

埃文·贝赫场( 盖·皮尔斯饰)是一所文科院校—艾迪生学院的哲学教授。这所学校位于一个风景如画的海滨小镇。埃文·贝赫场和他的妻子艾伦·贝赫(明妮·德瑞弗饰)、孩子泽尔达、亚当在这个美丽的小镇过着田园般的生活。然而 ,这种生活因埃文曾经与学生发生不正当关系而被打破。当学生乔伊斯(奥德娅·拉什饰)莫名其妙失踪时,人们纷纷把目光投向了埃文,他因此成为了这起失踪案的主要嫌疑人。原先幸福美满的家庭也因这件事变得支离破碎。警探马洛伊(皮尔斯·布鲁斯南饰)是这起案件的主要负责人。在埃文再次反击之前,马洛伊竭力想要揭开这起案件的真相。

十八九岁时,布鲁斯南进了戏剧学校学习表演。然后他参加了一些电视剧的拍摄,但始终都是担任一些不引人注目的小角色,布迟迟没有成名的机会。在妻子的劝说下,布鲁斯南来到了美国加州寻找机会。  运气很快来临。布鲁斯南被一位导演相中,在电视连续剧《斯蒂尔传奇》中饰演主角斯蒂尔。他成熟的演技和潇洒的风度令大批观众为之倾倒。一时之间,他成了在加州家喻户晓的人物。《斯蒂尔传奇》大受欢迎,连续播出了六年之久。这部电视剧使布鲁...
生于英格兰剑桥郡,三岁时举家迁往澳大利亚。自幼喜爱表演,大银幕上的突破是1994年的《沙漠妖姬》,后跟澳洲同乡罗素·克洛一齐出演《洛城机密》。2000年以失忆症为题材的另类佳作《记忆碎片》,其表演极具震撼力,前景看好。 盖•皮尔斯很早就开始演习,11岁时就加入当地剧团,在一些剧中充当业余角色,如《国王和我》、《爱丽丝梦游仙境》和《绿野仙踪》。1985年,就在他结束高中考试的第二天,他就开始在广受欢迎的澳洲肥皂剧《邻居》里饰...
出生于英国伦敦,原名爱梅丽亚·德里弗,明妮是她儿时的昵称,身高1.78米。在巴巴多斯岛长大。曾就读于巴黎和格勒诺布尔的精修学校和伦敦的韦伯·道格拉斯戏剧艺术学院。她的姐妹凯特·德里弗是一名模特。她的右臀部有一个玫瑰文身。曾经是伦敦的爵士歌手和吉他手。2001年8月,正式宣布与男友演员乔什·布洛林订婚。在此之前有两名男友泰勒·霍金斯,马特·达蒙。同年10月就宣布与男友关系破裂。声称与男友分手的原因之一是他的继母芭芭拉·史翠珊多次试图干涉她的婚礼。2004年,完成了她的首张专辑《Everything I\'ve Got In My Pocket》。明妮的歌唱起步于青少年时期,刚开始,她在伦敦的爵士俱乐部驻唱,随后加入一个与Island音乐厂牌签有合约的乐团,虽然,该团与Island的合约后来生变,但是,明妮仍不放弃,转而与EMI洽谈个人唱片合约,不过,最后却因电影《他们爱的故事》的走红,不得不将歌唱事业的发展计画搁置。2004年,德里弗终于实现了唱歌的梦想,发行了首张专辑。
Alexandra Shipp is from Phoenix, Arizona and moved to Los Angeles to pursue an acting career at 17. She is best known for her role as KT Rush in the Belgian/American/British Teen Drama Mystery television series of Nickelodeon: House of Anubis. Alexandra is a talented singer/songwriter and is in the process of recording her first EP due out in early 2014.
影视作品:  83年春假 Spring Break '83 (2008) .....Ballzack  性事电影 Extreme Movie (2008) .....Mateus  街舞新曲 Kickin It Old Skool (2007) .....Justin Schumacher  杰米-肯尼迪喜剧秀 Jamie Kennedy: Unwashed (2006) .....Himself  变相怪杰2 Son of the Mask (2005) .....Tim Avery  寻堡奇遇 Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (2004) .....Creepy Guy  马里布绑票案 Malibu's Mos...
演员,编剧,导演。好莱坞著名龙套,最有名的角色是四部漫威漫画改编的电影《钢铁侠》,《钢铁侠2》,《雷神》,《复仇者联盟》极相关短片中的探员Coulson,被誉为史上最有存在感的酱油。2008年导演处女作《窒息》刚完成3天就拿去圣丹斯电影节参展,并且获得当年圣丹斯电影节评审特别奖。  克拉克·格雷格身上总是透着一种居家男人的稳重和平和,所以他饰演的角色并没有太多的情绪宣泄,也没有很高的知名度,经常在独立小制作中露脸的他也出演过不少剧情大片,却无一例外的都在饰演配角。但他内敛而不失气度的表演无疑使他具有相当强的存在感,十分符合人物该有的性格特点,不失为一大看点。“他跑龙套,但总有一个瞬间光芒万丈。”
Rush was born in Haifa, Israel. Her name, \"Odeya\", means \"Thank God\", in Hebrew.[1] She moved to the United States when she was nine, so her father, Shlomo, could take a job as a security consultant in Alabama.[2][3] Rush is Jewish, and attended N.E. Miles Jewish Day School in Birmingham, AL, where they lived.[1][4] She later moved to New Jersey, where she attends public school.[5] Rush has six brothers, including two sets of twins.[2][6]  She has appeared in short films and commercials and in the television series Curb Your Enthusiasm in the episode \"Mister Softee,\" as Emily, and Law and Order SVU, in the episode \"Branded,\" in which she played the character Hannah Milner.[7][8] She played Joni Jerome, the best friend of Timothy, in the Peter Hedges-directed Disney film The Odd Life of Timothy Green.[9]  In May 2012, it was confirmed that Rush will be cast as young Mary in \'Mary, Mother of the Christ,\' the Hollywood prequel to The Passion of the Christ.[10]
Freya’s first professional role was “Young Joan” in Caryl Churchill’s play “Far Away” for The Black Swan Theatre Company in 2008.Since then, she’s been extremely busy, working consistently in a series of films including the short film “Bootleg”, a singing role in the short film “Light as a Feather”, directed by Damien Spiccia, “X”, directed by Jon Hewitt, 3 voiceovers for the production “Bully for You” and the television miniseries “Cloudstreet” based on Tim Winton’s award winning novel. Freya stars in a support role as “Young Hat Lamb”.  Most recently she was the lead, a deaf girl in the short film “Beneath the Waves” by Award winning Director Renee Marie. A demanding role requiring Freya to learn sign language.  Freya was spotted by a Talent scout in 2010 and was recommended her to manager Ken Jacobson in Los Angeles. Jacobson has been guiding unknown actors to success in the television and film industry for 27 years, and maintains an extremely small list of select clients. Freya flew to LA to meet with him, and he was so smitten, he signed her on the spot. He then arranged a meeting with a number of top LA agents and signed with The Gersh Agency.  In 2012 Freya was cast In Hemlock Grove, the Netflix series directed by Eli Roth.
Overview (2)  BornApril 17, 1961 in London, England, UK  Height5\' 9\" (1.75 m)  Mini Bio (1)  Where are you from? Is a popular question that Carlo has no rapid answer for. Born in the U.K and raised in Italy, Hong Kong, the Bahamas and Canada. Add a family history that spans Spain, France, Italy and time spent in Argentina, India, Morrocco and you have pan- cultural on a good day, culturally confused on a not so good day and on a middling day Carlo is from Eagle Rock CA! His father, an internationally renowned and errant (thus the traveling) chef, instilled in him a passion for fine cuisine. This led to Carlo co-creating, hosting and directing a popular documentary-styled show about food entitled the The Great Canadian Food Show. On screen, Carlo plays a lot of very bad men.  - IMDb Mini Biography By: Chet Mehta & Anonymous  Spouse (1)  Nazneen Contractor(1 April 2010 - present)  Trivia (4)  Carlo Rota hosts The Great Canadian Food Show - a show in which he travels across Canada in search of the country\'s best culinary delights. Carlo was recently nominated for a prestigious James Beard Award for excellence in culinary journalism. The Great Canadian Food Show visits every province to experience Canada\'s wealth of ethnic and regional influence, whether it\'s Ukrainian perogies in the prairie flatlands or Cambodian noodle soup in Vancouver.  Did not start acting until he was 30 years old.  Worked in the Culinary industry before becoming an Actor.  He and his wife, Nazneen Contractor have both appeared in 24 (2001), though in different seasons. Rota appeared as Morris O\'Brian in seasons five to seven, while Contractor played Kayla Hassan in the show\'s eighth and final season.