


She was born Moira Shearer-King at Morton Lodge in Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland, the only child of civil engineer Harold Charles King and Margaret Crawford Reid, née Shearer.[1] In 1931 her family moved to Ndola, Northern Rhodesia, where her father worked as a civil engineer and where she received her first dancing training under a former pupil of Enrico Cecchetti.[2] She returned to Britain in 1936 and trained with Flora Fairbairn in London for a few months before she was accepted as a pupil by the Russian teacher Nicholas Legat.[2] At his studio she met Mona Inglesby[3] who gave Shearer a part in her new ballet Endymion, presented at an all star matinee at the Cambridge Theatre in 1938.[4] After three years with Legat, she joined the Sadler\'s Wells Ballet School. After the outbreak of World War II, her parents took her to live in Scotland.[2] She joined Mona Inglesby\'s International Ballet[5] for its 1941 provincial tour and West End season before moving on to Sadler\'s Wells in 1942.  Her first \"claim to fame\" is as Posy Fossil in the advertisements for the Noel Streatfeild book Ballet Shoes while she was training under Flora Fairbairn, a good friend of Streatfeild\'s.  She came to international attention for her first film role as Victoria Page in the Powell & Pressburger ballet-themed film The Red Shoes, (1948).[6] Even her hair matched the titular footwear, and the role and film were so powerful that although she went on to star in other films and worked as a dancer for many decades, she is primarily known for playing \"Vicky\".  Shearer retired from ballet in 1953, but she continued to act, appearing as Titania in A Midsummer Night\'s Dream at the 1954 Edinburgh Festival. She worked again for Powell on The Tales of Hoffmann and on the controversial film Peeping Tom (1960), which damaged Powell\'s own career.  In 1972, she was chosen by the BBC to present the Eurovision Song Contest when it was staged at the Usher Hall in Edinburgh. According to author and historian
马留斯·戈尔林(Marius Goring),著名男演员,生于1912年5月23日,英国,Newport,逝世于1998年9月30日 (英国,Rushlake Green)
AW出生于奥地利维也纳。除了他父亲当上马戏团小丑外,他家族十代皆为演员。AW师从导演Max Reinhardt,并在奥地利剧院和银幕上开启了自己的演员生涯。  1936年 他到好莱坞重制他在德国演出的电影《沙俄的战车》(重制版改名为《战国万里行》 )在此期间他将他的名字从Adolf改为Anton。由于AW是同性恋,并且根据纽伦堡法规,他为半犹太,于是他决定留在英国继续自己的演员事业。  制片兼导演Herbert Wilcox聘请他在《维多利亚女王》中扮演艾伯特亲王,他也在此片的续集《荣耀六十年》中继续扮演艾伯特。他在Thorold Dickinson执导的原作《煤气灯下》中扮演而后好莱坞重置版中Charles Boyer饰演的角色。在浪漫剧情片《危险月光》他饰演了一名波兰钢琴师。 与Powell和Pressburger合作的期间是他的鼎盛时期,《百战将军》中饰演有气度热情的好德国人军官Theo(萌T叔),以及在《红菱艳》中饰演专制芭蕾经理Lermentov(柠檬叔)。另外,在Thorold Dickinson的《黑桃皇后》中饰演了他最不同的角色。在Max Ophüls的《轮舞》中饰演马戏团领班  与他联袂主演《红菱艳》的女星Moira Shearer说在片场AW就是一个孤独者,经常戴着墨镜一个人吃饭。他在50年代末退出影坛,转而出现在欧洲的舞台和电视上  1967年在德国,AW死于心胀病。按照他的遗嘱,他的骨灰安葬在伦敦圣约翰教堂的墓园里
艾默力·皮斯伯格(Emeric Pressburger,1902年12月5日-1988年2月5日),出生于匈牙利。编剧、导演、制片人。代表作品《血拼大西洋》。
Irene Browne是一名演员,代表作品有《错误的权利》、《严重指控》等。