

Potter, one of four daughters,[2] was born in Cleveland, Ohio, to an Irish American Roman Catholic[2][3] family. Her father, Paul Brokaw, was the inventor of the first flame-resistant car wax, and her mother, Nancy, was a secretary.[2] During her childhood, she was a part of the St. Jerome Parish in Cleveland, and attended the local elementary school, as well as Villa Angela Catholic School for Girls, before graduating from Euclid High School.[4] She also spent part of her early years in Arab, Alabama. Potter had wanted to be an actress since childhood, as well as a nun.  At the age of twelve, Potter started modeling and appearing in commercials in Chicago and Miami, before deciding to pursue an acting career.[citation needed] Her first role on television was as a \"Dalina\" in the English version of the Peruvian TV show Nubeluz.[citation needed] Then she found a role on the daytime soap opera The Young and the Restless as Sharon Newman in 1994.[citation needed]  She has appeared in several feature films, including Con Air (playing the wife of Nicolas Cage\'s character) and starring opposite Robin Williams in Patch Adams. In 1998, she played the love interest of doomed distance runner Steve Prefontaine in the movie Without Limits.  In 2001, she had two major roles, co-starring with Freddie Prinze Jr. in Head Over Heels, and in the thriller Along Came a Spider with Morgan Freeman, based on the James Patterson best-seller. She was a cast member of the television series Boston Legal but left during the second season. In 2004, Potter played the role Alison Gordon in the first Saw film. In 2009, Potter became a cast member of the new TNT series Trust Me which was cancelled after the first season due to low ratings. Potter currently plays the role of Kristina Braverman in NBC\'s comedy-drama Parenthood.  Potter was married to Tom Potter from 1990 to 1998, and they have two sons.[citation needed]  The song \"Mrs. Potter\'s Lullaby\" by Counting Crows was inspired by Monica. Adam Duritz saw her in a movie and wrote the song in response.  She\'s the aunt of MC Firebox  She married Daniel Christopher Allison, an orthopedic surgeon, in June 2005. Potter and Allison had their first child, a daughter named Molly Brigid Allison, on August 3, 2005.[citation needed]  Potter was named \"Best Movie Star Loyal to Cleveland\" by ClevelandScene.com for her insistence on keeping her family in the Ohio city even after Hollywood success. \"It\'s a great place to raise kids. I had a very happy childhood there, growing up on a special street where everyone knew everyone,\"[3] said Potter in an interview with Maxim magazine in March 2001.

简介:年仅二十岁的长跑天才史蒂夫·普瑞方丹在一次州际比赛中的出色表现引起了各大高校体育队的注意,很多大学的教练都慕名而来,希望史蒂夫能够加入。但桀骜不驯的史蒂夫却一个都没有看上,其实在他心底,真正有资格成为他教练的只有比尔·鲍卡——一个富有传奇色彩的田径教练。终于比尔·鲍卡所在的俄勒冈州立大学派人来游说史蒂夫,希望他能够到校队来。史蒂夫一直僵持着,直到比尔亲自写信邀请,他才答应入学。  比尔·鲍卡的训练方法十分特别,史蒂夫很快有了飞速的进步,但是这个毛头小子的莽撞和冲动还是让比尔不大满意。在俄勒冈大学,史蒂夫认识了一个名叫玛瑞的女孩,并对她展开了猛烈地追求,他发现这个女孩非常育与众不同,她迷人的气质深深吸引了他。在玛瑞的鼓励下,史蒂夫更加努力地参加训练。而比尔也彻底改变了他的生活,自身的优异条件加上专业的严格训练,使他一次又一次地打破纪录,获得国内冠军。终于凭借卓越的体能和技巧走进了奥运会,并在慕尼黑的那次奥运会上取得了第四名的好成绩。  正当所有人都为史蒂夫的出色表现欢呼时,史蒂夫自己却决定结束田径生涯。因为他不能接受自己的失败,哪怕第四名也是失败。女友和教练为此事一直在默默地鼓励他,终于使他重振雄心。在经历了冲击与波折后,史蒂夫开始了向长跑极限的挑战,并取得了不错的成绩。就在他的运动生涯如日中天的时候,不幸的事情发生了,这位天才在一次偶然的车祸中结束了他年仅24岁的生命。留给观众和朋友们永远的痛。