

本片根据真实事件改编1970年,来自美国长岛中产阶级家庭的青年希斯(Brad Davis饰)与女友来到土耳其度假,临行前希斯偷携了两公斤大麻,不料登机时暴露,并因藏匿毒品被捕。希斯在被押往监狱的路上逃脱失败后又遭监狱官毒打,所幸他很快结识了两位狱友:吉米(Randy Quaid 饰)与艾力(Norbert Weisser 饰),并开始逐渐熟悉土耳其监狱中如露天市场般混乱荒诞的生活环境。虽经父亲多方努力,但希斯仍不得不忍受四年刑期。四年后即将出狱时却正逢美土交恶,希斯不巧被改判三十年,成为了外交的牺牲品。艾力这时又刑满释放,希斯的承受力面临崩溃,最终决定加入到吉米的逃狱计划中去……

艾伦·帕克(Alan Parker),1944年2月14日出生于英国伦敦伊斯灵顿,英国导演、编剧、制作人。1971年,担任剧情电影《两小无猜》的编剧。1976年,凭借犯罪喜剧电影《龙蛇小霸王》入围第30届英国电影学院奖电影奖-最佳导演奖。1978年,凭借剧情电影《午夜快车》入围第51届奥斯卡金像奖最佳导演奖。1980年,由其执导的歌舞电影《名扬四海》上映。1984年,执导的剧情电影《鸟人》获得第38届戛纳国际电影节主竞赛单元-评审团大奖。1988年,凭借惊悚电影《密西西比在燃烧》入围第61届奥斯卡金像奖最佳导演奖。1991年,凭借音乐喜剧电影《追梦者》获得第4届东京国际电影节主竞赛单元-最佳导演奖。1996年,执导音乐传记电影《贝隆夫人》,该片入围第50届英国电影学院奖电影奖-最佳剧本-改编奖。2003年,执导犯罪悬疑电影《大卫·戈尔的一生》,并担任该片的制作人,该片入围第53届柏林国际电影节主竞赛单元。2005年,获得桑德兰大学艺术荣誉博士学位。2013年,获得第66届英国电影学院奖终身成就奖。
Randy Quaid is an Academy Award-nominated actor, for his performance in The Last Detail (1973) . Hal Ashby directed Quaid in the role of Meadows opposite Jack Nicholson and Otis Young. Quaid is a great and much-admired actor that has been recognized by Hollywood and the world\'s finest directors, Midnight Express, The Last Picture Show, Ice Harvest (2005), Real Time (2008), King Carlos in Goya\'s Ghosts (2006) for director Milos Forman. Forman cast Quaid as \"King Carlos IV of Spain\" after seeing his Golden Globe-nominated performance as The Colonel in Elvis. Quaid also starred in such mainstream favorites as Kingpin (1996), Vacation (1983), Christmas Vacation (1989) and Independence day (1996).  Quaid earned a Golden Globe for portraying Lyndon Johnson, and received a Golden Globe Nomination for incarnating \"Colonel\" Tom Parker in Elvis (2005). The portrait of Colonel Parker, a former carnival barker with a murky past, is dark. The New York Times said \"Mr. Quaid is riveting as the bully of Graceland\" when he has Elvis firmly under his thumb, he is the L.B.J. of rock \'n\' roll - a towering, wheedling, tirelessly self-promoting Southern fox in the rare instances when Elvis defies him, Colonel Parker shrinks into a hand-wringing phony, cajoling his only client in the overly ornate language of Professor Marvel in \"The Wizard of Oz\".  Quaid stars in and was nominated for The Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a cast for his work in Brokeback Mountain(2005), directed by Ang Lee from a script written by Larry McMurtry, who also wrote The Last Picture Show (1971) in which Quaid had his first feature film role. Working with McMurtry and supporting his material has become a Randy Quaid career tradition. Quaid\'s performance in Brokeback Mountain (2005) was listed as one of the New York Observer\'s 2005 Noteworthy male performances. In 2009 Randy Quaid Won the Vancouver Critics Award for Best Male Performance in the Feature Film Real-Time for the Role of Rubin