


西德尼·波蒂埃(Sidney Poitier),1927年2月20日出生于美国佛罗里达州迈阿密,美国、巴哈马双国籍演员、导演、编剧、外交官。1945年,参演了电影处女作《那佛罗少年》。1950年,接拍了剧情片《无路可走》,这是其首部主演的电影。1954年,出演了体育电影《篮场拼争》。1958年,主演了犯罪电影《挣脱锁链》,凭借该片获得了第31届奥斯卡金像奖最佳男主角提名,成为首个获此提名的黑人演员。1963年,主演了剧情片《原野百合花》,由此获得了第36届奥斯卡金像奖最佳男主角奖,成为首位获得该奖项的黑人演员。1965年,出演了剧情片《再生缘》。1967年,主演了反种族歧视电影《猜猜谁来吃晚餐》。1972年,参与执导并出演了西部电影《布克与牧师》。1975年,主演了惊悚电影《威尔比阴谋》。1980年,拍摄了喜剧电影《阿叔有难》。1982年,执导了犯罪喜剧片《阴谋诡计》。1988年,主演了惊悚电影《谍网神鹰》。1992年,主演了动作惊悚片《大盗》。1997年,主演了剧情类电视电影《南非风云之曼德拉与德克勒克》,凭借该角色获得了第49届艾美奖迷你剧/电视电影类-迷你剧/电视电影最佳男主角提名。2002年3月24日,获得了第74届奥斯卡金像奖终身成就奖。2006年,获得了法国“艺术文学巨匠”奖。2009年7月30日,被美国总统奥巴马授予“总统自由勋章”。2010年,在纪录片《百老汇:远去的黄金年代》中出镜。2016年2月14日,获得了第69届英国电影和电视艺术学院奖终身成就奖。
William Henry \"Bill\" Cosby, Jr. (born July 12, 1937) is an American comedian, actor, author, television producer, educator, musician and activist. A veteran stand-up performer, he got his start at various clubs, then landed a starring role in the 1960s action show, I Spy. He later starred in his own series, the situation comedy The Bill Cosby Show. He was one of the major characters on the children\'s television series The Electric Company for its first two seasons, and created the educational cartoon comedy series Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids, about a group of young friends growing up in the city. Cosby has also acted in a number of films.  During the 1980s, Cosby produced and starred in what is considered to be one of the decade\'s defining sitcoms, The Cosby Show, which aired eight seasons from 1984 to 1992. The sitcom highlighted the experiences and growth of an affluent African-American family. He also produced the spin-off sitcom A Different World, which became second to The Cosby Show in ratings. He starred in the sitcom Cosby from 1996 to 2000 and hosted Kids Say the Darndest Things for two seasons.  He has been a sought-after spokesman, and has endorsed a number of products, including Jell-O, Kodak film, Ford, Texas Instruments, and Coca-Cola, including New Coke. In 2002, scholar Molefi Kete Asante included him in his book, the 100 Greatest African Americans.  In 1976, Cosby earned a Doctor of Education degree from the University of Massachusetts. For his doctoral research, he wrote a dissertation entitled, \"An Integration of the Visual Media Via \'Fat Albert And The Cosby Kids\' Into the Elementary School Curriculum as a Teaching Aid and Vehicle to Achieve Increased Learning\".
巴里·柯宾(Barry Corbin),1940年10月16日出生于得克萨斯州拉米沙,美国演员、制片。