

这部纪录片主要讲述了爵士歌手Janis Joplin的传奇一生,收集了她所有珍贵的影像片段,从她1967年在蒙特利尔的演出,到1969年在伍德斯托克音乐节上的感人演唱,其中包括她所有的相关视频和采访,对陪伴她的朋友们和摇滚明星们也有全面的介绍。片中所有配乐都来自于她一生中所有知名歌曲。

化名Cat Power的女歌手Chan Marshall,是欧美音乐界低调的异类,她以钢琴、吉他为主要演绎乐器,其歌曲以低调民谣为主要特色,有时也加上吉他失真音色、比较强烈的和弦和伴奏,演绎着Indie Rock。
珍妮丝·琳恩·贾普林(英语:Janis Lyn Joplin,1943年1月19日-1970年10月4日),美国歌手、音乐家、画家和舞者。她在1960年代以大哥控股公司乐团主唱之姿崛起,后来单飞,由柯兹米克蓝调乐团(The Kozmic Blues Band)和冲击布吉乐团(The Full Tilt Boogie Band)伴奏。她有 美誉,并跻身《滚石》杂志的2004年“史上百大音乐家”第46名、2008年“史上百大歌手”第28名。  1970年10月4日,在洛杉矶一家旅馆因吸食海洛因过量而过世,终年27岁(刚好就是同为27岁的吉米·罕醉克斯过世的16日之后,而两人都是所谓的27 Club成员)。
Kristoffer Kristofferson (born June 22, 1936) is an American singer-songwriter, musician, and actor. He wrote and recorded the songs \"Me and Bobby McGee\", \"For the Good Times\", \"Sunday Mornin\' Comin\' Down\", and \"Help Me Make It Through the Night\". Kristofferson composed his own songs and collaborated with Nashville songwriters such as Shel Silverstein.[1] In 1985, Kristofferson joined fellow country artists Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, and Johnny Cash in forming the country music supergroup The Highwaymen, and formed a key creative force in the Outlaw country music movement that eschewed the Nashville music machine in favor of independent songwriting and producing. In 2004, Kristofferson was inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame. He is also known for his starring roles in Alice Doesn\'t Live Here Anymore, Heaven\'s Gate, and A Star Is Born, the latter of which earned him a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor.