
导演:Patrick Read Johnson


乔·曼特纳,美国演员、导演和编剧,曾在多部经典影片中担任角色,如《教父III》的Joey Zasa,还参演过美剧《犯罪心理》。
劳拉·弗林·鲍尔, 美国女演员。
乔·潘托里亚诺(英文名:Joseph Peter Pantoliano),男,1951年9月12日生于新泽西州,美国演员、制片、导演、配音。1978年进入演艺圈,代表作有《太阳帝国》、《午夜狂奔》、《亡命天涯》、《就地正法》等。
1966年4月9日出生于美国的纽约市,毕业于纽约市亨特学院附属中学,就读于伯纳德戏剧学院。她出演的第一部电影是在1980年拍摄的《小可爱》(Little Darlings),此后她便成为百老汇的一名演员,时而出现在百老汇的舞台上,她演出的、著名的百老汇剧作包括《巴利胡的最后之夜》(The Last Night of Ballyhoo)、《轻率之举》(Indiscretions)、《美国天使》(Angels in America)、《海蒂纪事》(The Heidi Chronicles)和《女人们》(The Women)等;她因为在舞台上的出色表演而获得的奖项包括“戏剧世界奖”和洛杉矶戏剧评论人协会奖,于2005年被VHL评为“世界上100名最优秀的童星”,此外她还获得过一次“托尼奖”提名,并于2006年6月11日获得“托尼奖”戏剧类最佳女主角奖。
埃迪·布莱肯(Eddie Bracken 1915–2002 ),演员,主要作品《第75届奥斯卡颁奖典礼》、《超能塞豆隆》、《金臂小子》。
尼尔·弗林(Neil Flynn)1960年11月13日出生于美国伊利诺斯州沃基根,毕业于布拉德利大学,美国著名男演员、编剧、动画配音演员。1982年11月,首次参演英国电视剧《Brookside》饰演Sozza。1989年4月,首次参演美国喜剧电影《大联盟》饰演码头工人。2001年10月,参演美国喜剧《实习医生风云》饰演The Janitor。2009年1月,参演电视短片喜剧《Monkey Talk》饰演凯文并担任编剧。2009年9月,参演美国家庭情景喜剧《左右不逢源》饰演迈克·赫克。
Lara Flynn Boyle was born in Davenport, Iowa on March 24, 1970 to 21-year old Sally Boyle. For Sally and young Lara, money was not plentiful so Sally was required to work three jobs in addition to raising baby Lara by herself. Since Lara was mostly around Sally, they developed a bond that still binds Lara and Sally today. Until recently, Sally lived with Lara. Now they only live 10 minutes away from each other. Growing up, Lara had many struggles including dyslexia and a learning disability. Still, she could not let that get to her and she knew she had to be strong. She finally graduated, and, the day after doing so, she and her mother, Sally, moved. They drove on what would be \"the road to fame\". She soon landed roles in movies like Poltergeist III (1988) and Wayne\'s World (1992). Since then, she has become a prolific actress on both the small screen and the big screen.  Height5\' 6\" (1.68 m)
约翰·内威尔(John Neville),1925年5月2日生于英国伦敦,演员。
Jack Baird是一名演员,代表作品有《超能塞豆隆》。
迈克·斯塔尔(Mike Starr),美国演员,主要作品有《The Grasslands》《Lonely Street》等。
https://informationcradle.com/kirsten-nelson/(父母错,与同名者混淆)  Kirsten Nelson was born on October 3, 1966(1970?), in Oklahoma, but was raised in Chicago, Illinois. Nelson grew up playing the piano and singing and has said “I wanted to be a concert pianist at Carnegie Hall, that is what I wanted to do from really early on. There she attended Northwestern University and became a founding member of Chicago\'s Roadworks Theatre Ensemble. Afterward, she moved to Los Angeles, California.  Among Psych, Nelson\'s other roles include Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The O\'Keefes, The Fugitive, Frasier and Boy Meets World.  According to USA Network\'s \"Psych All Night\" event, Kirsten\'s favorite episode is \"There Might Be Blood.\"