫巨星成龙合作主演《上海正午》之前,欧文·威尔森虽然也曾在几部颇为有名气的影片中露面,但一直无缘担当主角。  《上海正午》在欧美的大获成功,使得欧文在好莱坞闯出了一片天地。凭借强烈的个人风格,欧文出现在多部喜剧片中并担当主角,均获得不错的口碑,使他跃升好莱坞一线明星的行列。2001年接连主演的《深入敌后》、《祖兰德》、《特伦鲍姆一家》均叫好又卖座,已一跃成为当前好莱坞最为炙手可热的男星之一,星路一片坦途。2004年与本·斯蒂勒合作的重拍片《警界双雄》叫好又叫座,《婚礼傲客》与《同居三人行》也出现了他的身影,并与《同居三人行》女主角凯特·哈德森因戏生情,但两人于2007年5月底宣告分手,8月,欧文即传出为情自杀。经过多日休整,他于2008年3月月重返影坛,携手詹妮弗·安妮斯顿拍摄拍摄新片《马利和我》。
Tara Lyn Strong (née Charendoff; born February 12, 1973)[2] is a Canadian–American actress who has done voice work for numerous animations and video games and performed in various live-action productions. Many of her major voice roles include animated series such as Rugrats, The Powerpuff Girls, The Fairly OddParents, Drawn Together, Ben 10, Chowder, Teen Titans and its spin-off Teen Titans Go! and My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic as well as video games such as Mortal Kombat X, Final Fantasy X and X-2 and the Batman: Arkham series. Her portrayals have garnered nominations in the Annie Awards and Daytime Emmys, and an award from the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences.
Gugu, short for Gugulethu, Xhosa for \"Our Pride\", was born in the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, England to South African doctor Patrick Mbatha and his wife, nurse Anne Raw. Her parents separated when she was a year old, though she is still close to her father, and she was brought up by her mother in the town of Witney, Oxfordshire. Here she joined the local acting group Dramascope and, from the age of eleven, appeared in the pantomime at Oxford Playhouse every year. A talented singer and dancer as well as playing the saxophone, she joined the Oxford Youth Music Theatre in her teens. In 2001 she won a scholarship to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) in London. Since graduation in 2004 she has appeared in all media, including as an acclaimed Juliet in \"Romeo and Juliet\" at Manchester\'s Royal Exchange Theatre and on television in such varied series as \"Bad Girls\" (1999), \"Doctor Who\" (2005) and \"Marple\".