
导演:亚历山大·克鲁格,沃尔克·施隆多夫,斯戴芬·奥斯特,Axel Engstfeld

War and Peace: At the peak of the Cold War, the short-range missile crisis, neutron bombs could have potentially annihilated Central Europe. 300,000 protesters in Bonn. German Chancellor Schmidt resigns. Why make a film collage about war? "Nothing is more discouraging than not being able to see through a game on which your life hinges."Alexander Kluge about War and Peace:There are experiences which move the senses and the heart but which, once robbed of their historical context, are very hard to convey in film in such a way that they remain topical and hold the interest of the audience. One such experience is the missile crisis of 1981-1984.For our part we had made a considerable effort to film it. Why? Even at the time the majority of the audience didn't ask us to.pDuring those years I felt physically afraid. To be honest, I didn't believe Germany was going to be bombarded with neutron bombs or in the total destruction of the Fulda basin, i.e. the zone in the middle of Germany into which the missiles of both sides would fall in the event of a Third World War. Inside me I had a defence mechanism against the thought that a Third World War could be the result of the mistakes made

沃尔克?施隆多夫(Volker Schl?ndorff),德国电影导演,与维姆?文德斯、维尔纳?赫尔佐格、赖纳?维尔纳?法斯宾德并称“新德国电影”四杰。  施隆多夫1939年3月31日生于德国的威斯巴登(Wiesbaden)。在法国读的高中并在IDHEC学电影研究,给路易?马勒(Louis Malle)、阿伦?雷乃(Alain Resnais)和让-皮埃尔?梅尔维尔(Jean-Pierre Melville)做过副导演。自己的导演事业始于在阿尔及利亚和越南做电视报导。1960年代中期回到电影人才短缺的德国,立刻以他的剧情长片处女作《青年特尔勒斯》(Young Torless,1966)成为领军人物。他之后的影片印证了他思想的成熟和技术的娴熟。自1992年,他当了德国Sudio Babelsberg GmbH(原UFA/DEFA)制片公司的执行总裁。他的前任妻子玛格丽特?冯?托塔,出现在他早期的几部影片中并与他合作写的剧本。  中国观众比较熟悉他的根据君特?格拉斯小说改编而成的影片《铁皮鼓》(The Tin Drum,1979),此片获得了1979年的戛纳金棕榈和1980年的奥斯卡最佳外语片奖。
Hans-Michael Rehberg是一位演员,代表作有《少年歌德的烦恼》《幽暗山谷》等。
Heinz Bennent,演员,主要作品《玛丽王妃》、《夜风凛冽》、《明天的乔纳斯和莱拉》。
布鲁诺·冈茨 Bruno Ganz (别名:布鲁诺·甘茨),出生日期: 1941年 3月22日 出生地点: 瑞士Zürich-Seebach 布鲁诺在剧场亮相始于1961年,做为一名功力扎实的年轻演员,他的演出为他赢得良好的声誉。他在1970年与彼德·斯坦联合创立了柏林\"schaubuehne\"剧团。他在电影中演出是在1960年初,并未获得很大成功。1976年的电影\"sommergaeste\"使他得以展现他演员的才华。自70年代以来,布鲁诺已出现在数十部电影中,其精湛的演技为他赢得了世界性的声誉。并在2004年上映的《帝国的毁灭》中成功的饰演了希特勒。