
导演:Tom Shadyac


摩根·弗里曼(Morgan Freeman),1937年6月1日出生于美国田纳西州,美国演员、导演。1967年,弗里曼出演百老汇歌舞剧《我爱红娘》。1987年,弗里曼凭借在《黑狱风云》中的表演获得了当年奥斯卡最佳男配角和金球奖最佳男配角的两项提名。1989年,他凭借着在《为戴西小姐开车》中的忠厚诚实、善良勇敢的老司机形象获得了奥斯卡最佳男主角的提名。而1994年上映的《肖申克的救赎》一片又让他第三次获得奥斯卡金像奖提名。2005年,他凭借《百万美元宝贝》获得第77届奥斯卡最佳男配角奖。2010年11月,摩根·弗里曼获得美国电影学院终身成就奖。2012年,他出演的《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》上映。2014年,摩根·费里曼出演的《超验骇客》上映。
Bell is fluent in Persian and English. She is fond of motorcycling, skiing, snowboarding and kick-boxing, which she has been practicing for over 10 years. Her hobbies include cross-stitching and making model cars, which she has done since age 8.[4] She met actor/production assistant Adam Beason on the set of Death Becomes Her in 1992 (where she was the body-double for Isabella Rossellini), and they were married on May 8, 1994.[5] They have a daughter, Gemma, who was born on April 16, 2003 and a son Ronan born on August 21, 2010.[6]  Bell was the grand marshal of the NASCAR Nextel Cup Series race at Dover International Speedway on June 3, 2007.[7]  In a survey of 70 celebrities by The Sporting News just before the 2002 Super Bowl, she correctly predicted that the New England Patriots would beat the St. Louis Rams in Super Bowl XXXVI 20 to 17.[8] In actuality the article was written after the NFC and AFC championship games and Bell correctly guessed the score but the teams were already decided. [9]  In August 2007, Bell and her husband put their Calabasas, California, home on the market for $3.25 million and moved to South Carolina.[10]  During the Hollywood writers strike, Bell took flying lessons in a Cirrus SR22.[11]  When she was in her 20s, she had thyroid cancer and had to have her thyroid removed. She does not cover the scar on her neck because she \"thinks it\'s kind of cool\".[12]
在美国娱乐圈,安妮斯顿就是“甜心”的代名词,没有高调的姿态,没有不羁的放纵,亦没有过分的自我标榜。八岁时,为了远离父母接连不断的矛盾和争吵,她最大的爱好是关在房间里一个人孤独地“成长”。九岁时,由于父母离异,她亲眼目睹父亲与母亲决裂后断然的离去,心灵中留下不可磨灭伤痕,从此,她跟着母亲过着动荡的日子,不得不面对父母的行同陌路。十一岁时,因为出色的绘画才能,她所作的绘画作品被选入美国纽约大都会博物馆展览,年少时她曾梦想成为一名雕刻家,在素描、泥塑及油画上花了很多时间。由于受到教父的影响,喜欢上表演艺术,并逐步将重心转移到了戏剧,开始参加学校组织的戏剧社。这时期她常借住演出机会,安排父母共同观看,以期两人能够和解,因为这是唯一能让父母同处一室的办法。然而,不管她如何努力,父母却始终针锋相对、互相怨恨。父母这种炸药般的关系令少年的她身心疲惫,也给她的少年时期带来了不小的阴影。二十岁时,长大的安妮不愿再生活于父母不和的阴影中,决心努力奋斗。  她决定要用表演改变世界,将乐观和自我奋斗的精神传递给观众。  1989年,不顾父亲的强烈反对,安妮斯顿收拾起行禳独自一人离开了纽约,前往美国百老汇展开舞台生涯。初到百老汇的生活对安妮斯顿来说并不轻松,由于没有经济条件,她不得不半工半学,一边在餐厅工作,一边参加舞台剧(几乎没有收入),同时还参加夜校的心理学课程。“在当时,一切看起来都是遥不可及的梦想,”在百老汇的奋斗经历丰富了安妮斯顿的成长,也为她后来的事业奠定了基础,也终于使她获得了父亲的理解。参演完几部舞台剧后,她在父亲的引荐下顺利地进入了电视圈。然而,安妮斯顿的成名之路充满艰辛,在陆续拍摄了一些电视剧后,都反应平平,她的经纪人给她下了最后的通牒,要求身材不够苗条的她立刻减肥。面对娱乐圈的残酷竞争,安妮斯顿只有选择听从安排,接受训练,一年多后,她才变身窈窕美女。1993年,在经历漫长而痛苦的等待之后,她凭借实力成功说服了《老友记》剧组由她扮演“瑞秋”一角(本来是要让她扮演“莫妮卡”,但安妮斯顿申请由她扮演“瑞秋”)。1994年,安妮斯顿的教父Telly Savalas(奥斯卡影帝)去世。在经历完日人生和事业的低潮期之后,由她主演的电视剧《老友记》在美国迅速走红, 她亦因在本片的精彩表现,多次获得美国演员工会奖优秀演员提名,成为红透半边天的明星。25岁的安妮斯顿终于完成了教父对她的期望。  “有朝一日,你会成为一名出色的演员。”在父亲的关系下进入娱乐圈,这样的名声恐怕是很多演员生怕被人发现的。相比于很多活在父亲盛名负累下的明星来说,安妮斯顿要轻松得多,她丝毫不认为靠父亲的关系是可耻的,或者觉得这对证明自己实力是个障碍,相反,她把这种经历当成是父亲对自己的无私和爱,并用努力上进来回报着父亲对自己实力的肯定。2007年,好莱坞杂志评选出了美国最具权势的演艺家族,安妮斯顿家族因这对父女的成就而榜上有名。经过十几年的打拼,安妮斯顿让人们深刻地意识到了什么叫“虎父无犬女”,如今,她的名气早已远超父亲,成为举世瞩目的巨星,可谓“长江后浪推前浪”。
史蒂夫·卡瑞尔(Steve Carell),毕业于丹尼森大学(Denison University)历史学专业,90年代初加入芝加哥第二城市剧院随团演出并从事即兴喜剧教学工作,1999年起他在《囧司徒秀》中常驻播报员。  2005年他因亲自编剧、首次担当主演的小成本电影《40岁的老处男》拿下当年暑期档票房冠军而名声大噪,同年更凭借喜剧《办公室》获得第63届金球奖电视类最佳男主角。他不仅在《办公室》中担当主演,同时兼任编剧、导演、制片等多重身份。这期间他还参演了包括《阳光小美女》、《疯狂愚蠢的爱》、《神偷奶爸》(配音)等多部叫好卖座的电影。2010年《办公室》第七季拍摄完毕同期满后决定退出该剧,致力于发展更广阔的事业空间。  2014年他凭借在剧情片《狐狸猎手》中的精彩演绎,获得了包括第87届奥斯卡最佳男主角提名在内的多项肯定,随后出演《大空头》、《性别之战》等影片也接连入围金球奖电影类最佳男主角。
Overview (2)  BornApril 29, 1952 in Chicago, Illinois, USA  Height5\' 5\" (1.65 m)  Mini Bio (1)  Nora Dunn got her start working at the famous Second City comedy troupe, where she was eventually spotted by Saturday Night Live (1975) casting directors, and she joined the SNL cast (among them Joan Cusack, Robert Downey Jr., Anthony Michael Hall, Jon Lovitz, Dennis Miller, Randy Quaid, Terry Sweeney, Danitra Vance, A. Whitney Brown and Al Franken) in the era that is generally considered the \"Dark Years\" in the history of SNL.  Dunn graduated from the Art institute of Chicago and also studied at the Jean Sheldon Acting Workshop in San Francisco. In addition to her roles on television and film, she performs her critically acclaimed one-woman show in theaters around the country. She recently completed a screenplay that she will direct and is the author of a book, \"Nobody\'s Rib\".  - IMDb Mini Biography By: CloakedCat  Spouse (2)  Sean McGarry(18 April 1998 - present)  Ray Hutcherson(September 1987 - 1995) ( divorced)  Trade Mark (1)  Often plays doctors  Trivia (4)  Sister of Kevin Dunn.  Boycotted a Saturday Night Live (1975) episode in May 1990 because controversial comedian Andrew Dice Clay was hosting the show.  She is of Irish, English, Scottish, and German ancestry.  Shares her birthday with actors Daniel Day-Lewis and Michelle Pfeiffer.
Jemison was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, the son of Rosalie (née Centanni) and Edward Francis Jemison.[4] He is of Irish and Italian descent. He was raised in Kenner, Louisiana and attended a Catholic secondary school, Archbishop Rummel High School. He graduated from Louisiana State University where he was a member of the Delta Chi Fraternity.[3][5]  He has made multiple appearances on Late Night with David Letterman, and starred in television pilots for NBC and ABC.  Jemison is a veteran of the Chicago theatre scene. His stage credits include The Wizards of Quiz at the National Jewish Theatre; Only Kidding at the Wisdom Bridge Theatre; Loot at Tulane Repertory; A Christmas Carol at the Goodman Theatre; Talking to Myself and Holiday Memories at the Northlight Theatre; and T Bone N Weasel at Victory Gardens. Jemison also performed in The Two Gentlemen of Verona and As You Like It at the Chicago Shakespeare Theater.  In the mid-1990s, before starting a film career, he starred in a series of Bud Light commercials with the tagline \"Yes, I am\". Offered a contract to continue playing the wildly popular character, Eddie instead chose to pursue music for a time, which prompted the creation of the now famous \"Budweiser Frogs\". Online Eddie recently starred in the web series Self-Storage
莎莉·柯克兰德,英文名 Sally Kirkland,1944年10月31日生于纽约,演员。。
Enrique Almeida是一名演员,主要作品有《急速杀机》、《夺命裂痕》。
这个人的特点就是那两撇小胡子。演了多年大部分都是保安甲,看守丙之类的,某俱乐部老板等。  在《混乱之子》演一个叫Marcus Alvarez的人,在《勇者行动 Act of Valor》演Sanchez,在《次日到达 Next Day Air》演bodega,在《千谎百计》S01E12演一个狱警,在《终结者外传》S2E08演一个墨西哥警察,在《单身毒妈》里演El Coyote,在《陌生荒漠 Strange Wilderness》演保安2号,在《蜘蛛侠3》里演一个讲话的警察,在CSI的S03E23演一个银行员工,《一级重罪 High Crimes》《危险思想的自白 Confessions of a Dangerous Mind》也有他的表演,还演过《空中监狱》。