

三年前,共同度过令人难忘的高中生活的莱娜阿丽克西斯布莱德尔饰、布里奇特布蕾克莱弗利饰、卡门亚美莉卡费雷拉饰和蒂比安波尔坦博琳饰这四位亲密无间的好姐妹,如今已然长大,在各自的大学生涯里寻找着各自的未来、希望和梦想。她们,有的喜欢戏剧、有的钟情美术、有的爱在赛场上展示飒爽英姿、还有的将梦想放在了浩瀚的书海当中……而四位姐妹的感情生活也同样和她们的成长经历一般,经历着各种各样的滋味:有的青涩、有的甜蜜、有的辛酸、有的苦闷…… 但无论怎样,当假期来临之际,四位好姐妹却依然带着那条维系她们真挚友情的“神奇牛仔裤”重新聚集一处,互诉衷肠、重温友谊。而当四人再次相聚之时,虽没有了当年少年时的幼稚打闹,却依旧在美好的海滨之旅中相互鼓励,共同振作着踏上未来更加美好的成长之路………

尽管是阿丽克西斯·布莱德尔为了克服过于内向的性格而在父母的鼓励之下走上演艺道路,但直到今天作为《吉尔莫女孩》陪伴观众走过了七个年头,她依然保持住了这份从容的安静和害羞,而这也正是观众们喜欢她的一大原因所在。  布莱德尔1981年出生在美国的休斯顿,父亲是阿根廷人,母亲来自墨西哥而且有着法国和德国血统,此外她还有一位小五岁的弟弟。布莱德尔信奉天主教,母语是西班牙语,进入学校后才开始学习英文。8岁时她通过社区剧团起步,出演了《Our Town》、《绿野仙踪》以及《阿拉丁》等剧,此后被当地一家商场选为时装模特,高中时节正式走上少女模特的道路,曾经在伦敦、米兰、纽约以及洛衫机等各地工作。高中毕业后布莱德尔进入纽约大学电专修电影,2000年春天在自己的模特经纪人的帮助下她得到了前往洛衫机面试的机会,第一次试镜就令人羡慕地被给予了主角角色,最终在2000年的12月5日作为Rory Gilmore亮相荧屏;《吉尔莫女孩》的受欢迎也让她在进入了2002年Teen People“25 Hottest Stars Under 25”、Maxim magazine \"Hot 100 of 2005\" 等榜单,05/06年连续获得青少年选择奖,此外合作本剧的男演员Milo Ventimiglia也在很长时间内成为了布莱德尔现实中的男友。  2003年Less Than Jake专辑Anthem中歌曲“She\'s Gonna Break Soon”的音乐录影带里,布莱德尔曾担任主角出镜,而她本人也非常喜欢这支乐队。2005年,布莱德尔在罗德里格兹的影片《罪恶之城》中出演了妓女Becky的角色,算是对于之前形象的一次突破,本片的视觉风格采用了极致的黑与白,但导演实在不忍心放弃布莱德尔湛蓝的眼眸而保留下了它的颜色。此外她出演的根据Ann Brashares书作改变而成的青春片《牛仔裤的夏天》也获得了不错的反响。
金发碧眼、身材高挑的布蕾克?莱弗利1987年3月25日生在美国加州洛杉矶郊区的塔善那,她的父母以及四位兄弟姐妹都有过表演经验,迪斯尼《歌舞青春》系列中出演扎克?埃夫隆的角色父亲的Bart Johnson还是她的姐夫。  1998年,11岁的布蕾克曾在其父执导的独立影片《Sandman》中演过一个小角色。  2005年当她为畅销书改编而成的青春片《牛仔裤的夏天》试镜时,由于缺乏经验,布蕾克只是将自己的照片递给了主考官便径直往外走,可正是这番情形之下,她立即被敲定是出演片中橄榄球夏令营里引诱自己的教练的布里姬一角的最佳人选。本片为她赢得了青少年选择奖突破电影女演员奖的提名。  2007年为了续集《牛仔裤的夏天2》的拍摄,布蕾克?莱弗利同“吉尔莫女孩”阿丽克西斯?布莱德尔以及“丑女贝蒂”亚美莉卡?费雷拉等原班主演再次聚集到一起。  中间的2006年,布蕾克?莱弗利还主演了独立影片《Elvis and Anabelle》,并在青春恐怖片《Simon Says》以及备受关注的荒诞校园喜剧《录取通知》中担任重要角色,后者为她赢得了Hollywood Life评选出的突破表演奖。  此外,07年布蕾克?莱弗利得到了同样改编自畅销小说的青春电视剧《Gossip Girl》中的第一主演角色,本剧是编剧Josh Schwartz在《橘子郡男孩》结束后筹备的新作,讲述生活在纽约上东区的上流社会的两位少女的成长经历,9月18日起在CW频道播出。  2010年底,与好莱坞“万人迷”莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥开始交往,现已分手。目前在和“绿灯侠”瑞安·雷诺兹交往。
八岁即开始在学校和社区剧团中表演,2002年出演勒迪斯尼原创儿童电影《Gotta Kick It Up!》,同年在HBO出品的成长影片《Real Women Have Curves》中出演一位墨西哥裔美国女孩,本片获得了02年圣丹斯电影节的观众奖,亚美莉卡·费雷拉则与合作的Lupe Ontiveros一起被授予超级评审大奖。  05年的6月3日,费雷拉出演的两部影片《狗镇议员》和《牛仔裤的夏天》在这同一天上映,后者十分卖座并且在青少年选择奖中获得多项提名...
布莱克-莱弗利,美国女演员,因出演青春电视剧《八卦天后》(Gossip Girl)中的角色:塞丽娜(Serena)而走红。
Amber Rose Tamblyn (born May 14, 1983) is an American actress and writer. She first came to national attention in her role on the soap opera General Hospital as Emily Quartermaine, followed by a starring role on the prime-time series Joan of Arcadia, portraying the title character, Joan Girardi for which she received Primetime Emmy and Golden Globe nominations. Her feature film work includes roles such as Tibby Rollins from the first two The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants films (2005–2008), as well as Katie Embry in The Ring (2002), Aubrey Davis in The Grudge 2 (2006) and Megan McBride in 127 Hours (2010); she had an extended arc as Martha M. Masters in the medical drama series House. She also had a starring role as Jenny on season eleven and twelve (Final Season) of the CBS sitcom Two and a Half Men.
露西·海尔1989年出生在美国田纳西州最大的城市孟菲斯,是家中三个孩子的老小,她第一次出现在公众视野中是在2003年作为青少组合“American Juniors”的成员,组合发表三张专辑后解散,露西·海尔则立刻将工作中心转移到了表演方面,这也是她一直以来的兴趣所在。露西·海尔先后在《德雷克和乔西》、《解密:耐德的学校生存法则》、《橘子郡男孩》以及《老爸老妈的浪漫史》等电视剧中客串亮相,可惜出演的《Secrets of a Small Town》、《The A...
Many have said that Tom Wisdom has a striking resemblance to Keanu Reeves, Ben Barnes, and even the late Heath Ledger. All three of them can be summed up as quite a compliment. But, behind the handsome face lies a fantastic actor. Tom knew he wanted to become an actor from the moment he stepped on stage in a school production of Peter and the Wolf. Unfortunately, his director did not seem to think he had what it took to make it as an actor. Tom has since proved him wrong. While he may not be a household name (yet), he has had his fair share of recognition over the past 10 years.  His first film role was playing Jan Turek in the TV movie, Good King Wenceslas in 1994. He then played the lead role of Edward Beverley in the TV movie, Children of the New Forest. But, his breakout role was as Tom Ferguson on the popular, long-running soap, Coronation Street; which he has said that his mother became emotional when he landed that role since his entire family grew up watching the show. He then had a lead role as Marco Bailey on the UK comedy/drama, Mile High. In 2007 his star rose when he played Astinos in the blockbuster film, 300 (of which he will always be known as the guy that got his head chopped off). Rest assured, his lovely head is still firmly attached to his neck. He recently appeared in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 playing Ian, the boyfriend of America Ferrera’s character. Watch for him as Midnight Mark in this year’s bound-to-be-hit, The Boat That Rocked, where he plays a rogue DJ with a way with the ladies.
莱昂纳多·南是韩国人后裔,1979年出生在阿根廷首都的布宜诺斯艾利斯,8岁时举家搬到澳洲的悉尼,大学期间在新南威尔士大学主修建筑学。19岁之际莱昂纳多来到了纽约追寻表演梦想,曾在HB工作室跟随Austin Pendleton、William Carden学习表演,但主流电影界的一切对于拥有一张亚洲面孔的他并不容易,直到2003年在卖座青春片《超完美夺分》中扮演聪明但很少被人理解和接受的Roy一角才打开局面,另外一次令人印象深刻的演出也是青春片里的角色,2005年的《牛仔裤的夏天》;2006年他曾在摩根·弗里曼主演的《10件或更少》中出演一位超市营业员;2007年则一口气接下四部影片。
Rady made his acting debut in the feature film The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants playing Kostas Dounas. He has appeared in other feature films with small parts including The Guardian. Rady also starred in the independent film InSearchOf.  Rady had a recurring role in the CBS summer series, Swingtown, playing philosophy teacher Doug Stephens. He appeared in the second season of Showtime\'s TV drama Sleeper Cell. Rady appeared as a guest star in two seasons of the ABC Family series Greek playing the Honors Polymer Science major and Honors Engineering Floor Resident Advisor Max Tyler. In 2009, he was cast in The CW series Melrose Place as Jonah Miller, an aspiring filmmaker.