《告密者》根据十年前在联合国担当维和人员的凯瑟琳·波克瓦克的真实经历改编而来。 美国警察嘉芙(Rachel Weisz 蕾切尔·薇兹 饰)受美国私人雇佣兵公司:戴阳国际 (Dyncorp,美国私营雇佣兵企业)雇用,来到波斯尼亚执行维和任务。却发现自己的同事和当地人口贩卖集团勾结,对发生在眼前的残忍性剥削和性侵害的犯罪行为不管不问不说,甚至还帮助并参与人口拐卖和嫖娼。她排除万难,收集血证,发现多个国家军官和外交官涉案其中。嘉芙誓死公开所有证据,却反被革职处理,更成为全球军警的狙杀目标,在腹背受敌生命悬于一线的时刻,她从未放弃坚持正义……

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Ralph Anderson returns to his remote California hometown for the first time in many years. Now a lawyer, he has been estranged from his father, Lloyd, and brother, Tippy, ever since being sent to reform school as a youth for stealing a car, taking the blame for his brother's crime.Lloyd is now sheriff and Tippy his deputy. Forced to represent a wanted criminal, Ralph asks the law to look the other way while a local airfield is used to enable the mobster, Massonetti, to flee the country. A disgusted Lloyd agrees to help, but Tippy decides to arrest Massonetti and cash in on a big reward.Tippy's beautiful wife Linda was once the love of Ralph's life and regrets his long absence. She is tired of Tippy's shiftless, drunken ways and Lloyd's domineering rule of the family.Massonetti arrives in town, backed by Davis, his top thug. Tippy and two deputies, Karger and Eddie, make an amateurish attempt to capture Massonetti, only to get Lloyd shot and killed while trying to stop them. Ralph manages to get Massonetti behind bars at the town jail.The mob cuts off phone communication and highway access to the town. Ralph suggests driving Massonetti to the authorities in Barstow in the mobster's own fast car. Noticing the tension between the brothers, Massonetti taunts them both and offers $25,000 to tempt Tippy into betraying Ralph and setting him free.On the road, deputy Eddie is ambushed and the brothers learn that Linda has been abducted. A deal is made to get her back, but Karger is killed and the car is disabled. Ralph manages to get the four of them to a gas station, where the owner is found shot. In a fight for the gun, Ralph is winged and Tippy seriously wounded.Borrowing a miner's jeep, Ralph drives Massonetti to a main highway, where two policemen take them into custody. They turn out to be impostors who drive Massonetti to an air strip where Davis is waiting with a plane. After they board, Ralph drives the car into the plane, overturning it. He drags Massonetti from th
剧情影片根据真人真事改编,高中辍学、没有工作、又要带两个小孩的单亲妈妈贝蒂·安妮·沃特斯在1983年眼睁睁看着背负着谋杀与抢劫两项罪名的哥哥肯尼斯·华特斯被判无期徒刑锒铛入狱,坚信哥哥是无辜的贝蒂在接下来的12年里通过不懈努力终于拿到法学学位。于是,贝蒂在1995年开始着手重新调查当年她哥哥的谋杀案,最后她以DNA证据并不确凿为理由证明她哥哥的清白,成功地挑战了之前的"有罪推定",而哥哥也在入狱服刑18年后于2001年3月重获自由。幕后制作执着导演演绎执着人生在影视界,那种执着于一个目共标坚持到底的故事总是充满了励志的感召色彩,而如果这其中牵涉到冤案、亲情与个人奋斗,那么就更加充满抓人情感的张力了。而美国影人托尼·戈德温正是被一个名叫贝蒂·安娜·沃特斯的女人为兄弟申冤的决心感染,在2010年,他试图将这个故事带上银幕,让更多人被这个女人的故事感动和激励。而托尼·戈德温在影视之路的历程又何尝不是一个目标坚定,又不断坚持的过程,他很早就投身演艺圈,甚至早在1999年就献上了自己的剧情长片处女作《月球漫步》(1999),但是他却并未因此一飞冲天,长期在电视圈打转,而且多是戏份有限的配角,《法律与秩序》(2001)、《嗜血判官》(2006)等名剧都成留下他的身影,而于此同时,他仍然不时献上自己的导演作品,一直未放弃自己对电影的梦想。而这一次,带着一个好的故事,奥斯卡级的演员阵容,凭借这部《定罪》,或许托尼·戈德温的最好机会也到来了。实际上,托尼·戈德温透露,《定罪》本身成形也是个曲折的过程,前后历时近十年,而本片的缘起实际上还是源自他的妻子。"我的妻子在《60分钟》栏目看到了这个案子。她激动的向我倾诉关于这个案子的点点滴滴。",第二天,戈德温就张罗了解这个案子的详情,但是贝蒂的电话一直无人接听,于是,他又通过经纪人辗转一番,才联系上当时帮助贝蒂的公益组织的律师巴里,慢慢的开始了本片的策划。而对于兄弟姐妹间感情的珍视本身也是促使戈德温坚持完成本片的最大动力,"很长时间以来,我就为兄妹间的这种纽带感到着迷。我感觉如果没有我的兄弟,我简直就不可能生存下来,这是一种很重要的自我认知。当我听到关于贝蒂·安娜和肯尼的故事时,这真的感动了我。我对这种亲情的纽带非常感兴趣,贝蒂为了自己的信念付出了自己十几年的光阴,这深深的吸引了我。",有这种强烈的情感共鸣,托尼·戈德温为本片倾注了巨大的感情,也让本片在情感张力上更加真实。奥斯卡级阵容演绎感人亲情为了自己的信念,在艰难的生活中含辛茹苦十几年,贝蒂· 安娜·沃特斯的精神无疑需要一个对此有强烈体会的演员扮演。从这个角度看,希拉里·斯万克正是最佳人选,仅看看让她摘得奥斯卡影后的角色吧,在《男孩别哭》(1999)中,她不惧他人冷眼,勇敢执着的追求自己的同性之爱。而在《百万美元宝贝》(2004)中,她又以一个中下层女孩的拳击手梦