


乔治·克鲁尼出身在演员世家,父亲尼克·克鲁尼也是一名职业演员,因此乔治·克鲁尼在五岁时,就曾经在父亲的节目演出。但是他直到21岁时才打定主意进入演艺界,搬到洛杉矶居住。他连续演了将近几部电视影集,都没有引起注意。他自己曾经说过:“在电视界最好的演员不见得有最好的际遇,因为他们需要的人不见得是演技最好的,而是最有自信的。”在了解这个道理后,加上自信的乔治·克鲁尼果然展现了无与伦比的性感魅力,《急诊室的故事》让他开始首度尝到走红的滋味,这时他的年纪已经超过三十了。  让他跃登银幕偶像的是电影《一日钟情》,乔治·克鲁尼在片中展现了他不太循规蹈矩的潇洒魅力,他和米歇尔·菲佛也荣登当年最登对性感偶像。随后他一路走红,出演了相当众多的卖座影片,诸如《红色警戒》、《蝙蝠侠与罗宾》、《完美风暴》、《十一罗汉》等一系列出色的作品,令他一直跻身于好莱坞一线演员的阵容。  在演艺事业上获得成功的同时,他又开始尝试执导影片,初试牛刀的《危险思想的自白》一举获得银狮奖,在2005年又推出第二部导演作品《晚安,好运》又一次成为奥斯卡的热门影片。2008年的导演作品是发生在上世纪20年代的运动题材影片《爱情达阵》。  2008年再次与科恩兄弟联手,在他们的黑色喜剧《阅后即焚》中扮演了一个看似潇洒其实与其他人一样可悲的风流官员。而接下来克鲁尼的工作则包括:为韦斯·安德森的动画片《了不起的狐狸爸爸》配音,主演《朱诺》导演贾森·雷特曼的新片《在云端》、乔·卡纳汉的犯罪题材影片《白色爵士》、以及与伊万·麦克格雷格和凯文·史派西主演历史题材影片《以眼杀人》。
朱莉亚·罗伯茨(Julia Roberts),原名朱莉亚·菲奥纳·罗伯茨,1967年10月28日生于美国佐治亚州斯迈那市。从未想过要当美国人气最旺的女演员,童年时候,曾因酷爱动物,产生过当兽医的愿望,但后来学的是新闻专业。在好莱坞闯荡的哥哥埃里克·罗伯茨小有成绩之时,朱莉亚下决心前往好莱坞试试自己在表演方面的运气。1988年取得突破,在2部青年题材电影《现代灰姑娘》(Mystic Pizza)和《满足》(Satisfaction)中表现突出,迅速赢得一大批喜欢她的影迷。  茱莉娅出生于一个拥有爱尔兰血统的演艺家庭,父母都是演员,因此三个子女也相继踏上演艺之路。茱莉娅小时候跟哥哥一样曾患有口吃。四岁时,父母离异。高中毕业后便搬到纽约和姐姐一同实践追星梦,后来因为她哥哥艾力的帮助使她得到一个演出机会,但两人关系并不亲密。  罗伯茨毕业于亚特兰大大学新闻学系。
Dever was born in Phoenix, Arizona.[3] At the age of five, she began her interest in the performing arts with her parents sending her to an acting school. She also participated in gymnastics, ballet and skating, until she focused on acting. Her family then moved to Dallas, Texas, where she enrolled at the Dallas Young Actors Studio in a month-long acting program. Honing her acting skills at the studio, she booked a number of commercials, before moving to Los Angeles.[3]  Dever\'s first notable acting role was in the American Girl film An American Girl: Chrissa Stands Strong (2009) as Gwen Thompson, a bullied homeless girl. In 2011, she was cast in a recurring role as Loretta McCready in the FX series Justified during show\'s second season. That same year she was cast as a series regular in the ABC sitcom Last Man Standing starring Tim Allen.[4]  Dever\'s other television credits include Make It or Break It, Modern Family, Private Practice, Party Down, The Mentalist and Curb Your Enthusiasm.  Her 2011 film credits include, Cinema Verite, Bad Teacher and the Clint Eastwood-directed film J. Edgar.
Lourd is the daughter of actress Carrie Fisher and casting agent Bryan Lourd. Through Fisher, Lourd is is the granddaughter of actress Debbie Reynolds and singer Eddie Fisher and the niece of Todd Fisher, Joely Fisher, and Tricia Leigh Fisher.  Lourd attended NYU and graduated in 2014.  In June 2014, The Sun reported that Lourd would appear in the 2015 Star Wars sequel film The Force Awakens as a young version of Princess Leia, Fisher\'s character in the franchise. Lourd later said that though she has role in the film, she is not playing Leia.  In February 2015, Lourd was cast in the Fox horror-comedy series Scream Queens.Lourd\'s character, a rich and disaffected sorority girl known as Chanel No. 3, wears earmuffs in every scene as an homage to Fisher\'s iconic \"cinnamon buns\" hairstyle from the original Star Wars film.