

18岁的科里奥兰纳斯·斯诺(汤姆·布莱斯 饰)被选为第十届饥饿游戏的导师,与来自第十二区的贫困女孩露西·格雷·贝尔德(瑞秋·齐格勒 饰)成为了“生死相依”的命运共同体。竞技场上,这是一场关乎自由、食物,甚至是尊重与权利的生死角逐;竞技场外,不忍与善意使斯诺决定不顾一切帮助露西在这场游戏中赢得胜利......当活下去的欲望与所遵守的规则背道而驰,命运的齿轮紧抓入自己手中时,他又该如何抉择?

Schwartzman was born in Los Angeles, California, the son of actress Talia Shire (née Coppola) and the late producer Jack Schwartzman. Many of his family members are involved in film; he is the nephew of director Francis Ford Coppola, cousin of actor Nicolas Cage, director Sofia Coppola, Roman Coppola and Christopher Coppola, and grandson of Italia Coppola (née Pennino) and Carmine Coppola. His brother is actor/musician Robert Schwartzman (vocalist for the band Rooney), and his paternal half-brother is cinematographer John Schwartzman. Schwartzman is of Ashkenazi Jewish descent on his father\'s side and Italian descent on his mother\'s side, and was raised without religion.  He is an American actor and musician. He is perhaps best known for his roles in the Hollywood films Rushmore, Spun, I ? Huckabees, Shopgirl, Marie Antoinette, The Darjeeling Limited, and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. He is currently in the band Coconut Records; formerly, he was the drummer of the rock band Phantom Planet. Schwartzman is also the star of the HBO series Bored to Death, where he plays a writer who moonlights as an unlicensed detective advertising himself on Craigslist.
亨特·谢弗是一位美国女时装模特、演员、艺术家及LGBT权益活动家,同时也是一名跨性别女子,因出演HBO青少年剧集《狂喜》(Euphoria, 2019–) 中的跨性别少女朱尔丝·沃恩 (Jules Vaughn) 而出名。
维奥拉·戴维斯出生在1965年的南加州,后搬到罗德岛长大,她的父亲是当地一位赛马美容师。薇奥拉家庭并不富裕,表演和写作成为她逃离贫瘠物质生活的一种方式。她在青少年时期即显露出众天赋,得到一笔奖学金进入罗德岛学院主修戏剧,后又考取了著名的茱莉亚学院。在她看来,名校的四年有利又有弊,首先为她提供了成为一位多才多艺的专业演员所必须的训练和开导,另一方面茱莉亚学院却并不关注个性。2001年,她在百老汇上演了奥斯斯特·威尔逊的《海德力国王二世》(King Hedley II),获得托尼奖以及之后的两个剧评人奖。电影方面,维奥拉曾和史蒂文·索德伯格三度合作(《战略高手》、《毒品网络》、《飞向太空2002》),并在《十一罗汉》中客串了一回只见其声不见其人。不过一直以来她在电影中的演出都很短暂,甚至为她赢得奥斯卡提名的《虐童疑云》当中也只有一场戏,不过那场与梅丽尔·斯特里普的对峙极具震撼力,堪称该片的最精华。
菲奥纽拉·弗拉纳根Fionnghuala Flanagan,爱尔兰女演员、制片人。1941年12月10日出生于爱尔兰都柏林。2001年参演《小岛惊魂》,2002年凭借影片《小岛惊魂》获得“土星奖” 最佳女配角奖。
Burn Hugh Winchester Gorman (born 1 September 1974) is an American-born English actor and musician. Burn is best known for his roles as Owen Harper in Torchwood and as William Guppy in Bleak House.  Gorman was born in Hollywood, California, where his father worked as a professor at the University of California, Los Angeles. He has three older sisters. At the age of seven he moved to London, England.