


1972年,17岁的蕾妮在观看滚石乐队的音乐会时,被模特星探约翰·克洛斯比发现,数月后与福特模特公司签约,成为著名的时装平面模特。不久上《时尚》杂志封面,模特事业取得突破。到1975年,蕾妮已在数不清的杂志封面上露过脸,成为美国最成功的模特之一,并开始接拍电视商业广告,重新定义了时尚模特的概念。手头早已不再紧张的蕾妮,还挤出时间学习戏剧表演,并尝试在洛杉矶和加利福尼亚的一些地区性小剧院参加演出。  1987年,蕾妮初登电视荧屏,在电视系列剧《Sable》中饰演女一个配角。1989年,第一次进军大银幕,在《大联盟》(Major League)中扮演男主角的女朋友。后来接连演了几个女朋友或妻子的角色,直到1992年在《轰天炮3》(Lethal Weapon 3)中扮演内务部女侦探,这种状况才得以改变。其后几年间,她扮演的两个角色奠定了她好莱坞戏剧演员和性格演员的双重地位:一个是在《赎金风暴》(Ransom)中饰演的被绑架儿子的母亲,另一个是在《飞鼠洛基冒险记》(The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle)中饰演的外国美女间谍卡通形象。虽然人们对《飞鼠洛基冒险记》褒贬不一,但对于蕾妮的演技却赞赏有加。  2014年,蕾妮·罗素凭借在其丈夫丹·吉尔罗伊担任编剧并执导的电影《夜行者》中的精湛演技,提名第68届英国电影学院奖最佳女配角。并获得圣迭哥影评人协会奖最佳女配角。
Jay Scott Greenspan(born September 23, 1959),known by his stage name, Jason Alexander, is an American actor, comedian, director, and voice artist.  Alexander is best known for his prominent role as George Costanza in the television series, Seinfeld. He portrayed the lawyer, Philip Stuckey, in the film Pretty Woman (1990). He voiced the lead character in the animated series Duckman (1994–1997).  Alexander has had an active career on stage, appearing in several Broadway musicals including Jerome Robbins\' Broadway in 1989, for which he won the Tony Award as Best Leading Actor in a Musical. He appeared in the Los Angeles production of The Producers. He is the Artistic Director of \"Reprise! Broadway\'s Best in Los Angeles\", where he has directed several musicals.
大学毕业后,派珀搬到纽约,不久后就参与电影《Single Spaced 》的演出 派珀·佩拉博。首次担纲演出重要角色是在1999年的电影《Whiteboyz》。2000年,她在电影《飞鼠洛基冒险记》中饰演ㄧ名FBI探员。但真正让观众惊艳的是《女狼俱乐部》,她在片中饰演一位勇于追求自己梦想的词曲创作家。2001年她开始演出加拿大独立制片电影《意乱情迷》。这几年陆陆续续都有精彩的表现。接连不断的片约,精湛的演出,好莱坞女星派珀正在发光发热中。05的《四角关系》也是一部非常清新亮丽之作
Randy Quaid is an Academy Award-nominated actor, for his performance in The Last Detail (1973) . Hal Ashby directed Quaid in the role of Meadows opposite Jack Nicholson and Otis Young. Quaid is a great and much-admired actor that has been recognized by Hollywood and the world\'s finest directors, Midnight Express, The Last Picture Show, Ice Harvest (2005), Real Time (2008), King Carlos in Goya\'s Ghosts (2006) for director Milos Forman. Forman cast Quaid as \"King Carlos IV of Spain\" after seeing his Golden Globe-nominated performance as The Colonel in Elvis. Quaid also starred in such mainstream favorites as Kingpin (1996), Vacation (1983), Christmas Vacation (1989) and Independence day (1996).  Quaid earned a Golden Globe for portraying Lyndon Johnson, and received a Golden Globe Nomination for incarnating \"Colonel\" Tom Parker in Elvis (2005). The portrait of Colonel Parker, a former carnival barker with a murky past, is dark. The New York Times said \"Mr. Quaid is riveting as the bully of Graceland\" when he has Elvis firmly under his thumb, he is the L.B.J. of rock \'n\' roll - a towering, wheedling, tirelessly self-promoting Southern fox in the rare instances when Elvis defies him, Colonel Parker shrinks into a hand-wringing phony, cajoling his only client in the overly ornate language of Professor Marvel in \"The Wizard of Oz\".  Quaid stars in and was nominated for The Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a cast for his work in Brokeback Mountain(2005), directed by Ang Lee from a script written by Larry McMurtry, who also wrote The Last Picture Show (1971) in which Quaid had his first feature film role. Working with McMurtry and supporting his material has become a Randy Quaid career tradition. Quaid\'s performance in Brokeback Mountain (2005) was listed as one of the New York Observer\'s 2005 Noteworthy male performances. In 2009 Randy Quaid Won the Vancouver Critics Award for Best Male Performance in the Feature Film Real-Time for the Role of Rubin
奥斯卡影帝罗伯特·德尼罗塑造过的所有角色中,最著名的当属《教父2》中年轻的唐·科莱昂和《愤怒的公牛》中的拳击手杰克·拉莫塔,他最经典的一句台词则是《出租汽车司机》中“你在跟我讲话?”凭借马丁·斯科塞斯1973年影片《穷街陋巷》一举成名的德尼罗,既可以扮演心狠手辣的黑帮分子,又能在《午夜狂奔》、《摇尾狗》、《老大靠边闪》和《拜见岳父岳母》等喜剧中尽现搞笑天份。  1943年8月,罗伯特·德尼罗出生在纽约一个艺术家家庭,两岁时父母离异,他跟着母亲生活在格林威治村。16岁高中毕业后他跟着路瑟·詹姆斯(Luther James)和李·斯特拉斯伯格(Lee Strasberg)学习表演,参演了几部外百老汇剧,1965年在法国影片《Trois chambres à Manhattan》中饰演一个小角色,60年代后期他在《帅气逃兵》、《嗨,妈妈》、《婚礼舞会》等影片中担任主演。进入70年代,德尼罗的事业开始绽放异彩,出演了《血腥妈妈》、《我的子弹会转弯》和《天生大赢家》等影片后,与马丁·斯科塞斯首度合作的《穷街陋巷》为他赢得了纽约影评人协会奖和美国国家影评人协会奖,此后他又凭借《战鼓轻悄》获得奥斯卡提名,1974年的《教父2》让他如愿捧得奥斯卡影帝桂冠,两年后的《出租汽车司机》更是好评如潮,获得多项最佳男演员奖。此后他的主要作品有《愤怒的公牛》、《不可触犯》、《午夜狂奔》、《我们不是天使》、《盗亦有道》、《疯狗马子》等。1993年他首执导棒,自导自演了《布鲁克斯故事》。2003年罗伯特·德尼罗被美国电影学会授予终生成就奖,以表彰他对电影事业的杰出贡献。