


Melville Shavelson (April 1, 1917 – August 8, 2007) was an American film director, producer, screenwriter, and author. He was President of the Writers Guild of America, West (WGAw) from 1969 to 1971, 1979 to 1981, and 1985 to 1987. He came to Hollywood in 1938 as one of comedian Bob Hope\'s joke writers, a job he held for the next five years. He is responsible for the screenplays of such Hope films as The Princess and the Pirate (1944), Where There\'s Life (1947), The Great Lover (1949), and Sorrowful Jones (1949), which also starred Lucille Ball.  Shavelson was nominated twice for Academy Awards for Best Original Screenplay -- first for 1955\'s The Seven Little Foys, starring Hope in a rare dramatic role, and then for 1958\'s Houseboat. He shared both nominations with Jack Rose. He also directed both films.  Other films he wrote and directed include Beau James (1957), The Five Pennies (1959) for which he won a Screen Writers Guild Award, It Started in Naples (1960), On the Double (1961), The Pigeon That Took Rome (1962), A New Kind of Love (1963), Cast a Giant Shadow (1966), and Yours, Mine and Ours (1968), which starred Henry Fonda and again with Lucille Ball. The film, a comedy about a widow (Lucille Ball) and a widower (Henry Fonda) raising 18 children together. When Ms. Ball later asked Mr. Shavelson how he enjoyed directing her, The Associated Press reported, he replied, “Lucy, this is the first time I ever made a film with 19 children.” Ms. Ball was not amused. In addition to his film work, Shavelson created two Emmy award-winning television series and wrote for a dozen Academy Award shows.  He also wrote,produced and co-directed the six-hour ABC screenplay to the 1979 television miniseries Ike about Dwight D. Eisenhower, based on the World War II exploits of Gen. Dwight Eisenhower. He also wrote, miniseries Ike, The War Years.  Shavelson\'s autobiography, published by BearManor Media in April 2007, is entitled How to Succeed in Hollywood Without Really Trying, P.S. - You Can\'t! Shavelson wrote several other books, including, with Mr. Hope, “Don’t Shoot, It’s Only Me: Bob Hope’s Comedy History of the United States” (Putnam, 1990), and How to Make a Jewish Movie (1971), a memoir of his experiences while producing and directing Cast a Giant Shadow, and the Hollywood-themed novel Lualda (1973).  Shavelson was a noted instructor at USC\'s Master of Professional Writing Program from 1998-2006. He taught screenwriting, who often cracked to his students, \"I\'m a writer by choice, a producer by necessity and a director in self-defense.\"  Shavelson\'s first wife, Lucille, died in 2000. He was married to his second wife, Ruth Florea, from 2001 until his death in 2007. He had two children, Lynne Joiner and Richard Shavelson.
柯克·道格拉斯,美国著名演员。父母亲是从俄国移民赴美的犹太农民,为了进莎拉劳伦斯大学研修戏剧,曾干过侍者等工作。身手矫健的他,曾是有名的职业摔角好手。1941年二战爆发前登上百老汇舞台,但不久就加入美国海军。战后退伍回到演艺圈,1949年在影片《夺得锦标归》里饰演矫健的拳击手,获奥斯卡最佳男主角提名,终于一炮而红。在50和60年代是著名的硬汉型巨星,戏路广阔,曾以1953年《玉女奇男》和1956年《梵高传》再度提名金像奖。50年代晚期成立自己的制作公司,开拍了《光荣之路》、《万夫莫敌》等佳作。一直至90年代中期仍有演出。其子迈克尔·道格拉斯继承衣钵,获得奥斯卡最佳男主角,成为一代巨星。 为他50年来对电影事业持续的创新精神,美国电影艺术与科学学院颁给其奥斯卡终身成就奖。
上世纪五十年代安吉·迪克森开始了她的演艺生涯。她在电视剧《死谷岁月》(Death Valley Days)、《荒野镖客》(Gunsmoke)和《梅森探案集》(Perry Mason)中都固定出演了一些角色,同时还在其它剧集中客串演出。  作为男人们心目中的性感偶像,这位完美的金发女郎1959年首次登上大银幕,出演了霍华德·霍克导演的《赤胆屠龙》(Rio Bravo)。此后又主演了《生死恨》(The Bramble Bush)、《十一罗汉》(Ocean’s Eleven)、《侬本痴情君薄幸》(The Sins of Rachel Cade)、《杀人者》(The Killers)、《爱的艺术》(The Art of Love)、《黑幕落下》(Cast a Giant Shadow)以及大热的犯罪片《步步惊魂》(Point Blank)。  六、七十年代,安吉·迪克森还一直活跃在电视银屏上,出演了大量剧集和电视片。最出名的角色是在七十年代中期风靡一时的电视剧集《女警察》(Police Woman)中扮演的绰号“胡椒”的洛杉矶警官安德森。这个角色使她获得了三次艾美奖和四次金球奖的提名,并获得其中一项金球奖。  1980年,安吉主演了布莱恩·德·帕尔玛导演的惊悚片《剃刀边缘》( Dressed to Kill)。她完美的表演和在蒸汽浴室中的丽影一起引起了人们广泛的关注。后来,有人揭露浴室里的镜头是由替身出演的,但这并未影响到对她的美誉。  八、九十年代,安吉主要还是出演各类电视剧集和电视片,包括主演侦探短剧集《卡西公司》(Cassie & Co)、迷你剧集《好莱坞的妻子们》(Hollywood Wives)和《野棕榈》(Wild Palms),同时还在许多电视片和连续剧中客串。此外,她还在电影《蓝调牛仔妹》(Even Cowgirls Get the Blues)和重拍片《新龙凤配》(Sabrina)中担任角色。  进入新世纪后,安吉不再经常拍戏了,但是我们依然可以在电影《风情万种》( Duets)、《让爱传出去》( Pay It Forward)和《坏坏的爱》(Big Bad Love)以及2009年的电视片《修篱笆》(Mending Fence)等片中见到她的身影。