


One of his earliest jobs in the film industry was when, as a young man, he worked as a messenger for the Writers\' Guild of America. During this time, he wrote several screenplays.  Solondz\'s first color film with sync sound was the short \"Schatt\'s Last Shot\" (1985). Solondz played a high schooler who wants to get into Stanford, but cannot because his sadistic gym teacher fails him. He also has no luck seducing the girl he desires. It was a student film, and is still screened at NYU, where Solondz made it.  Solondz\'s first feature was Fear, Anxiety & Depression (1989), a piece about a writer (Solondz) writing a play and sending it to Samuel Beckett.  Solondz found great critical acclaim with his second feature, Welcome to the Dollhouse (1995), a film about the cruelty of junior high school, parents, adult figures, and suburban life. The film won awards at Sundance, Berlin, and countless other festivals for its cruel realism, bitter humor, and unflinching portrayal of adolescence.  His third feature effort, Happiness (1998), was a wildly edgy and provocative film. The film revolves around a group of people who are miserable in their conventional lifestyles and pursue happiness in various forms of perverse sexuality. It featured a murderer, a rapist, a pedophile, and a man who harasses others with sexually obscene phone calls The film incited major controversy and was dropped by its original distributor, only to be picked up by another company. One of the particularly controversial aspects of the film was the element of the child psychologist as a repressed pedophile. In the film, he molests his son\'s friend at a sleep-over; but the character was sympathetic and deftly presented. Once again, the film was lauded with numerous awards and strong critical praise.
Mamet is the daughter of American playwright, essayist, screenwriter, and film director David Mamet and actress Lindsay Crouse. Her maternal grandfather was playwright Russel Crouse,who co-wrote such classic American musicals as \"Anything Goes\" and \"The Sound of Music.\"and one of her maternal great-grandfathers was educator John Erskine. She has a sister named Willa, who works as a photographer, and two half-siblings, Clara--who is also an actress--and Noah. Her father is Jewish and her mother is a Buddhist.She lived in New England until age five when her mother moved to Pacific Palisades, California with her and Willa.After finishing high school, Zosia decided to go into acting instead of going to college
格蕾塔·葛韦格(Greta Celeste Gerwig),1983年8月4日出生于美国加利福尼亚州萨克拉门托,美国女演员、导演、编剧、制作人,毕业于纽约伯纳德学院。2006年,参演个人首部电影《开怀大笑》,从而正式进入娱乐圈。2008年,担任剧情电影《无数个夜晚和周末》的制作人。2010年,主演的喜剧电影《格林伯格》在美国上映。2012年,出演爱情电影《爱在罗马》。2013年,凭借喜剧电影《弗兰西丝·哈》入围第71届美国金球奖电影类-音乐喜剧类最佳女主角奖。2015年,主演的喜剧电影《美国女主人》在美国上映。2017年11月3日,自编自导的喜剧电影《伯德小姐》在美国上映,她凭借该片获得新墨西哥州影评人协会奖最佳导演奖、多伦多影评人协会奖最佳导演奖、第90届奥斯卡金像奖最佳导演提名。2018年4月,获《时代周刊》2018年全球最具影响力人物荣誉。
朱莉·德尔佩是家中的独女,父母均为舞台剧演员,童年时期多半在后台的化妆室里渡过。5岁即随父母演出舞台剧,1985年以戈迭尔执导的《侦探》正式踏入影坛,其后以《坏血》及《孽海亲情》连续两年角逐凯撒奖最佳新人奖,成为法国备受关注的新星。 毕业于纽约大学演艺学校,她不但热爱演戏,对于编写剧本与导戏更是充满热力。她曾因编写《爱在日落巴黎时》(Before Sunset)剧本,而荣获于2005年“奥斯卡金像奖”、美国编剧协会和“美国独立精神奖”的最佳剧本奖的提名。  1990年由茱丽主演的反法西斯名作《欧罗巴欧罗巴》为她赢得了国际知名度,1992年以《玻璃玫瑰》成功打入好莱坞,其后片约不断,活跃于欧美两地,作品多以文艺片为主,包括《白色迷情》、《爱在黎明破晓时》等名作。2004年又主演了九年前的《爱在黎明破晓时》的续片《爱在日落余晖时》。1995年曾被美国的《人物》杂志评为全球最漂亮的50位人物之一。朱莉·德尔佩不仅在编导、演戏有专材,她也涉猎摄影、作曲及演唱。其实早在《爱在日落巴黎时》她就已主唱过多首主题歌,慵懒自在的迷人嗓音予人无限遐思;而在《巴黎两日情》中,她更包办了所有的音乐作曲。 只要一提到《巴黎两日情》,朱莉·德尔佩就显得眉飞色舞。据朱莉·德尔佩表示,其实这剧本早在《爱在日落巴黎时》就开始着手构思了。当年她写《爱在日落巴黎时》剧本初稿时,只花了五天;但光想《巴黎两日情》的剧情走向与拍片方案,就花了她好几年的时间。朱莉·德尔佩认为,大家难免会把这两部片放在一起讨论,但她特别说明《巴黎两日情》绝不似《爱在日落巴黎时》强调浪漫,它有更多的创意,甚至也探讨了爱情以外的东西。奇妙的是,在她写《巴黎两日情》剧本时,不由得一直想到自己父母的特质,而径自将他们对事情的观感与反应,全写了进去。所以当《巴黎两日情》选角时,她的首选自然也就是她的一对宝贝爸妈。朱莉·德尔佩更解释了她写《巴黎两日情》的想法:她无意挑衅美国与法国文化上的差异,她想写每个人面对日常琐事的反应,甚至写人们对事物各持己见时的冲突。朱莉·德尔佩强调,《巴黎两日情》是一部妙趣横生、而且很生活化的电影,看完后,绝对会让人带着满满的感动走出戏院。
卡尔金家的七个孩子都从很小年纪开始在剧场表演,他们的父母以前是百老汇演员。八岁时,大两岁的哥哥麦考利·卡尔金被挑中主演《小鬼当家》,基南扮他的表弟短暂登场。导演克里斯·哥伦布很喜欢卡尔金兄弟,之后又合作了《男大当婚》和《小鬼当家第二集:迷失在纽约》。他还出演过史帝夫·马丁喜剧片《新岳父大人》一二部及尚格·云顿的动作片《无处可逃》。之后在《流浪赤子情》和《阿曼达》中担任主角,但没有受到任何关注,接下来两年可以说是其人生一个重要转折点,基南遇到了《陪着你走》的导演彼德·切尔瑟姆——第一位“把他当回事”的导演,让他明白表演对于自己的意义。1999年,与小弗雷迪·普林兹和瑞切尔·蕾·库克一起出演的《她是我的全部》上映后,又得到了梅丽尔·斯特里普《弦动我心》、托比·马奎尔和查理兹·塞隆《总有骄阳》的片约,后者让他对于后来的“蜘蛛侠”托比·马奎尔产生了深深的崇拜。《魔幻帝国》后没有新作品问世,直到两年后通过两部收获好评的独立电影《祭童的危险生活》和《伊比的堕落》宣告“长大”,特别是后者为基南带来了金球奖音乐喜剧类最佳男演员奖的提名,由此受到好莱坞关注。  由于哥哥麦考利的原因,基南对于好莱坞体制充满了复杂的厌恶之情,希望能像纯正的剧场演员那样全身心地投入表演。他曾同科林·汉克斯、安娜·帕奎因等人同台演出,获得过《村声》杂志颁发的外百老汇最佳表演奖。2008年他将回归大银幕,与众多年轻演员一起亮相《斯坦福监狱实验》,还加盟了安娜·帕奎因主演的《玛格丽特》以及和弟弟罗伊·卡尔金一起出演《莱姆人生》;罗伊曾在《伊比的堕落》中扮演他的小时候。
Charlie Tahan is an actor, known for I Am Legend (2007), Charlie St. Cloud (2010) and Frankenweenie (2012).
崔西·莱茨(Tracy Letts),演员、编剧,主要作品《猫王与尼克松》、《八月:奥色治郡》、《国土安全》。
Devin Druid, a Virginia native, is an up and coming young talent with work that shows a depth seldom seen at his age. He developed a love for performing after receiving a standing ovation at his school talent show, which brought him the opportunity to serve as the front-man for an all-teen rock band. Since then, Devin has performed in a number of films playing: a bully, an urban skater, a witness to a murder, and a cold-blooded killer. The emotional depth and complexity of the character MILO in Disgrace allowed Devin to take his craft to the next level. Devin is now pursuing other film and television projects under the skilled direction of his team at Shirley Grant Management.  - IMDb Mini Biography By: Christine Druid
迈克尔·詹姆斯·肖(Michael James Shaw),美国演员。2018年,其参演电影《复仇者联盟3:无限战争》上映。
Anna Baryshnikov is an actress, known for Manchester by the Sea (2016), Wiener-Dog (2016) and Superior Donuts (2017).  Baryshnikov is the daughter of Russian American ballet dancer and actor Mikhail Baryshnikov and former ballet dancer Lisa Rinehart. Her elder half-sister, from her father\'s relationship with actress Jessica Lange, is dancer Shura Baryshnikov. Anna grew up in Palisades, New York, and attended school in New York City.  She began acting at age 6 in a local theater production of A Midsummer Night\'s Dream, portraying Peaseblossom, a handmaiden to fairy queen Titania. After graduating from Northwestern University in 2014, she began acting professionally on various television series, including Doll & Em on HBO.  Baryshnikov\'s most prominent role to date was teenager Sandy in the 2016 drama Manchester by the Sea, alongside Casey Affleck and Michelle Williams. She currently stars in the CBS series Superior Donuts, based on the play of the same name by Tracy Letts.