

故事发生在一艘名为“尤金·奥涅金”的货轮上,这艘货轮运送着一批特殊的货物——动物,它的目的地是位于奥德萨的一家马戏团。仿佛是上帝开的一个玩笑,一只黑猩猩从笼子里溜了出来,聪明伶俐的他决心让伙伴们也尝尝自由的滋味,就这样,他打开了所有的笼子。   一时间,封闭的甲板成为了大型的野生动物园,骇人的狮子和老虎竟然在其上闲庭信步,而身为“自由斗士”的黑猩猩俨然将自己当成了一船之主。面对着充满了野性的动物们,船长和船员们手足无措,正当一帮大男人们被吓得瑟瑟发抖之时,一个名叫玛丽安娜(玛格丽塔·娜扎罗娃 Margarita Nazarova 饰)的妙龄女子以救命稻草的形象出现在了众人的面前。

Ivan Dmitriyev was a Russian character actor known as Gorelov in the criminal drama Krutye gorki (1957) by director Nikolai Rozantsev.  He was born Ivan Petrovich Dmitriyev on 30 July 1915, in Vyshny Volochiok, Tver Province, Russia. From 1932 to 1936 he studied acting under the legendary Yuri Yuriev at the Leningrad Institute of Theatre, Music, and Cinematography, graduating with honors in 1936. That same year he made his stage debut in the Lermontov\'s \"Masquerade\" by director Vsevolod Meyerhold.  Ivan Dmitriyev had a stellar career as a stage actor. For several years he worked at various stage companies in Leningrad, such as, Theatre of Comedy and Theatre of the Baltic Fleet. From 1948 to 1973 he was a permanent member of the troupe and the leading actor at the Theatre of Komissarzhevskoi in St. Petersburg. There, Ivan Dmitriyev made memorable appearances in various classic and contemporary plays.  From 1974 to 2000 he was a permanent member of the troupe and the leading actor of the Pushkin Drama Theatre in Leningrad (St. Petersburg). His most memorable stage appearance was as Satin in \"The Lower Depths\" by Maxim Gorky. Besides his appearance as Gorelov in the criminal drama Krutye gorki (1957) by director Nikolai Rozantsev, Dmitriev also appeared in several memorable supporting roles, such as, Starpom in Polosatyy reys (1961年前苏联电影《运虎记》中的大副) and as Varentsov in criminal drama Menya eto ne kasaetsya (1976) by director Gerbert Rappaport.  Ivan Dmitriyev was designated People\'s Artist of the USSR (1980). He also taught acting as professor at the Institute of Theatre, Music, and Cinematography. He died of a heart failure on 23 October 2003, in St. Petersburg, and was laid to rest in the Necropolis of Masters of Art \"Literatorskie Mostki\" at the Volkovo Cemetery in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Алиса Фрейндлих