


黛米·摩尔是最为人们喜欢的好莱坞明星之一,她曾经是好莱坞片酬最高的女星。 因《人鬼情未了》而走红,这成为她演技的重大突破, 使她从二、三流的演员一跃成为一颗影坛新星。此后, 黛米·摩尔片约不断,频频与大明星联袂出演,知名度不断提高,越来越受到观众欢迎。《好人寥寥》、《桃色交易》、《披露》、《红字》、《脱衣舞娘》等,黛米·摩尔对不同角色的诠释让人们惊叹于她深厚的功底。之后, 黛米·摩尔还在《霹雳娇娃2》中扮演了一个反面角色,与三个“天使”斗智斗勇。  1962年11月11日出生在新墨西哥州的黛米·摩尔有一个动荡的童年,也许用“动荡”来形容还略显保守。在成为一个少女之前,她与母亲、继父和同母异父的弟弟已至少搬过30次家。继父是一名报纸广告推销员,经常失业的他还是一个赌徒,总是将刚刚得到的一点点收入转眼间挥霍在赌桌上。为此,黛米的父母结婚又离婚,离婚又结婚,反复达四次之多。除了漂泊不定的家庭,小黛米还要忍受恼人的眼疾,她的“斗鸡眼”经过两次手术才得以纠正。继父在黛米15岁的时候企图自杀。直到此时,黛米才知道他不是自己的生父。一年后,黛米辍学去欧洲作了模特。18岁时,她嫁给了比自己大12岁的摇滚乐手福雷迪·摩尔。这段婚姻仅仅维系了四年,但黛米却因邻居娜塔莎·金斯基的帮助而演技大涨。  在结束了与布鲁斯威利斯的婚姻之后,两人仍保持着友好的关系,而现在黛咪的丈夫是好莱坞新生代偶像阿什顿·库彻。
凯莉·林奇,是风雨哈佛路 / 霹雳娇娃 / 拉字至上 第一季演员。
Lori Petty (born October 14, 1963) is an American actress, film director and screenwriter. As an actress, she is best known for playing Tyler Endicott in the 1991 film Point Break, Kit Keller in A League of Their Own (1992), and the title role in Tank Girl in 1995.  Petty, the oldest of three children, was born in Chattanooga, Tennessee, the daughter of a Pentecostal minister. She graduated from North High School in Sioux City, Iowa in 1981 and worked for several years in Omaha, Nebraska as a graphic designer before pursuing acting.
Robert Hepler Lowe (/lo?/; born March 17, 1964)[1] is an American actor. He came to prominence as a teen idol in the 1980s, appearing in teen and young adult film roles in The Outsiders (1983), Oxford Blues (1984), St. Elmo\'s Fire (1985), and About Last Night... (1986). Thereafter, his film career decreased and he ventured into television, making his breakthrough as Sam Seaborn on the NBC political drama The West Wing (1999–2003), for which he received a Primetime Emmy Award nomination and two Golden Globe Award nominations. Lowe appeared as Robert McCallister on the ABC television drama Brothers & Sisters (2006–2010), followed by a four-year run as Chris Traeger on the NBC sitcom Parks and Recreation (2010–14), for which he was critically acclaimed. He is currently starring as Dr. Ethan Willis on the CBS medical drama Code Black (2015–) and appears with his two sons, Matthew and Jon Owen, in the A&E reality series The Lowe Files (2017–).  In addition to his 2001 Emmy nomination for The West Wing,[2] Lowe has six Golden Globe Award nominations, which span four of the seven categories for male actors.[3]
1944年出生的山姆·艾里奥特长着一张标准的西部牛仔面孔,1969年他以出演《Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid》首次登上大银幕,其后多次在影片中塑造牛仔形象。
美国女演员。身高160cm。主要作品有:《红橡树》、《你眼中的世界》、《基斯》。她曾是美国著名男演员约翰尼德普的第三任女友。现任丈夫是美国男演员克拉克格雷格(在《神盾局特工》中出演神盾局特工Phil Coulson),两人育有一女。