

In a luxury hotel stage director Nicoleff stages a show to get the money to pay his bills. Mrs. Prentiss, who is backing the show wants her daughter Ann to marry the millionaire T. Mosely Thorpe, but Ann falls in love with Dick Curtis, while Dick's girl friend marries Ann's brother Humbolt. But the hotel secretary Betty knows a way to avoid dificulties with old Mrs. Prentiss.

In the 1930s , Dick Powell was the juvenile lead in the Warner backstage musicals opposite such rising stars as Ruby Keeler and Joan Blondell. After his career in musicals, he was cast in private-eye roles and became a producer and director for both TV and movies.  He was a vocalist with Charlie Davis\'s orchestra before entering film.  Interned at Desert Memorial Park, Palm Springs, California.  Father of Ellen Powell, from his marriage to Joan Blondell. He adopted Joan\'s son, Norman S. Powell in February 1938.  Died on the same day as Jack Carson. They had different forms of cancer.  Father of Dick Powell Jr. from his marriage to June Allyson.  His parents were Ewing and Sallie Rowena Thompson Powell.  His brother Luther Powell was born October 30, 1906, and died August 15, 1996. His brother Howard Smith Powell was born October 13, 1899, and died in January, 1986.  He was yet another casualty of the 1956 film The Conqueror (1956) filmed near a nuclear test site in Utah. Many of the people involved with the film, including Powell, who directed, eventually died of cancer, either caused by, or exacerbated by, working on it. Others included actors John Wayne, Susan Hayward, Ted de Corsia, and Agnes Moorehead.  His daughter Pamela Powell was adopted during his marriage to June Allyson.  As of early 2007, his birthplace in the small town of Mountain View, AR still stands on the north side of Main Street. It\'s a modest circa 1895 house (sadly in a state of benign neglect) with a wraparound porch with a small historical marker and a badly weathered display out in front that details his 1936 engagement to Joan Blondell, marriage to June Allyson and more recent death of his brother.
格劳瑞亚·斯图尔特曾是1930年代好莱坞黄金时代的女主角,而其最具有影响力的角色却还要算是60年以后在詹姆斯·卡梅隆打造的《泰坦尼克号》巨制中出演老年版露丝,由此获得了奥斯卡金像奖提名。  格劳瑞亚·斯图尔特从影前就读于加州大学,当时派拉蒙和环球争相邀请她加盟,最后是经过电影学会裁决才受聘环球公司的。格劳瑞亚在环球的第一个角色是1932年的《女人街》,并被当年颇有影响力的挖掘新人组织“西电影宣传联合会”评选为年度最佳新人之一。此后,格劳瑞亚又接过了环球送上门的多个不同类型的角色,但给她的事业带来转机的却是詹姆斯·怀勒导演,两人的交情为她带来了她在那个时期最有影响力的一些角色,其中的影片包括恐怖片《老黑屋》、《镜前之吻》以及《隐形人》。  在环球的事业遭遇瓶颈后,格劳瑞亚转投华纳兄弟,并在那里一直忙到30年代末期,这一时期的主要作品有1935年的《1935年掘金女郎》及《桑尼布鲁克庄园的丽贝卡》,并且在童星秀兰·邓波儿主演的电影《可怜的富家小姑娘》中担任配角。只不过这段时期斯图尔特扮演的角色被她自己后来形容为“一无是处的愚蠢至极的角色”、“女记者、女侦探、女护士,结果越来越明显——我永远也不可能成为像凯瑟琳·赫本和洛丽泰·扬那样的大明星。”  厌倦了将自己被定型为金发美女这类花瓶角色的格劳瑞亚很快就萌生了退意,在1997年接受《芝加哥论坛报》的采访中她回忆道:“终于有一天,我烧掉了所有的东西,我的剧本,我的剧照,所有的一切,大火烧得很痛快,这就是一种解脱。”从1932年到1939年期间,斯图尔特共接拍了42部电影。整个1940年代只拍摄过4部电影,并于1946年在出演完《她写的书》之后宣布息影。一直维持到了1975年,在那一年她以电视电影《利兹·博登传奇》中的一个角色重回演艺圈。此后直到80年代末期,她总是处于在各个电影中出演配角或跑龙套的状态。  在她87岁的时候,因出演电影《泰坦尼克号》中101岁的露丝而获得奥斯卡女配角奖,由此也成为了获得该奖项提名年纪最长的一位女演员。年轻版的露丝由凯特·温丝莱特出演,与莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥在这艘大船上演绎了一段动人的生死之恋。时过境迁,当人们将沉船打捞起来之后,这时的露丝已经是位年过百岁的老人,白发苍苍的露丝毅然而然将“海洋之心”的钻石丢入大海的时候,格劳瑞亚·斯图尔特对这一角色深情的演绎,更是令所有人为之动容。在《泰坦尼克号》之后,格劳瑞亚继续在电影和电视领域推出新作,其中较为著名的有与德国名导维姆·文德斯合作的两部电影:2000年的《百万美元酒店》和2004年的《迷失天使城》。
1904年出生,1928年进入百老汇,次年步入影坛,30年代后逐渐在好莱坞出名,50年代转向电视和戏剧界,1969年因癌症终止了表演生命,两年后过世。  代表作:《一日淑女》、《无人上当》等。