


伊德瑞斯·艾尔巴,英文名Idris Elba,英国男演员,制片人。1972年09月06日出生于英国伦敦。曾参演电影《普罗米修斯》、《环太平洋》等。
詹姆斯·麦斯登,美国影视演员。早年就读于俄克拉荷马州立大学。1991年,他和家人在夏威夷度假时被人发掘,从此在洛杉矶开始了他的演艺生涯。他早期主演的电影大多数都是小成本电影,是《X战警》使得他走出了一条广阔的星光大道。之后的《恋恋笔记本》也是他一部票房和口碑成功的作品,可惜他在影片的戏份不多,不过这并没有影响他的发展,已经有很多制片公司计划请他出演电影,而且已经有一些成名的导演开始注意这名在好莱坞发展多年的年轻人。  2007~2008年詹姆斯在演艺生涯上取得了重大的突破。2007年音乐剧电影《Hairspray》(发胶)中詹姆斯扮演迷人的 《发胶》的剧照节目主持人柯尼科林斯一角而备受赞许,在电影中他有两首歌曲。 电影获得票房和口碑的双丰收,迄今为止电影原声碟已在美国卖出了120万张,同年詹姆斯在迪士尼电影《魔法奇缘》中扮演主角之一爱德华王子,电影大受欢迎,获得了3.4亿的全球票房,迪士尼公司发行了电影原声碟,其中有两首歌是詹姆斯唱的。2008年1月詹姆斯和美国新甜心凯瑟琳海格尔联袂出演的爱情喜剧片《27 dresses》(27 套礼服),票房依然强劲。 詹姆斯凭借后面的两部影片获得了美国少年选择奖喜剧类最佳男主角的提名。
Adam Saul Pally (born March 18, 1982) is an American actor and comedian currently starring as Max Blum in the ABC comedy series Happy Endings.  Pally was born and raised in Livingston, New Jersey[2] to parents Caryn and Steven. In 2004 he graduated from The New School university in New York City. He has performed improv and sketch comedy at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre in New York since 2003, and continues to perform in shows such as \"Death by Roo Roo\" and \"ASSSSCAT 3000\" at the theater\'s Los Angeles division.[3] He is also a member of the comedy group \"Chubby Skinny Kids\" with comedians Dan Gregor and Doug Mand.  Pally has appeared in the films Taking Woodstock, Solitary Man and Assassination of a High School President. He has also made television appearances on Californication and The Colbert Report. He is currently writing on the upcoming Adult Swim series NTSF:SD:SUV starring Paul Scheer.  Pally currently stars as one of the leads on the ABC comedy series Happy Endings, alongside Elisha Cuthbert, Zachary Knighton, Casey Wilson, Damon Wayans, Jr. and Eliza Coupe. The show finished it\'s first season on May 25, 2011. The second season will begin airing in September 2011.  Pally currently lives in Los Angeles with his wife Daniella.
美国演员、模特,1970年4月20日生,身高185cm。主要作品:电视剧《犯罪心理》(饰演FBI探员Derek Morgan),《年轻与不安的骚动一族》,电影《饶舌追杀令》、《动机》1、2部、《疯女人日记》等。
里斯·威廉姆斯(Rhys Williams),英格兰足球运动员,场上司职后卫,现效力于英超的利物浦足球俱乐部。
Nito Larioza是一名演员,代表作品有《帝国》、《Crisis: New York Under Water》等。