


比利时女星维吉妮·艾菲拉1977年出生于布鲁塞尔,原先是法国电视台的当家主播,后因收视率太好而转任艺人与演员。2004年她为电影《加菲猫》(Garfield: The Movie)法文版配音、隔年又为好莱坞动画《机器人历险记》(Robots)献声,纯真的相貌与不拘小节的个性广受欧洲观众喜爱。
拉什达·琼斯,美国演员、制片和编剧。2009年,她参演NBC频道喜剧题材连续剧《Parks and Recreation》里的Ann Perkins。
尼克·奥弗曼,1970年6月26日出生于美国伊利诺伊州乔利埃特,演员,主要作品有《冒牌家庭》 、《以眼杀人》、《所有美好之物》等。
生于1967年的美国演员保罗·吉亚玛提,头顶微秃、其貌不扬,还挺着一个不雅的啤酒肚。单从外表看来,他确实很难引起人们的注意。然而,人不可貌相,这位耶鲁大学毕业的高材生其实出身名门,他的父亲是耶鲁大学历史上最年轻的主管,母亲和哥哥都是演员。尽管吉亚玛提很早就接触了表演,在耶鲁大学期间也经常参加演出,但他却坚持在获得艺术学硕士学位之后,才开始进入演艺圈,并在百老汇的舞台上得到了表演方面的进一步积累。  尽管拥有聪明的头脑与硕士学位的学历,但与许多初登大银幕的演员经历相同,刚刚开始电影表演生涯的保罗·吉亚玛提只出演了几个几乎没有台词的龙套角色,在好莱坞并不为人所知。直到1997年,凭借在浪漫爱情喜剧《我最好朋友的婚礼》中对一个小角色的出色刻画,吉亚玛提开始向世人证明自己的表演才华。在这部影片中,两位当时颇具票房号召力的影星朱莉娅·罗伯茨、卡梅隆·迪亚兹强强联合,取得了不俗的票房成绩。其中,吉亚玛提扮演一位酒店的行李员,在一场与女主角扮演者朱莉娅·罗伯茨的对手戏中,吉亚玛提将自己对生活最真切的体验融入到角色的性格中,在仅有的短短两三分钟的出场时间内,将这样一个小角色塑造出了丰富的性格层次,从而把一个善良的、饱受生活压力的小人物表现得非常精准,令人印象深刻。  在2004年的《杯酒人生》影片中,他把一个中年失意的善良男人演绎得恰到好处,是这部温情小制作里的一个最大亮点。之后他便片约不断,出现在一些大制作商业电影中,不管片子本身的质量如何,保罗·吉亚玛提的出色演技总是一个吸引人的砝码。
Eddie Spears is an American actor. He is a member of the Kul Wicasa Oyate Lakota (often called \"Sioux\") Lower Brulé Tribe of South Dakota.  He has 5 brothers and 1 sister. His older brother Michael is also an actor.  He can speak Lakota, but has admitted that he is not fluent. He is an avid outdoorsman with hunting, fishing, archery and rodeo experience. Eddie can dance both the traditional and grass ceremonies of the Lakota. He also travels nationally as a keynote speaker.
Daniel Hagan是一个演员,主要作品有《告密者》、《四个圣诞节》等。
Flula Borg is a musician, DJ, host, actor, hype-man, and writer born and raised in Erlangen, Germany. His entertainment career first began as a Schuhplattler dancer.
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She was first hired by Club RTL (A Belgian TV channel in the RTL Group) to present a children\'s show called Mégamix. She went on to present other programmes in Belgium, including A la recherche de la nouvelle Star. In September 2002 she was offered the job of the presenter of Belgian\'s version of Star Academy. After casting to be a weather girl on France\'s M6 channel, she was soon pushed into the limelight as one of M6\'s main public faces, presenting shows such as Le Grand Zap, La saga des ..., Follement Gay, Absolument 80/90, Le Grand Piège and Dr?les d\'équipes. She was the host of Classé Confidentiel for one year, before replacing Benjamin Castaldi as the host of the popular musical reality show Nouvelle Star for the end of the show\'s fourth series. She also present various shows on RTL-TVi (a spin-off channel in the RTL Group). Efira was a guest star on the highly successful French show Kaamelott.  Efira\'s film career took off in 2004, appearing as Dr. Liz Wilson in the French-language version of Garfield: The Movie, as well as playing Piper in the French version of the 2005 film Robots. In 2012, she was nominated for the Magritte Award for Best Supporting Actress, and went on to win the Audience Award.[1]  In 2010, she participated in Rendez-vous en terre inconnue.  She was married to Patrick Ridremont from 2002 to 2005 when they separated.[2] They filed for divorce in February 2009.[3] She is now in a relationship with Mabrouk El Mechri and is expecting their first child together.[4]