


Robert Lee (born 1914) is a retired Chinese actor based in the United Kingdom. Born in Tianjin, he arrived in England to study, receiving a bachelor\'s degree in history from Trinity College, Cambridge. He then worked at several Chinese and Japanese restaurants before being encouraged by friends to become an actor. Lee played supporting roles in many films and television programmes throughout the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, and was frequently called upon whenever a production required an East Asian character. His film appearances include You Only Live Twice (1967) and Half Moon Street (1986), and his television appearances include The Avengers, The Chinese Detective and The Bill, but his best known role is as Tarō Nagazumi, the Japanese business executive and English language student, in the sitcom Mind Your Language from 1977 to 1979. Lee retired from acting in 2010. He has never married, citing marriage in a 1984 interview as \"Too much responsibility\", and lives in a flat in Hampstead, north London.
埃丽卡·埃伦尼克,相貌美丽动人,颇有演艺天赋,是美国演艺界家喻户晓的明星。其成名作品就是在《潜龙轰天》中扮演一个被人花钱雇来晕船跳舞的女一号,尤其是她的露胸舞蹈更是被广大影迷传为经典!  其实埃丽卡·埃伦尼克早在1982年就在大导演史蒂芬·史匹柏的《外星人》中亮 埃丽卡·埃伦尼克相过。1989年她二度登上了《花花公子》封面。后来她主演《海滩游侠》,饰演的Shauni,是个怕水的海滩辣妹,但这个角色让她大受欢迎。1992年埃丽卡·埃伦尼克离开《海滩游侠》,将让男人看得春心大动的救援任务交棒给潘蜜拉·安德森。离开《海滩游侠》之后的埃丽卡·埃伦尼克一度星运颇佳,曾在史蒂芬·席格的动作片《魔鬼战将》中担任女主角。但后来演的影集、电影都不卖座,身材也开始走样。2006年她在美国热门影集《减肥大作战》中成功减重31磅,挽回不少声誉。
保罗·加莱特是一个演员,主要作品有《如果我留下》、《Midnight Stallion》等。
克里斯托弗·罗萨蒙德(Christopher Rosamond),演员。作品有《狙魔女杰》。