


Anders weathered a rough childhood and young adult life which not only encouraged an escapist penchant for making up characters but also an insider\'s sympathy for the strong but put-upon women who people her films. Growing up in rural Kentucky, Anders would always remember hanging onto her father\'s leg at age five as he abandoned her family. Traveling frequently with her mother and sisters, Anders would later be raped at age 12, endure abuse from a stepfather who once threatened her with a gun, and suffer a mental breakdown at age 15. Venturing back to Kentucky from Los Angeles at 17, she would soon move to London to live with the man who would father her first child. Upon her return to the US, Anders finally began to pick up the pieces of her life. She enrolled in junior college and later the UCLA film school and managed when a second daughter came along. Enchanted with _Wim Wenders_\' films, she so deluged the filmmaker with correspondence that he gave her a job as a production assistant on his film Paris, Texas (1984). After graduating from UCLA, Anders made her feature writing and directing debut, Border Radio (1987), a study of the LA punk scene, in collaboration with two former classmates. Her first solo effort, Gas, Food Lodging (1992), telling of a single mother and her two teenage daughters, and her followup, Mi vida loca (1993), looking at girl gangs in the Echo Park neighborhood of LA where Anders settled, have shown her to be a deeply personal filmmaker who has used her own experience to make grittily realistic, well-observed, gently ambling studies of women coming of age amid tough, sterile social conditions.
伊里纳·道格拉斯(Illeana Douglas),1965年7月25日出生于美国马萨诸塞州,美国演员、导演、制片人。代表作品有《大器晚成》 、《无人查收》。
约翰·特托罗1957年2月28日生于纽约布鲁克林,自幼迷恋电影,纽约州立大学毕业后,获得奖学金进入耶鲁大学攻读戏剧。之后开始于外百老汇登台演出,1984年曾以舞台剧《丹尼与深蓝海洋》赢得一座欧比奖。1980年以马丁·西科塞斯的《愤怒的公牛》跨入影坛此后在《汉娜姐妹》、《金钱本色》、《米勒倒戈》、《丛林热》中与多位名导演合作,大多出演忧郁古怪的角色,最擅长内心戏的诠释。而1991年再次与科恩兄弟合作的讽剌剧《巴顿芬克》,则令其荣登戛纳影帝宝座,从此以其另类的表演在国际影坛独树一帜。  1992年特托罗开始尝试自己创作,自编自导了一部以做建筑工作的父亲为故事蓝本的《麦克》,并一举赢得戛纳电影节金摄影机奖,1998年又推出了一部《Illuminata》,再获该奖项提名。身为美国现代电影史上一位受人喜爱与尊敬的演员,特托罗仍保持着旺盛的表演能力。  1985年与Katherine Borowitz结婚,育有一子。  富有才华但身材单薄,意大利裔美国人,看上去总是一副犹豫不决的样子,甚至有些神经质的表现,现在已成为观众喜爱的著名怪异电影演员。好莱坞名导斯派克·李(Spike Lee)很多有思想深度的影片中,都能看他的身影。他所塑造的主要电影人物有:《为所应为》(1989)中的十分爱激动皮诺、《巴顿·芬克》中的一个智慧剧作家、《大保龄离奇绑架》 (1998)中的患有恋童癖保龄球手、《丛林热》 (1991)中的一个烦恼不断男青年。
艾瑞克·斯托罗兹(英文 Eric Stoltz),1961年09月30日出生于美国加利福尼亚州惠蒂尔,演员、导演、制片。