

Sullivan Stapleton is an Australian actor, who has appeared in many television series but is best known from his roles in Satisfaction and The Secret Life of Us. He is the brother of actress Jacinta Stapleton. He is also recognised for his role as Fearless in the film December Boys (2007), Officer Matt Henry in Darkness Falls (2003) and Craig Cody in Animal Kingdom. Most recently Sullivan Stapleton has appeared in the SKY (BSkyB) series Strike Back: Project Dawn.  In 2012, it was reported that Stapleton had been cast in \"a lead role\" in the movie 300: Battle of Artemisia. After some initial confusion as to what role he would play, it was confirmed Stapleton was cast as the Greek leader Themistocles.

该剧由《劳拉之谜》(The Mysteries of Laura)、《绿箭侠》(Arrow)和《闪电侠》(The Flash)制片人Greg Berlanti开发,实际编剧为来自《洛城公寓》的Martin Gero。故事描述一个浑身赤裸的、失去记忆的美貌女人(Jaimie Alexander)爬出时代广场上的一个旅行袋,其身体布满刚刚印上去不久的复杂纹身(看上去像是某种地图)。Jane Doe(无名氏)不知道那些纹身的含义,更不清楚自己的身份和来历,但有一个谜团令所有人都感到震惊:她后背上赫然印着联邦探员Kurt Weller(Sullivan Stapleton)的名字,仿佛那是某种「装饰」。上级命令Weller组建一个危机事件反应小组(Critical Incident Response Group,简称CIRG)对这个神秘女人进行调查。在危机四伏的调查过程中,Weller将逐渐了解Jane Doe的真实身份及一个超出他想象的大型犯罪阴谋。要阻止这个阴谋,他必须与Jane Doe通力合作——因为Jane Doe的身体蕴含着无穷的线索。Marianne Jean-Baptiste扮演FBI助理局长Bethany Mayfair,负责监管Weller及其团队的所有工作。Rob Brown扮演为人友善但执行任务毫不留情的Ramirez,Audrey Esparza扮演咄咄逼人的Tasha Oslo,他们均为危机事件反应小组的成员。Ukweli Roach扮演精神病专家Borden医生,他负责对Jane Doe进行心理评估和治疗。Ashley Johnson扮演危机事件反应小组的首席科技专家Patterson Leung。