

玛利亚(朱丽·安德鲁斯 饰)是一个年轻活泼的修女,喜欢在大自然下高声歌唱,所以她常常忘记了修道院里的规矩。院长认为玛利亚并不属于规矩严格的修道院。院长与众嬷嬷商量后,决定安排玛利亚到一位名叫特拉普(克里斯托弗·普卢默 饰)上校家当家庭教师。上校的妻子去世多年,留下7个孩子,他要求对孩子严格管教。他告诉玛利亚在他家的家庭教师都做不长久,都是因为孩子的恶作剧。玛利亚果然也遭到了恶作剧,可是这位善良的老师并没有告诉他们的父亲,而是像个母亲一样照顾孩子,很快跟孩子打成一片。上校也渐渐在玛利亚的引导下改变了对孩子们的态度。上校与玛利亚之间发生了感情,他们完婚后回到了已被纳粹占领的奥地利,上校并不想为纳粹办事,一家人准备逃跑……

罗伯特·怀斯,美国电影导演、制片人,多次荣获奥斯卡金像奖。他的作品也是属于“温良谦让型”的,极具亲和力,没有一丝咄咄逼人的气息。但很多经典都是他的手笔,包括被很多人视为电影艺术之颠峰的《公民凯恩》就由他担任“剪刀手”。 怀斯出生于印第安纳州温彻斯特。起初在雷电华电影公司担任音频剪辑师,但是不久便凭借影片《公民凯恩》(1941年)荣获奥斯卡最佳剪辑奖,当时怀斯是该影片制作组中唯一一位仍在世的工作人员。 尽管在影片《公...
克里斯托弗·普卢默(Christopher Plummer)在1929年12月13日生于加拿大多伦多市。他是位舞台出身的名演员。早年,他在加拿大的某一个业余剧团里,学习演技,而后才到百老汇谋求发展,不久因伦敦方面行情看涨,乃转至英国舞台演莎士比亚名剧。现在的克里斯托弗·普卢默如此辗转多年,在汇集各地的名气后,1965年凭借《音乐之声》出名,1968年,始发表《女伶心愿》,踏入电影界。1964年,他与茱丽安德鲁斯合演的《真善美》(又名《音乐之声》),使他一夜间成为无人...
Nicholas Hammond是一名演员,主要的作品有《朱门恩怨》、《鹰冠庄园》等。
朱莉·安德鲁斯(Julie Andrews),1935年10月1日出生于英国萨里郡。英国女演员、歌手、舞蹈家及戏剧导演,同时也是多部畅销儿童读物的作者,联合国妇女开发基金会的“亲善大使”。1954年,首次登台百老汇演出《The Boy Friend》,获得了世界戏剧奖。1964年的电影处女作《欢乐满人间》和1965年的《音乐之声》,均取得较大成功,前者为她赢得了奥斯卡奖、金球奖、桂冠奖、格莱美奖等,后者则取得了奥斯卡提名、金球奖最佳女主角。知名度由此急升。1964年至1967年间,一系列的电影拍摄使她成为最成功的电影明星,并蝉联了两年的好莱坞最卖座的女明星。20世纪90年代,她的喉咙便出现异样,直到1997年开刀割除肿瘤后,朱莉·安德鲁斯暂时告别了演唱事业。不成功的肿瘤切除手术导致她的声带损坏。2000年至今,英国女王授予朱莉安德鲁斯爵士头衔。BBC评选100位最伟大的英国人,朱莉·安德鲁斯排在第59位。芝加哥市长理查·戴利称朱莉·安德鲁斯为“演艺界传奇人物”,并且将11月15日命名为芝加哥市的“朱莉·安德鲁斯日”,以表达对她的敬意。2015年《音乐之声》50周年之际,作为“最佳原创歌曲”的颁奖嘉宾参加奥斯卡盛典。2019年9月2日,获第76届威尼斯国际电影节终身成就奖。
著名美国女演员,早年活跃于舞台,40年代的时候开始在电影界发展,50年代在米高梅期间事业达到顶峰。埃琳诺.帕克容貌端庄,气质出众,且演技精湛,因为可以塑造任何类型的角色所以被人称作“千面帕克” ( Woman of a Thousand Faces)。曾经凭借《铁窗红泪》,《大侦探故事》和《西厢情断》3次获得奥斯卡最佳女主角的提名,并且凭借《铁窗红泪》问鼎威尼斯电影节最佳女主角。60年代出演了《音乐之声》,后来她开始出演一些电视,并收获艾美奖和金球奖的提名。
Portia Nelson,演员,主要作品有《天使的愤怒》、《停不了的音乐》、《死亡游戏》等。
Marni Nixon是一名演员,主要作品有《百老汇:远去的黄金年代》、《花木兰》等。
She is mainly known for her role as Liesl, the eldest Von Trapp daughter in The Sound of Music where she starred with Julie Andrews, Christopher Plummer, Nicholas Hammond, Heather Menzies, Duane Chase, Angela Cartwright, Debbie Turner, and Kym Karath.  Carr was born Charmian Farnon in Chicago, Illinois. She is the second child of vaudeville actress Rita Oehman and musician Brian Farnon, who named her Charmian after a character from Shakespeare\'s play Antony and Cleopatra.[1][2] She has two sisters, one older and one younger. Her sisters, both actresses, are Shannon Farnon and Darleen Carr.  While Charmian was attending college part-time and working for a doctor, her mother arranged for her to audition for a role in The Sound of Music. Charmian\'s mother had not asked her if she wanted to audition for the part, but Charmian grew up in a show business family and said that she knew that her mother would consider her getting a part in a film more important than earning a college diploma. Director Robert Wise thought Farnon too long a surname for her, and after he had given her a list of single syllable surnames, she chose Carr. She won the role of Liesl over Geraldine Chaplin, Patty Duke, Mia Farrow and Sharon Tate.[3]  The film was on the whole a very happy experience for her. During the filming of her dance scene with Rolf in the gazebo, however, the costume crew forgot to put no-slip pads on her shoes, she slid through a window of the gazebo and she \"had to complete the scene in agony.\"[4]  with Anthony Perkins in Evening Primrose, 1966.Carr also appeared in Evening Primrose, a one-hour musical written by Stephen Sondheim, which aired on television\'s ABC Stage 67 in 1966. The male lead was Anthony Perkins. She has written two books, Forever Liesl and Letters to Liesl.  While publicising The Sound of Music after its release, Carr met Jay Brent, whom she married in May 1967. She retired from acting to raise her two daughters, Jennifer and Emily, and to establish an interior decorating company. The marriage lasted until 1991.  Carr now owns and operates Charmian Carr Designs in Encino, California. Her interior decorating clients included Ernest Lehman, screenwriter for The Sound of Music; Michael Jackson, who hired her because he was a fan of the film; and other cast members from the film.[5]  On December 12, 2007, Carr made a rare television appearance as a guest on Loose Women where she shared some of her memories of making The Sound of Music with the hosts.