


1927年罗杰·摩尔出生在伦敦斯托克威尔,父亲是一名警察。二战期间曾服役于英国部队的他1953年来到美国,凭借英俊的外表和温和文雅的举止,他很快与米高梅签下合约,出演了《深宫绮梦》(Diane)、《西厢情断》《Interrupted Melody)和《魂断巴黎》(The Last Time I Saw Paris)、《劫后英雄传》(Ivanhoe)、《The Alaskans》和广获认可的《赌侠马华力》(Maverick)等影视作品。1962年的英国电视剧《圣徒》(The Saint)让罗杰成为名扬国际的超级巨星,在欧洲极受欢迎的他在美国影坛却还不够耀眼。  1973年他取代肖恩·康纳利(Sean Connery)出演了他一部007影片《生死关头》(Live and Let Die),影片在美国之外取得的票房超过了康纳利出演的最后一部《金刚钻》(Diamonds Are Forever),获得广泛认可,此后罗杰又出演了六部007系列影片,直到1985年57岁时才凭借《雷霆杀机》(A View to a Kill)退出了007的舞台。在此期间罗杰还出演了《That Lucky Touch》、《大煞星与亡命客》(Shout at the Devil)、《野鹅敢死队》(The Wild Geese)、《逃往雅典娜》(Escape to Athena)和《北海龙虎榜》(North Sea Hijack)等颇受欢迎的影片,尽管罗杰塑造了詹姆斯·邦德及其他众多角色,美国观众却始终没有完全接受他,直到1981年他与布特·雷诺茨(Burt Reynolds)联袂出演的《炮弹飞车》(The Cannonball Run)上映后,情况才有所改观。  罗杰·摩尔的演艺事业随着007的离去开始走下坡路,尽管仍然频频在银幕亮相,影片的票房却大都不甚理想,此后他多出现电视节目中。
克里斯托弗·李,英国演员。父母都是职业军人。在离婚后不久,李的母亲嫁给了一位银行家,14到17岁之间,李进入惠灵顿大学就读,毕业后成了航运公司的职员。  40年代末期,退伍后的李投身表演,1米96的高大身材和邪恶的面貌特质让他很快成为恶魔的化身,随后的20年间,他出演了大量恐怖电影,代表作包括《科学怪人的诅咒》、《傅满洲的城堡》《恐怖吸血鬼》和《永眠的诅咒》等。70年代中期,厌倦了以往戏路的他开始尝试出演主流电影,陆续出演了《福尔摩斯秘史》、《豪情三剑客》和《铁金刚大破金枪客》等。  随着这些影片的成功,李开始引起好莱坞的关注,转战好莱坞的他出现在大量经典影片之中,其在《星球大战》系列影片和《魔戒三部曲》中的出色表演给观众留下了深刻印象。  今年已经89岁,演了60年电影,用大器晚成来形容克里斯托弗·李已经有点不合适,因为他在人生的暮年才逐渐被影迷们所认识,虽然他演过60年的电影,但大部分都不是主流电影。直到魔幻巨片《指环王》寻找白衣巫师萨罗曼的演员时,当时已经78岁的克里斯托弗意识到,自己闪光的时刻到来了。《指环王》改编自同名魔幻小说,克里斯托弗年轻时就酷爱这部小说,他每次看时都要从头到尾重新阅读一遍,对其中的人物和台词可谓了如指掌。凭借这份精力和高大强壮的形象,他得到了大反派萨茹曼的角色。果然,影片《指环王》上映后,克里斯托弗·李名声大增,他扮演的萨茹曼不仅形似,而且神似,得到了影迷们的一致夸奖。连续三集《指环王》落幕后,克里斯托夫已经成为了欧美影坛最受人尊敬的老演员了。
George Clifton James (May 29, 1920 – April 15, 2017) was an American actor, best known for his roles as Sheriff J.W. Pepper alongside Roger Moore in the James Bond films Live and Let Die (1973) and The Man with the Golden Gun (1974), the sheriff in Silver Streak (1976), and as the owner of the scandalous 1919 Chicago White Sox baseball team in Eight Men Out (1988).
元秋,本名张转男(Cheung Cheun Nam),香港前武打电影演员,用过的艺名还有甘家凤、林秀等等。元秋早年是以武打演员身份出身。她是元龙(先洪金宝再成龙)、元楼(成龙)、元彪、元奎、元华、元武、元泰七人担任的《七小福》的师妹,从十岁开始便接受师傅于占元训练,七年后踏入电影圈担任替身,为当时少见的女替身。她曾在007电影《铁金刚大战金枪客》中饰演Lieutenant Hip的niece \"Nara\",不过戏分少,字幕上没提到她的名字,不算是正式的邦女郎。随后因为结了婚而于八十年代息影。
布里特·艾克拉诺(Britt-Marie Eklund),1942年10月6日出生于斯德哥尔摩,瑞典演员,代表作《撒旦的情人》、《丑闻》、《热点》、《比弗利山的VAM》等。
Stunning Swedish born ex-model who broke into film in 1970, and quickly appeared in several high profile films including playing the ex-wife of James Caan in the futuristic Rollerball (1975) and the ill-fated lover of super-assassin Francisco Scaramanga played by Christopher Lee in The Man with the Golden Gun (1974). To date, the beautiful Maud Adams has appeared in three James Bond films... the other two performances were as one of the lead villains in Octopussy (1983) and as an extra in A View to a Kill (1985). She has appeared in numerous television specials on the Bond series of films, and also played the love interest of crazy Bruce Dern in Tattoo (1981). In the late 1990s, Adams had a regular role on a Swedish soap opera; however, she has not been seen on cinema screens since late 1996.
Hervé Villechaize was born in Paris on April 23, 1943. He stopped growing very early and his father (who was a surgeon) tried to find a cure by visiting several doctors and hospitals. But there was none, so Hervé had to live with his small height and also with undersized lungs. He studied at the Beaux-Arts in Paris and made an exhibition of his own paintings, which were well received. At 21, he left France for the USA where he continued to paint and to make photographs. He also started to participate in some movies and was quickly offered several roles for plays and then for cinema. His first big success was The Man with the Golden Gun (1974) where he was a killer associated to the villain Scaramanga (played by Christopher Lee). He inspired the TV-series Fantasy Island (1977) where he took the role of \"Tattoo\", the faithful servant of \"Mr. Roarke\" (Ricardo Montalban). This series was a great success and, thanks to it, Villechaize became famous and rich, mostly because of his enigmatic and charming smile.  In 1983, he argued with the producers of the show in order to earn as much money as Montalban but, instead, he was fired; he also lost his model-actress wife. The series continued without him but stopped one year later, when the media response meter decreased because of the lack of Tattoo\'s character!  Villechaize became alcoholic and depressed, so he missed several roles that he was offered. His health problems also increased (mostly suffering from ulcers and a spastic colon), and he nearly died of pneumonia in 1992. On the afternoon of Saturday September 4th, 1993, after having watched a movie, he wrote a note and made a tape recording before shooting himself in his backyard. His common-law wife, Kathy Self, discovered his body and called the ambulance which took him to the Medical Center of North Hollywood where he died at 3:40 pm. Villechaize was cremated and his ashes were scattered off Point Fermin, in Los Angeles.
Lois于1962年的《铁金刚勇破神秘岛》开始担任秘书Money penny的角色,Money penny是个性感的女秘书,却没有与邦德扯上任何关系。1985年,她在《铁金刚勇破大狂魔》中最后一次扮演Money penny。Maxwell共演了14部邦德电影,是出现最多次数的演员,近年秘书一角由Samantha Bond饰演,但Lois的Money penny形象已深入民心,可以说是无可取代的。《皇家赌场》之后已没有了Money penny一角。  2007年在澳大利亚因患癌症去世,终年80岁。
Leslie Crawford主演了《飞侠哥顿》、《罗望子的种子》等影视作品。
Marc Lawrence是一名演员,代表作品有《神秘代码》。