


弗朗索瓦·西维尔是一名演员,1989年生,主要作品有《地下墓穴 (2014)》。
法国演员兼导演,非常活跃的新锐影人,多才多艺。  1968年出生在法国巴黎一个演艺世家。 马修·卡索维茨受家庭影响及熏陶,从10岁起就在其父导演的影片中演出,12岁时就开始用超8毫米摄影机拍短片。他没有接受过正规的电影学校的教育,是自学成才的。  1993年编导并主演了第一部长篇《混血儿》( 又译《牛奶巧克力 》)并与其后的《恨》和《接班人》合称“叛逆三部曲”。该片得到巴黎电影节评委会特别奖,同时入选威尼斯电影节参赛。1994年...
Paula Berry gained his first acting and dance experience with the Youth Ensemble of Berlin\'s Friedrichstadt Palast. [2] In 2009, the 14-year-old was at her Berlin school approached by an acting agent and the casting of Chris Kraus\'s film poll (2010) invited. Although Berry had little acting experience, she beat out more than 2,500 candidates and was given the lead role. [2]  Beer in the historical drama was seen as a 14-year-old half-orphan Oda, who is traveling in the summer of 1914 on the eponymous estate of her aristocratic family to the Baltics. There is dedicated to her father (played by Edgar Selge) bizarre anatomical studies, while she herself falls in love with a wounded Estonian anarchists (Tambet Tuisk), whom she secretly maintains healthy. Although Chris Kraus stated that berry - like other candidates - was not necessarily the best in terms of technology or speed, he praised her talent and her approach to the role, inspired by the biography of his great-aunt Oda Schaefer [3]. Due to the authenticity, he had insisted on the appointment of the same age actress. [3] Beer received before the shooting, which took place in the summer of 2009 from southern Estonia on the Baltic coast, acting classes and wrote a diary from the perspective of their role, which was later found in the film using .
亚力克西斯·马沙利克出生在法国巴黎,2003年毕业于巴黎国家高等戏剧学院。2001年他开始踏足法国戏剧界,改编并执导了莎士比亚的《驯悍记》《R&J》、博马舍的《费加罗的婚礼》等舞台剧作品。2014年,他编导的《历史的载体》( Le Porteur d\'histoire)和《魔术师的圈套》(Le cercle des illusionnistes)囊收第26届法国莫里哀戏剧奖两大奖项,在业界被称作天才创作人。  同时,亚力克西斯也是一名优秀的演员,在2015年热播的历史剧《凡尔赛》中饰演Rohan。
达米安·勃纳德(Damien Bonnard)是法国演员,生于1978 年 7 月 22 日,法国的阿莱斯。  提名:凯撒电影奖最佳新人男演员,凯萨奖最佳男配角獎,凯萨奖最佳男主角奖。