

Lisa(曼迪·摩尔 Mandy Moore 饰)和Kate(克莱尔·霍尔特 Claire Holt 饰)两姐妹在墨西哥海岸度假,她们在海底观鲨铁笼中潜水观赏鲨鱼时,牵连铁笼的绳子突然断裂,观鲨笼掉落到47米深的海底。由于所存氧气不多,她们只有一个小时的时间逃脱牢笼回到水面。而此时,大白鲨也在她们周围游弋着。47米深的海底一片漆黑,只能通过手电筒观察铁笼外面的情况。水面上工作人员的声音时有时无,救援队也迟迟不见踪影,姐妹俩都非常害怕。面对仅剩的氧气,她们必须马上做出选择才有一线生机。为了避开鲨鱼活着游出水面,姐妹两人与鲨鱼之间展开了一场斗智斗勇扣人心弦的生死较量……

Johannes Roberts (born 24 May 1976) is a British film director, producer, and writer.
亭亭玉立的身材、俏丽可人的外型,还有天生一副甜美动人的好嗓音,这就是曼迪·摩尔——美国现今最炙手可热的歌影双栖的少女明星。  自14岁出道以来,就以清新的面孔与歌声,被各界看好,是当今乐坛可以与BritneySpears相提并论的女歌手之一。首支单曲“Candy”轻松获得Billboard销售单曲榜11名,并创下超过50万张的金唱片销售纪录。  同时她也开始在主持、表演等多个领域展现自己的才华。2001年,像许多当红的青春偶像一样,唱而优则演的曼迪开始涉足大银幕,《公主日记》、《初恋的回忆》和《千头万绪》,皆获得不错反响
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  Yani Gellman  Born September 2, 1985 (age 26)  Miami, Florida  Yani Gellman (born September 2, 1985) is a Jewish American film and television actor.  Gellman was born in Miami, Florida to a Canadian father and an Australian mother; he was named after a family friend, writer Jan Joors. His father was a reporter, and the family frequently moved during Gellman\'s childhood, living in Australia, Spain, and Texas before settling in Toronto.[1]  Gellman\'s acting debut was in a 1998 episode of the television series, Animorphs. After appearing in several more television productions, he was cast in supporting roles in the 2000 film, Urban Legends: Final Cut and in 2002\'s Jason X. In both films, his characters eventually became victims of serial killers. He appeared in 2002\'s The Matthew Shepard Story as Pablo, the love interest of the title character. Gellman became known among teenage audiences after playing the part of Paolo Valisari, an Italian international pop star, in 2003\'s The Lizzie McGuire Movie.  Most recently, he has been cast in the Canadian series Monster Warriors. He plays a lawyer, Rafe Torres, in the long-running soap opera, The Young and the Restless. In April 2009 it was revealed that the character of Rafe Torres was gay. Gellman has also appeared as a model in numerous print ads, including Omega watches. He made a cameo in Degrassi Goes Hollywood, as well as playing Pete in multiple episodes of \"Greek\". He has recently played the role of police officer, Garrett Reynolds in hit TV show, Pretty Little Liars. He has also starred in the hit TV show 90210.  Gellman speaks Spanish, having learned it during his time living in Spain. He has a university degree in Political Science.
马修·莫迪恩,美国导演、演员。马修少年时代就立志成为演员,80年代开始电影和电视中扮演一些小角色直到1984年出演影片《北极光》(STREAMERS)威尼斯电影节获得最佳演员金狮奖以表彰和共事演员杰出表现9年后凭借《银色性男女》(SHORTCUTS)再次获得代表最佳全体演员奖Volpi Cup该片还获得金球最佳全体演员奖HBO《世纪哭泣》(AND THE BAND PLAYED ON)中演技为分别赢金球和艾美奖提名1998年《WHAT THE DEAF MAN HEARD》让再度获得金球奖提名该片也当时收视最高电视电影 。
Chris Johnson was born on August 29, 1977 in Stoneham, Massachusetts, USA. He is an actor and producer, known for 47 Meters Down (2017), Peppermint (2018) and xXx: State of the Union (2005). He has been married to Amy Laughlin since April 2007.
Santiago Segura是一名演员,代表作品有《爱是一种病》等。