权力的游戏 第三季演员表



研究生毕业于都柏林圣三一学院,与另一位权利的游戏编剧 D·B·威斯 是都柏林圣三一学院的同学。
传奇导演David Nutter在美剧《追踪》之前已连续执导16部新剧的首集,每一部均获得了正式预订(剧集预订),这在好莱坞的历史上绝无仅有。他导演的作品包括时下很热门的《邪恶力量》(Supernatural)、《超感警探》(The Mentalist)和曾经很热门的《终结者外传》(Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles)、《罗斯维尔》(Roswell)等。其他作品:《X档案》、《兄弟连》、《冰与火之歌--权利的游戏》、《绿箭》(Arrow)(首集导演)、《末世黑天使》(Dark Angel )、《超人前传》、《黑道家族》(The Sopranos )等。
麦茜·威廉姆斯(Maisie Williams),1997年4月15日出生于布里斯托尔,英国演员。2011年首次出演电视剧,在根据乔治·马丁的小说改编的电视剧《权力的游戏》中扮演史塔克家族的二女儿艾莉亚·史塔克。2013年凭借此剧获得青年艺人大奖喜剧或剧情类连续剧最佳年轻女配角的提名。同年,出演了大银幕处女作《中暑惊魂》,饰演了一位被科盗猎者追杀的科学家的女儿。2016年,她因在电影《堕落》中的表现被伦敦影评人协会奖评为最佳英国和爱尔兰新人奖。
艾米莉亚·克拉克(Emilia Clarke),1986年10月23日出生于英国伦敦,英国女演员。2010年,艾米莉亚·克拉克拿下了《权力的游戏》中的丹妮莉丝·坦格利安一角。2013年,艾米莉亚携手裘德·洛参演了喜剧电影《唐·海明威》,同年入选《终结者:创世纪》,与阿诺德·施瓦辛格同台飙戏,饰演女主角莎拉·康纳。2015年8月16日,艾米莉亚获得青少年选择奖最受欢迎暑期档电影女演员奖。2018年5月25日,出演电影《星球大战韩·索罗外传》在中国上映。2019年4月14日,参演的《权力的游戏》最终季开播。
伊萨克·亨普斯特德·怀特(Isaac Hempstead-Wright),1999年4月9日出生于肯特郡法弗舍姆,是一位英国童星。在11岁时开始他的职业生涯。2011年,因在HBO电视台制作的剧集《冰与火之歌:权力的游戏》中饰演布兰·史塔克(Bran Stark)一角而为人所知。同年在电影中《觉醒/ The Awakening》 饰 汤姆 / Tom。2014年,为电影《拯救盒怪/The Boxtrolls》中Eggs/配音。
迪兰生于伦敦,母亲Bridget是英国人,父亲John是位澳洲医生。他在埃克塞特大学学习历史和政治学,毕业后做过记者。不过,他对自己的职业颇为厌倦,继而进入Bristol Old Vic Theatre School学习表演。演艺生涯早期,他曾用Stephen Dillon这一艺名。  迪兰是一位出色的戏剧演员,曾因英裔捷克剧作家Tom Stoppard爵士(也是制片人和出色的编剧,《莎翁情史》的编剧之一)的《The Real Thing》获得托尼奖。他还出演了《心火》、《时时刻刻》(伍尔夫的丈夫 Leonard)、《约翰·亚当斯》、《权利的游戏》等剧作。  迪兰的妻子是他在Bristol Old Vic的同学,两个儿子Frank (《哈利波特》中Tom Riddle的扮演者)和Seamus,弟弟Richard Dillane也是位演员。
尼可拉·科斯特-瓦尔道,丹麦演员、编剧,1993年毕业于哥本哈根的Statens Teaterskole大学,1994年出演《Nattevagten》而蜚声丹麦影坛。他在福克斯系列剧《New Amsterdam》里饰演侦探John Amsterdam,也在2009年的福克斯电视电影《Virtuality》扮演 Frank Pike,在美剧观众里积累了一定的人气。2011年,他出演HBO频道的电视剧《权利的游戏》,风靡一时。
Years active2002?present  Known forGame of Thrones  Jack Gleeson is an Irish actor, best known for his portrayal of Joffrey Baratheon in the HBO television series Game of Thrones.  ***LIFE***  Gleeson started acting at the age of seven in the Independent Theatre Workshop. His first roles in feature films were minor roles in Batman Begins (2005), Shrooms (2007) and A Shine of Rainbows (2009). In 2010 he appeared in a leading role in Alicia Duffy\'s All Good Children. The reviewer for the Variety magazine considered Gleeson \"the pic\'s big discovery\".  He was announced in the role as Joffrey Baratheon on 19 July 2009. Gleeson was part of the initial starring cast and remains a member of the starring cast for the second season. He is a student of Trinity College, Dublin, and a member of DU Players. In 2012, he was awarded a Scholarship at the same university following a competitive examination demonstrating \"exceptional knowledge and understanding of his subjects\". Gleeson has indicated an intention to pursue an academic career rather than a professional acting career, once his work on Game of Thrones is completed.
基特·哈灵顿,英国演员。在HBO电视剧《冰与火之歌:权力的游戏》中出演Jon Snow。自从出演《冰与火之歌》后受到广泛关注,片约不断。在《寂静岭2》和《第七子》中都有他参演。并且加盟《驯龙高手2》配音阵容,为这一集里的大反派,一名邪恶勇士配音。
1996年2月 21日出生在英国北安普敦(Northampton),2岁时家里搬到华威(Warwick),在华威著名的Playbox Theatre学习戏剧。  小说《冰与火之歌》改编的HBO电视剧《Game of Thrones》中饰演珊莎史塔克(Sansa Stark)。这也是她第一个影视作品。
Thomas Sangster(托马斯·桑斯特)1990年5月16日出生,同父母、妹妹居住在伦敦泰晤士河南畔。他的母亲Tasha Bertram是一位舞者和剧作家,曾和丈夫马克·桑斯特一起出演过几部BBC电视电影,桑斯特先生是一位演员和音乐人,曾在德国出演过音乐剧《狮子王》。托马斯·桑斯特也是著名英国演员休·格兰特的远房侄子,托马斯的曾外祖母和格兰特的祖母是一对姐妹。  同样,托马斯最早也是出演了一系列电视电影作品,首部作品是BBC的《Station Jim》,之后在《Bobbie\'s Girl》中出演了一位女同性恋的侄子,在PAX有线频道推出根据真实故事改编的影片《相信奇迹》中,托马斯·桑斯特出演被诊断出患有晚期脑癌的9岁男孩Craig Shergold,他因为收到超过3500万张的祝福卡片而被载入世界吉尼斯大全并最终奇迹般地战胜了癌症。其另一部主演的电视系列剧《Stig of the Dump》则是根据Clive King的儿童小说改编,讲述来祖母家过暑假的小男孩在废弃采石场里发现一位石器时代的洞穴人并和他成为朋友的故事。托马斯还凭借着另一部电影《危情密码》获得了03年蒙特卡罗电影节电视联系短剧部门的最佳男演员奖。  2003年的《真爱至上》是他第一部在大银幕上上映的作品,并最终凭借连姆·尼森继子的角色一举成名,还获得了Golden Satellite Award的年轻男演员奖提名。此后他在BBC改编自Nicky Singer首部儿童小说的电视剧《羽毛男孩》中担任主角,又在捷克工共和国拍摄的好莱坞古装影片《王者之心》中饰演了主角詹姆斯·弗兰科的少年时节。05年主演的《魔法保姆麦克菲》十分卖座,托马斯出演的是七个孩子中最大的西蒙。最近他还在BBC长寿科幻剧集《Doctor Who》中亮相,主演的两部分《Human Nature》《The Family of Blood》分别于07年5月和6月在BBC播出,此外托马斯还将为迪斯尼频道动画《Phineas and Ferb》配音。2007年托马斯同科林·费尔斯、本·金斯利一起出演《最后的兵团》。
1987年6月22日(26岁)出生于利物浦,现在居住在英国。(born 22 June 1987 in Liverpool)。现在是英国的一个演员。最著名的就是在英国E4电视台,播出的skins中,饰演的Chris Miles。Joe Dempsie,早期的表演的电视剧包括: the medical dramas Doctors, Peak Practice 和Sweet Medicine。和电影:One for the Road and Heartlands。他也在BBC的史实剧中表演过一个土生土长的Norfolk农民-Tony Martin。他现在正在HBO电视台播放的Game of Thrones中饰演Robert Baratheon的私生子Gendry。
汉娜·穆雷,英国女演员,出生于英格兰布里斯托。她最为人们所知的角色,是在2007-08年英国4频道剧集《皮囊》中扮演凯茜,一名患有饮食失调症和精神疾病,孤独但温顺的中学生。  她不像同龄人一样拥有ipod,也没有在Myspace开设主页,仍在使用诺基亚2006年款的手机。你可以在诺基亚5300的广告中听到她的声音。她现在剑桥大学学习。  在英剧《皮囊》一、二季中,汉娜·穆雷以其独特的声音和富有张力的演技赢得了众多影迷的喜爱,她的善良,她的傻傻的神经质留给大家深刻的印象,尤其是她的口头语“oh ,wow”“lovely”更是让人喜爱。
Patrick Malahide was born on March 24, 1945 in Berkshire, England as Patrick Gerald Duggan. He is an actor and writer, known for Game of Thrones (2011), The Singing Detective (1986) and Middlemarch (1994).
Tara Fitzgerald was born in Sussex, England. Her mother, Sarah Fitzgerald, is Irish, and her father, Michael Callaby, was Italian. Shortly after her birth, her family moved to Freeport, in the Bahamas where her grandfather, David Fitzgerald, was a well-established lawyer. Her sister, Arabella Fitzgerald, was born there, but the family returned to London when Tara was three. Her mother and father separated when she was four-years-old and, along with her mother and sister, Tara moved in with her uncle and Aunt Caroline. Her mother married the Irish actor Norman Rodway when Tara was age 6, and the birth of her half-sister, Bianca Rodway, followed shortly thereafter. Rodway and Sarah Fitzgerald separated when Tara was seven.  Tara\'s formative years were spent moving around - a lifestyle that saw her attending five primary schools while living in a variety of locations which included Glasgow, Dublin, and Stratford-upon-Avon. Eventually, Sarah and her three daughters returned to South London, but she left at the age of 16 after passing her \"O\" level examinations, now known as the GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) exams. Her reason for taking a break from the educational process was that she was not allowed to pursue her goal of attending drama school. Tara had auditioned for RADA and the Guildhall, but she was unable to secure a placement. She now recognizes that, at age 17, she really had not been ready.  Tara spent the next two years working her way around Europe as a waitress, an experience that provided her with an improved perspective. When she returned to London and decided to audition for a place at the Drama Centre, she was accepted immediately. Her training at the Drama Centre leaned heavily toward method acting which she recalls was like one long therapy session of breaking down the ego, and then rebuilding it. (Other well-known actors who trained at the Drama Centre include Anthony Hopkins, Colin Firth, Simon Callow and Pierce Brosnan).
皮特·沃恩(Peter Vaughan)美国演员,代表作有权利的游戏系列、信天翁、激情年代等。
Anton Lesser (born 14 February 1952) is an English actor. He attended Moseley Grammar School in Moseley, Birmingham and the University of Liverpool before going to RADA in 1977 where he was awarded the Bancroft Gold Medal as the most promising actor of his year.  As an Associate Artist with the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) he has played a considerable number of Shakespeare\'s great roles, including Troilus (Troilus and Cressida), Edgar (King Lear), Petruchio, Romeo, Henry Bolingbroke, Brutus (Julius Caesar), Leontes (Winter\'s Tale) and Richard III.  He is a frequent radio contributor, has starred in the BBC Radio adaptations of the first five Falco mysteries by Lindsey Davis and has recorded many audio books - including much of the work of Charles Dickens - his recording of Great Expectations won him a Talkie Award. Other books range from John Milton\'s Paradise Lost and Homer to contemporary novels by Robert Harris (Fatherland) and Philip Pullman.  Lesser lives in Warwickshire with his wife and their two children.
Liam Cunningham (born 2 June 1961) is an Irish stage and screen actor. He is known for playing Davos Seaworth in the HBO epic-fantasy series Game of Thrones.[1] He has been nominated for the London Film Critics\' Circle Award, the British Independent Film Award, has won two Irish Film & Television Awards, and shared a BAFTA with Michael Fassbender, for their crime-drama short film Pitch Black Heist.
约翰·C·布莱德利(英语:John C. Bradley),英国演员,1988年出生,曾出演《权力的游戏 》、《凯撒》等影视剧作。