

小镇的记者Adam Carlson(约翰·卡拉辛斯基 饰)正在撰写一篇文章,而整个世界都在背后追逐着他:石油大亨、新闻记者,还有他的前女友、绿色和平组织的志愿者Rachel Kramer(德鲁·巴里摩尔 饰)。Adam和Rachel必须联合阿拉斯加的因纽特人,对抗石油公司以及苏联和美国的军队的反对——在当时的冷战背景下,他们终于得到了世界的关注,冷战的阴影也因拯救这种濒临灭绝的动物行动而得到缓解。

德鲁,1975年2月22日出生于美国加州卡尔弗城,好莱坞著名演艺世家“巴里摩尔”家族,巴里摩尔家族的传奇故事长达130年之久,表演才华和生活恶习一直都是这个家族的传统。早在德鲁的曾祖母一个非凡的舞台女演员乔治亚娜·德鲁就开始了……她天生的表演天赋,让她从11个月大就开始从事影视表演一点也不会让人们感到惊奇。  1975年,德鲁刚出生,她的演员父母就彻底分手、各奔东西了。德鲁从小跟着母亲艾迪科·吉德。那时吉德虽然有着一个显赫名字的孩子,却一贫如洗。德鲁说“我从妈妈那继承了旺盛的精力,幽默,以及对知识和音乐的热爱。同时她教会我宽容,客观看待那些不同肤色,不同地区,不同年龄以及不同性取向的人”。 1976年,由于她继承了“巴里摩尔”家族天生的表演天赋,11个月就在摄像机中上了镜头,她拍了一只狗食广告,试镜的时候,那只预定要出现在广告里的狗咬了德鲁的鼻子。在场的工作人员几乎同时说:“天啊,要吃官司了”。他们吓坏了,僵在那里,但德鲁却在这个时候笑了,然后在场的人们赶紧说:“她被录用了”。她就这样得到了她的第一份工作。
79年出生,爱尔兰后裔,母亲是护士,父亲是内科医生。大学毕业后曾经在Eugene O\'Neill National Theatre Institute(奥尼尔国家戏剧学院?)学习。93年曾经作为实习小编剧服务于脱口秀节目《 Late Night with Conan O\'Brien》。00年开始在台前打酱油,比如《欲望小镇 State and Main》、《Kinsey 金赛性学教授》、《杜安·霍普伍德 Duane Hopwood》等。在《短霍普伍德》拍摄期间和David Schwimmer成了朋友。  有了这位的提携,路就越走越顺利了,在电影里也能演绿叶了,还得到了9季电视剧《办公室 The Office》的配角Jim Halpert的角色,截止2013年季终,拿过五个屏幕演员工会奖集体奖提名,另外2次获奖;他自己还拿到了青少年选择奖提名。除了主演那部电视剧,他还演了许多电影,后期还能当上主角或者大明星后面的配角了。比如《锅盖头 Jarhead》 、《供您决定 For Your Consideration》、《恋爱假期 The Holiday》、《梦女孩 Dreamgirls》、《笑脸 Smiley Face 》、《怪物史瑞克3 Shrek the Third》的配音、《结婚证书 License to Wed》、《爱情达阵 Leatherheads》、《大战外星人 Monsters vs. Aliens》的配音、《为子搬迁 Away We Go》、《爱很复杂 It\'s Complicated》、《大婚告急 Something Borrowed》、《鲸奇 Big Miracle》、《应许之地 Promised Land》、《怪兽大学 Monsters University 》的配音、宫崎骏的《起风了 風立ちぬ 》英文版配音等。  09年的《对丑陋人物的简访 Brief Interviews with Hideous Men》的制片人和剧本改编导演就是他,此后还在《The Office》里当上了制片人。包括马特达蒙那部《《应许之地 Promised Land》的其中一个制片人也是他。当然了,之所以从09年开始变化那么大,能跟马特达蒙演对手戏,还因为他有一个牛逼的老婆。  牛逼的老婆就是著名演员Emily Blunt。当年她歌手Michael Bublé交往了三年,这位姑娘还自掏腰包220W买了个别墅和他同居,这位歌手的专辑里也有好几首歌是写给她的,一直到08年俩人就那么分手了,分手四个月后就和John Krasinski在一起了。09年宣布次年结婚,现在都准备生孩子了。  Emily Blunt家世显赫,集官二代富二代女明星于一身。是英国退役少将Tony Richardson的great-niece(侄孙女?外甥孙女?);英国保守党议员司法行政部主管监狱事务的副部长Crispin Blunt是他的叔叔,BTW,这位叔叔是个已经出柜的GAY。她的爸爸是英国数一数二的刑事辩护大律师Oliver Blunt。她爷爷是少将Peter Blunt 。她还是Anne Hathaway 的好朋友。一个中产阶级“屌丝”就这么逆袭了。
Overview (3)  BornDecember 29, 1947 in San Diego, California, USA  Birth NameEdward Bridge Danson III  Height6\' 2?\" (1.89 m)  Mini Bio (1)  Ted Danson is well known for his role as Sam Malone in the television series Cheers (1982). During the show\'s 11-year run, he was nominated nine times for an Emmy Award as Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series and won twice, in 1990 and 1993. The role also earned him a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor in a Comedy Series in 1989 and 1990. He and his wife, actress Mary Steenburgen, starred in and were executive producers of the CBS comedy series Ink (1996).  Edward Bridge \"Ted\" Danson III was born in San Diego, California, to Jessica (MacMaster) and Edward Bridge Danson, Jr., who was an archaeologist and museum director. He has English, Scottish, and some German, ancestry. He was raised just outside Flagstaff, Ariz. Danson attended Stanford University, where he became interested in drama during his second year. In 1972, he transferred to Carnegie-Mellon University (formerly Carnegie Tech) in Pittsburgh. After graduation, he was hired as an understudy in Tom Stoppard\'s Off Broadway production of \"The Real Inspector Hound.\" Danson moved to Los Angeles in 1978 and studied with Dan Fauci at the Actor\'s Institute, where he also taught classes. Danson lives with his family in Los Angeles. He is a founding member of the American Oceans Campaign (AOC), an organization established to alert Americans to the life-threatening hazards created by oil spills, offshore development, toxic wastes, sewage pollution and other ocean abuses.  In 1984, Danson received a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor for his performance in the television movie Something About Amelia (1984), in which he starred opposite Glenn Close. He also starred opposite Lee Remick in The Women\'s Room (1980). In 1986, he made his debut as a television producer with When the Bough Breaks (1986), in which he also starred. He later starred in the mini-series Gulliver\'s Travels (199
Overview (2)  BornNovember 17, 1951 in Sarasota, Florida, USA  Height5\' 8\" (1.73 m)  Mini Bio (1)  Stephen Root, one of today\'s most prolific character actors, is currently starring in the HBO hit series Barry. The show has been nominated for multiple Emmy\'s and Golden Globes, earning a total of 32 nominations in its first season. Season two airs March 31st on HBO. In 2018, Stephen played a pivotal role in the AFI Film Festival winner On the Basis Sex (2018), the Ruth Bader Ginsberg biopic and starred opposite Melissa McCarthy in the New Line hit comedy Life of the Party.  Reuniting with Joel & Ethan Coen and currently streaming on Netflix, Stephen is part of the talented ensemble in The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, which was nominated for an Academy Award. In 2017, Stephen was part of Jordan Peele\'s box office hit Get Out. Aside from his feature films, Stephen can also be seen in his recurring role on Amazon\'s hit drama series The Man in the High Castle (2015) as well as his starring role in HBO\'s comedy series Barry (2018).  Root has earned rave reviews for bringing a variety of characters to life in such films as O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000), Selma (2014), No Country for Old Men (2007), Leatherheads (2008), J. Edgar (2011), Cedar Rapids (2011) and Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004). He was catapulted into the realm of cult hero when he starred as the put-upon Milton Waddams in Mike Judge\'s Office Space (1999). His animated features include Rango (2011), Finding Nemo (2003), Finding Dory (2016), Ice Age (2002) & Ice Age: The Melt Down (2006), and The Country Bears (2002).  Root starred as the eccentric station owner, Jimmy James, for five seasons on NBC\'s NewsRadio (1995-99). Stephen has also recurred on FX\'s Justified (2010), Boardwalk Empire (2010), Turn: Washington\'s Spies (2014), Idiotsitter (2016), True Blood (2008), 24 (2001), West Wing (1999) and Pushing Daisies (2007). His many memorable guest appearances include Veep (2012), Angie Tribeca (2016), Fri
德莫特·穆罗尼1963年10月31日生于美国维吉尼亚州。家中有五个兄弟姐妹,父亲是一名律师。高中时便参加学校的剧团演出,1981年高中毕业后进入西北大学攻读戏剧、音乐和电影。1988年以《年轻枪手》初出茅庐,便以一张代表愤怒的脸孔倍受青睐,被视为最具前途的一颗新星,结要他却熬了很长一段时间。直至1997年主演的浪漫爱情喜剧《我最好朋友的婚礼》大获成功,才算真正打响知名度。  除了演戏之外,穆罗尼在音乐方面也极具才华,曾与弟弟Kieran及几个乐友组成了一支七人乐团“低声甜美的管弦乐队”,穆罗尼负责大提琴及曼陀林的演奏。1998年参加《生存寻找》的演出时结识了女演员凯瑟琳·基纳,次年喜结良缘,1999年育有一子。
约翰·迈克尔·辛吉斯(John Michael Higgins),1963年02月12日出生于美国·马萨诸塞州·波士顿,演员。