
导演:珍妮弗·李,克里斯·巴克,Marc E·Smith,詹妮弗·李

阳光明媚的阿伦黛尔王国,终于迎来了安娜(克里斯汀·贝尔 Kristen Bell 配音)的生日。早在数周前艾莎(伊迪娜•门泽尔 Idina Menzel 配音)便和克里斯托弗(乔纳森·格罗夫 Jonathan Groff 配音)、雪宝(乔什·盖德 Josh Gad 饰)精心准备这次生日庆典,我们这位认真执着的女王决不允许有半点失误。当她确认一切准备就绪时,便安排两位搭档看好会场,防止蛋糕遭到损坏,自己则独自走入城堡去叫醒熟睡中的安娜。姐妹俩共度生日的记忆还要追溯到艾莎被关在房间的那些年,所以艾莎极其重视今天这个特殊的日子。她为安娜精心挑选准备了各种小礼物,但或许是这几周来太过操劳了,以致于患上了感冒。一路上艾莎喷嚏连连,许多小雪宝从喷嚏中诞生出来,给克里斯托弗和雪宝惹出不少的麻烦……

Chris Buck is a American film director known for directing Tarzan and Surf\'s Up. He also worked as supervising animator on Home on the Range and Chicken Little.  Buck\'s other credits at Disney include the 1995 animated feature Pocahontas, where he oversaw the animation of three central characters: Percy, Grandmother Willow and Wiggins. Buck also helped design characters for the 1989 animated blockbuster The Little Mermaid, performed experimental animation for The Rescuers Down Under and Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, and was an animator on The Fox and the Hound.  Buck helped develop several films at Hyperion Pictures and served as a directing animator on the feature Bebe\'s Kids. He storyboarded director Tim Burton\'s live-action featurette Frankenweenie and worked with Burton again as directing animator on the Brad Bird-directed \"Family Dog\" episode of Steven Spielberg\'s Amazing Stories and as director of the subsequent primetime animated series.  Buck\'s credits include a number of animated commercials (including some with the Keebler Elves) for such Los Angeles-based production entities as FilmFair, Kurtz & Friends, and Duck Soup[disambiguation needed.  A native of Wichita, Kansas, Buck studied character animation for two years at CalArts, where he also taught from 1988–1993.  In 2010 it was reported that late 2009 Buck was put in charge of a Disney\'s long-in-development film adaptation of The Snow Queen.[1] After being put on hold during 2010, the film was officially announced in December 2011 under the title Frozen with a schedule to be released on November 27, 2013.
乔纳森·格罗夫,美国演员,歌手。1985年3月26日出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州兰开斯特,他在阿米什社区长大,父亲是门诺教徒。乔纳森·格罗夫的职业生涯开始于舞台剧,他在2007年横扫8项托尼奖的音乐剧《春之觉醒》中饰演男一号 Melchior,22岁即得到了托尼奖音乐剧男主角提名。2015年他出演了大热百老汇音乐剧《汉密尔顿》,收获了格莱美奖和托尼奖音乐剧男配角提名。 电视剧方面,他在《欢乐合唱团》中饰演Jesse St. James;HBO台的同志题材电视剧《寻》中饰演男主角Patrick Murray;Netflix出品的《心灵猎人》中饰演男主角Holden Ford。电影方面出演了李安执导的《制造伍德斯托克音乐节》,为《冰雪奇缘》中男主角Kristoff配音。乔纳森在2009年时出柜。