

影片讲述了警官彼得(韦斯利·斯奈普斯 饰)奉命押解一名天才电脑罪犯李迪飞往另一监狱,在旅程当中却发生了意外,突然遭到恐怖分子袭击的彼得寡不敌众,李迪被其带走。原来这群专业犯罪团伙捉拿李迪的原因是希望利用李迪的电脑知识去偷窃秘密资料来换取暴利,而彼得为了阻止他们,只有在一万五千尺的高空与他们展开一场追捕,一番激烈的追逐之后,人质是否能够顺利获救,而面对如此高空的对决,彼得是不是能够凭借娴熟的驾驶技巧获得成功?

韦斯利·斯奈普斯,美国演员。早在高中的时候,他就发觉了他体内的表演细胞。纽约大学毕业之后,研习剧场艺术及舞蹈,就读《名扬四海》片中的表演学校2年,并曾于百老汇、林肯中心表演。虽然由于高大的体型和一身健美的肌肉,使他得以在多部运动片中表现所长,包括《小野猫吃大老虎》中的足球员、篮球员等。1989年他就以电视影片《Vietnam War Stories》获ACE最佳男演员奖,早早就展露了他的锋芒,但是他真正发迹的机会,是在Michael Jackson音乐录影带《Bad》中,饰演威胁Michael的主要舞者之一。在这部mtv之中他展露了精湛的舞蹈和演技,吸引了黑人名导演史派克·李的目光,而让他有机会与但泽尔·华盛顿一起参予电影《爱情至上》,诠释一个才华洋溢的萨克斯风吹奏手。藉著这个角色的拉抬,加上前一年在电影《大联盟》中主演一个天赋异秉的棒球选手,卫斯理史奈普成功的踏出通往好莱坞的第一步。
A blond-haired, fair-complexioned actor with a toothy grin and capable of an unsettling glint in his eyes, Gary Busey was born in Goose Creek, Texas, and was raised in Oklahoma. He is the son of Sadie Virginia (Arnett), a homemaker, and Delmar Lloyd Busey, a construction design manager. He has English, as well as Irish, Scottish, and German, ancestry. He graduated from Nathan Hale High School in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1962 and for a while was a professional musician. A talented drummer, he played in several bands, including those of country-and-western legends Leon Russell, Kris Kristofferson and Willie Nelson.  Busey\'s first film appearance was as a biker in the low-budget Angels Hard as They Come (1971) and, over the next few years, he landed several film roles generally as a country hick/redneck or surly, rebellious types. His real breakthrough came in the dynamic film The Buddy Holly Story (1978), with Busey taking the lead role as Buddy Holly, in addition to playing guitar and singing all the vocals! His stellar performance scored him a Best Actor nomination and the attention of Hollywood taking overcasting agents. Next up, he joined fellow young actors William Katt and Jan-Michael Vincent as surfing buddies growing up together in the cult surf film Big Wednesday (1978), directed by John Milius. However, a string of appearances in somewhat mediocre films took him out of the spotlight for several years, until he played the brutal assassin Mr. Joshua trying to kill Los Angeles cops Mel Gibson and Danny Glover in the runaway mega-hit Lethal Weapon (1987). Further strong roles followed, including alongside Danny Glover once again in Predator 2 (1990). He was back on the beaches, this time tracking bank robbers with FBI agent Keanu Reeves, in Point Break (1991) and nearly stole the show as a psychotic Navy officer in league with terrorists led by Tommy Lee Jones taking over the USS Missouri in the highly popular Under Siege (1992).
杨茜·巴特勒(Yancy Butler)1970年7月2日出生于美国纽约,是一位演员。
Luca Bercovici是一名演员,代表作品有《单身汉派对》、《暗夜列车》等。
Grace Zabriskie是一个演员,主要作品有《法官老爹》、《坏警察:第一章》等。