
导演:Jamie Thraves,杰米·塔拉维斯

影片由 悬疑推理大师Patricia Highsmith(海史密斯.帕特里夏)1962年的小说改编而成,Considine在片中饰演的男主角搬到Stile所在的郊区小镇上,并开始暗中监视她。Speedman在片中饰演Stile被甩的前男友,他谋划报复Stile时发现事情变得越来越复杂……

青年时期,帕迪·康斯戴恩在Burton学院学习戏剧,并在学校结识现为导演的Shane Meadows。两人一起组了个乐队\"She talks to angels\" ,帕迪·康斯戴恩是架子鼓鼓手。还未在Burton大学结束学业时,他就去了Brighton 大学学习摄影,并在该校获得了人生第一个荣誉学位。他以忧郁、黑暗、纠结的表演风格为观众所熟知,以In America, Dead Man\'s Shoes, The Cry of the Owl, Le Donk & Scor-zay-zee and Hot Fuzz等片开始自己的演绎生涯,也出演了 The Red Riding Trilogy等多部电视电影。在《谍影重重3》里饰演一位身陷阴谋遭暗杀的记者。
朱丽娅·斯蒂尔斯好莱坞著名演员,她不算漂亮,带点莎翁笔下小悍妇的气质;也不算红,不是什么大明星。然而,她是那种你一旦看见就无法忘怀的演员。  少年时期  朱丽娅·斯蒂尔斯(Julia Stiles) 1981年3月28日出生于美国纽约。原名朱丽娅·奥哈拉·斯蒂尔斯,身上同时具有爱尔兰、意大利和英国血统。家里三个孩子中排行老大。父亲是一名小学教师,母亲是一名艺术家。年幼时学过现代舞,11岁以儿童演员身份首次登台演出,此后表演热情与日俱增。12岁那年已开始参加职业商业表演。聪慧、早熟的朱丽娅曾经被《夜访吸血鬼》(Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles)导演看中,差一点得到影片中克劳迪娅这一儿童吸血鬼角色,但最终败给了柯尔斯滕·邓斯特。  朱丽娅继续纽约儿童职业学校接受培训。15岁时和克莱尔·丹尼斯共同出演了《彷徨爱》(I Love You I Love You Not),此后又在《致命突击队》(The Devil\'s Own)一片中扮演哈里森·福特的女儿。  青年时期  突破性成就参加由美国脱口秀女皇奥普拉·温弗里制作电视迷你影集《Before Women Had Wings》所取得该剧讲述儿童受虐题材朱丽娅《暗夜危情》(Wicked)中饰演埃莉拓宽了戏路,接着实现了莎剧演出梦想——一口气演了3部莎剧影片:《对面恶女看过来》(10 Things I Hate About You)、升级版《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)和升级版“奥赛罗”《千方百计》(O)其中第一部还为赢得了芝加哥影评奖。2002年还在百老汇以外出演了《第12夜》(Twelfth Night)  为了完成学业,她于2000年临时中断表演,到哥伦比亚大学攻读英语。后来一边读书一边演戏,继续活跃主流电影圈里。2002年和人气颇旺男演员马特·达蒙共同主演了《谍影重重》(The Bourne Identity),后来又出演了续集。第二年又在《蒙娜丽莎微笑》(Mona Lisa Smile)中和好莱坞大名鼎鼎“大嘴美女”朱莉亚·罗伯茨演对手戏。不久又因饰演《卡罗丽娜》(Carolina)女主角受到好莱坞广泛关注。2005年远征冰岛那里拍摄了《天堂游记》(A Little Trip to Heaven)。说不上哪部影片演技达到顶峰标志,但这位可爱女演员好莱坞出人头地应该只是时间早晚问题。
卡洛琳·达芙娜(Caroline Dhavernas),1978年5月15日出生于加拿大魁北克省蒙特利尔市,加拿大演员。1990年开始了自己的演艺生涯,在加拿大法语电视剧《Les filles de Caleb》中客串演出。1993年出演电影处女作《Cap Tourmente》。2001年在电影《英勇少年》中饰演了女主角Marilyn Bell,第一个穿越总长为32英里的安大略湖的加拿大女游泳家。2004年在FOX的连续剧《奇迹》中饰演了Jaye Tyler。2005年在电影《尼亚拉加旅店》中饰演了配角Loretta并凭借这部电影获得了吉尼金像奖最佳女配角的提名。2008年在加拿大电影《帕斯尚尔战役》中饰演女主角。2010年在恐怖电影《电梯里的恶魔》中饰演了Elsa Nahai。2011年和马丁·亨德森一起主演了医务连续剧《人在异乡》。2013年开始在NBC连续剧《汉尼拔》中饰演了Alana Bloom。
Gord Rand,演员,主要作品有《星图》、《猫头鹰的哭泣》、《幻影拳击手》等。
Dhavernas was born in Montreal, Quebec, the daughter of the Québécois actors Sébastien Dhavernas and Michèle Deslauriers. Her first name is pronounced like \"Carolyn\" because of her French-Canadian heritage. Her last name is roughly pronounced \"Daverna\" for the English-speaking audience but originally pronounced \"Davernaus\" (aus like house). Her sister Gabrielle Dhavernas is also an actress and specialises in dubbing. The voice timbre of both actresses is very similar, so similar that Gabrielle can dub the voice of Caroline. She learned English at a very young age, as her parents sent her to an English-speaking elementary school.  She began her career at the age of 8, dubbing voices for television productions such as Babar. At the age of 12 she began her acting career in the film Comme un Voleur (1990).  Dhavernas portrayed swimmer Marilyn Bell in the made-for-television movie Heart: The Marilyn Bell Story (1999). She trained for 2 months with the Pointe-Claire Swim Club to convincingly portray Marilyn Bell who was the first to cross 32-mile Lake Ontario in 1954. Other notable films have included a leading role in Edge of Madness (2002), and supporting roles in Out Cold (2001) and Lost and Delirious (2001). She also had a notable role on Law & Order as a closeted, gay teenager who killed her girlfriend in the episode \"Girl Most Likely\" (12x17).  Her most high-profile work to date is as the central character in Wonderfalls. Dhavernas plays Jaye, an underachiever university graduate from a wealthy family, who lives in a trailer and works at the Wonderfalls Gift Emporium, a Niagara Falls gift shop. One of the quirks of the show is Jaye\'s ability to hear inanimate objects speaking to her, and encouraging her to help other people. Dhavernas has described the show as being like \"Touched by an Angel on acid\". The show received widespread critical praise, but Fox canceled the show after four airings. Millions of fans signed a petition to try to get the show to stay but only partly succeeded with 20th Century Fox only releasing the DVD with the 13 completed episodes. She did her own voice-overs for the French translation of Wonderfalls.