

Coolidge\'s diverse project range has given her a reputation for eclectic taste. Among a long list of working with Hollywood\'s finest, Coolidge also discovered great talents like Nicolas Cage (Valley Girl (1983)), Val Kilmer (Real Genius (1985)) and James Gandolfini (?Angie (1994)).  In addition to working with talented artists, Coolidge has received many awards for her work. Recognition has included a Best Director \"Spirit\" Award from the Independent Feature Project West, the \"Crystal Award\" from Women in Film, the Maverick Award from the LeFemme Film Festival, the distinguished \"Robert Aldrich Award\" from the Directors Guild of America, the \"Breakthrough Award\" from Women, Men & Media, and \"Lifetime Achievement Awards\" from Methodfest, the Dallas Film Festival, a \"Big Bear\" from the Big Bear Film Festival and the \"Award for Artist Excellence in Film\" from Rhode Island School of Design. She has been inducted into the Connecticut Women\'s Hall of Fame and the Museum of Television and Radio, and also helped found the Association of Independent Video and Filmmakers, Inc. and the IFP.  An avid horsewoman Ms. Coolidge breeds and shows Paso Fino horses and holds several National Championship titles. She is married to the Award winning Production Designer James H. Spencer and has one son, Preston, named in honor of one of her idols, producer/writer/director Preston Sturges.

“丹麦的王室继承人”——有这么一顶大帽子往脑袋上一扣,再加上俊秀挺拨的外表,爱德华王子(卢克·梅伯利饰)就有如刷了金粉的希腊雕像一样尊贵得让人难以正视。可惜,“众星拱月”的生活似乎宠坏了这么一位本应该很很优秀的领导者,爱德华王子就像一个惯于穿梭在花丛中的花花公子,开着名贵的跑车、享受着速食爱情,身边的女伴永远都是哥本哈根最可爱的姑娘。想当然,爱德华那异常出轨的不羁生活也成为了地方媒体争相报道的焦点话题,这些都颇为有损于王室的尊严,对此,就连罗莎琳德女王(米兰达·理查森饰)也无计可施。 地球的另一边,佩吉·摩根(朱莉娅·斯黛尔斯饰)是一位立志要成为医生有抱负的美国女孩,她利用上学的空档做兼职,同时还要抽出时间帮助家里料理位于威斯康星州的乳牛场,佩吉那排得满满的作息时间表永远都不会为了“浪漫”、“爱情”、“约会”这种无谓的字眼做浪费。 在一个电视广告的错误诱导下,当然,也是为了避开恼人的小报记者,爱德华王子化名为“埃迪”,和忠实的家臣索尔(本·米勒饰)以普通的身份来到美国佩吉就读的学校。跨越了半个地球,两个本来毫不相干的青春男女有了交集,虽然他们初次会面的情形并不十分愉快,但这只不过是爱情红娘开的小玩笑而已……爱情的不期而遇,打乱了佩吉有方向的生活步调。然而,爱德华王子注定要回到丹麦成为一国之王,佩吉能够放弃自己毕生的理想,去过“王子与公主的幸福生活”吗?