

Actress Tantoo Cardinal, a Member of the Order of Canada, one of the country\'s highest civilian honors. The Order of Canada recognizes Cardinal for her contributions to the growth and development of Aboriginal performing arts in Canada.  Arguably the most widely recognized Native Actress of her generation; Tantoo has appeared in numerous plays, television programs, and films, including Legends of the Fall, Dances With Wolves, Black Robe, Loyalties, Luna, Spirit of the Whale, Unnatural & Accidental, Marie-Anne, Sioux City, Silent Tongue, Mother\'s & Daughter\'s and Smoke Signals. Recent work includes the films Eden, Maina, Shouting Secrets and From Above.  Her stirring performance in Loyalties earned her a Genie nomination, American Indian Film Festival Best Actress Award, the People\'s choice Award at the Toronto Film Festival, plus Best Actress Awards at International Film Festivals in Zimbabwe and Portugal.  Cardinal was just honored with the 2015 ACTRA Award of Excellence, other honors include Best Actress - Elizabeth Sterling Award in Theatre for All My Relations, First Americans in the Arts Totem Award for her portrayal of the character Katrina in Widows at the Forum Stage in Los Angeles. She won the American Indian Film Festival\'s Best Actress Award as well as the first Rudy Martin Award for Outstanding Achievement by a Native American in Film for Where the Rivers Flow North, a Gemini Award for North of 60 and a Leo Award for Blackstone.  Her television credits include recurring roles on the series: Blackstone, The Killing, Arctic Air, Strange Empire,The Guard, North of 60, Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, The Lightening Field, Street Legal, The Campbell\'s, Gunsmoke, Tom Stone, Myth Quest, Lonesome Dove and Renegade Press.com. MOW\'s include Full Flood, The Englishman\'s Boy, Dreamkeeper and the PBS documentary Nobody\'s Girls.  For her contributions to the Native Artistic community, Cardinal won the Eagle Spirit Award. She has also been honored with the MacLeans\' magazine

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骑兵上校威廉厌倦了战争,他带着全家来到西部荒原,在一处偏僻的山区开垦牧场。上校的妻子因为无法忍受艰苦的环境而抛夫弃子回到了东部,威廉上校独自一人肩负起了养育三个儿子的重担。 在艰苦的环境中三兄弟渐渐长大,他们手足情深但性格却大不相同。大哥艾尔弗莱德为人忠厚,办事认真;三弟塞缪尔是位理想主义者,深受父亲的宠爱;而老二特里斯坦则是一位狂放不羁的人,他自由奔放,常与印第安人交往,从他们那里学到了不少东西。父子四人在一个纯男性的世界里过着淡泊的生活。 然而,塞缪尔大学毕业后,把未婚妻苏珊娜带回了家里。平静的生活被打破了。艾尔弗莱德暗恋上了苏珊娜,而特里斯坦的气质却又打动了苏珊娜的心。四个年轻人在痛苦地压抑着各自的情感。 就在此时,第一次世界大战爆发了。三兄弟不顾父亲的劝阻,参军前往欧洲。在战争中,特里斯坦眼睁睁地看着塞缪尔死去却无能为力。无限悲哀的特里斯坦按印第安人的方式挖出了弟弟的心脏,带回祖国埋葬。 艾尔弗莱德在向苏珊娜求婚被拒绝后离开了家乡。弟弟死亡的阴影也使特里斯坦无法面对他所深爱的苏珊娜。特里斯坦也离家出走,从此杳无音讯。在苦苦的等待中光阴流逝。苏珊娜心灰意冷,终于答应嫁给艾尔弗莱弗莱德。 这时,上校不幸中风,流浪多年的特里斯坦此时又回到了家中。在这些年中,他吃了许多苦,回来后他娶妻生子,想过上平静的生活,一切似乎就要这样平静的结束了,然而在一次进城返回途中,妻子不幸被人误杀,这再一次燃起他心中躁动的烈火。 苏珊娜一直对塞缪尔深感内疚,如今特里斯坦妻子的死又使他十分痛苦,她忍受不住这样的折磨以自杀结束了自己的生命。而特里斯坦此时已将所有的一切置之度外 ,他终于在父亲和大哥艾尔弗莱德的帮助下报了仇。 特里斯坦又重新过起艰苦的生活,他活的时间很长,他亲手送走了自己的父亲,又亲眼看着自己的孩子结婚生子,他是在60年代的一场与熊的激战中,被熊爪夺去生命的,他的死法很英勇…… 幕后: 布拉德·皮特奠定新一代银幕偶像的代表作,也是一部具有古典风味的言情片。影片生动流畅,将一个通俗爱情故事放置在20年跨度及优美的大自然中。摄影极为出色,镜头尤其“爱恋”彼特的美貌。西方影评界认为该片结构松散,表演单一,主题假正经,但在我国具有崇高的地位。 花絮: ·布拉德·皮特的角色一开始想请约翰尼·德普出演,但是他拒绝了。肖恩·康纳利和汤姆·克鲁斯也是最初考虑的主角人选。 ·片名指的是圣经中说的“纯真的堕落”,但是在瑞典被翻译成“Hostlegender”,意思是“秋天的传奇”,也就是我们熟悉的另一个译名:《秋日传奇》。 ·布拉德·皮特和朱丽娅·奥蒙德在拍摄本片前都从没骑过马。 ·本片原定拍摄地为加拿大中南部的温尼伯湖和马尼托巴湖,但是当地123拒绝了根据拍摄需要移走几棵树的要求,即使那些树拍完可以再移回来也不行。