


欧文出生于美国德州达拉斯,爱尔兰裔美国人,家庭信仰罗马天主教。母亲劳拉·康宁汉·威尔逊是一名知名摄影师,父亲罗伯特·安德鲁·威尔逊是一名广告行政人员及一间公共电视台的导播。欧文曾进入兰普莱特学校就读,2005年曾经造访母校;也曾就读德州圣马克学校,不过在高一时期因为了数学作业而偷窃数学老师的教科书,所以被踢出学校。之后毕业于新墨西哥军校。  1991年,欧文与两个兄弟路克以及安德鲁一同搬到洛杉矶,展开演艺生涯。1994年以自编自演的《Bottle Rocket》踏入影坛,其后出演了《狂蟒之灾》、《世界末日》、《鬼入侵》等卖座的影片,2000年在与香港功夫巨星成龙合作主演《上海正午》之前,欧文·威尔森虽然也曾在几部颇为有名气的影片中露面,但一直无缘担当主角。  《上海正午》在欧美的大获成功,使得欧文在好莱坞闯出了一片天地。凭借强烈的个人风格,欧文出现在多部喜剧片中并担当主角,均获得不错的口碑,使他跃升好莱坞一线明星的行列。2001年接连主演的《深入敌后》、《祖兰德》、《特伦鲍姆一家》均叫好又卖座,已一跃成为当前好莱坞最为炙手可热的男星之一,星路一片坦途。2004年与本·斯蒂勒合作的重拍片《警界双雄》叫好又叫座,《婚礼傲客》与《同居三人行》也出现了他的身影,并与《同居三人行》女主角凯特·哈德森因戏生情,但两人于2007年5月底宣告分手,8月,欧文即传出为情自杀。经过多日休整,他于2008年3月月重返影坛,携手詹妮弗·安妮斯顿拍摄拍摄新片《马利和我》。
Christopher W. \"Chris\" Cooper (born July 9, 1951) is an American film actor. He became well known in the late 1990s. He has appeared in supporting performances in several major Hollywood films, including The Bourne Identity, American Beauty, Capote, The Town, The Kingdom, Syriana, October Sky, Seabiscuit, Breach and Adaptation, for which he won both the Academy Award and Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor.  His most recent role was as Tex Richman, an evil oil baron and the main human antagonist in the 2011 film The Muppets.
内森·菲利安(Nathan Fillion ):加拿大演员 ,1971年3月27日出生于加拿大阿尔伯达省,父母是中学老师,他自己小时的理想也是成为教师。上大学时偶然的他萌发了对表演的兴趣,内森早年曾在《Blast from the Past》 《拯救大兵瑞恩》中饰演过小角色。后来结识了导演Joss Whedon,出演了他的系列剧"Buffy the Vampire Slayer"。...
王牌接线员拉里,英文名Larry The Cable Guy,男,出生于1963年2月17日,演员,制片,编剧。
托尼·谢尔博童年生活在威斯康辛的绿湾,父亲是黎巴嫩移民,小托尼只有6岁时被介绍出演一部学校剧《国王与我》(The King and I)。  从Southern Maine毕业并获得戏剧理学士学位后,谢尔博又进入耶鲁大学进修,80年拿到戏剧硕士学位。在美国Repertory剧团呆过了一段时间后他前往百老汇发展,并因此认识了后来成为他妻子的布鲁可·亚当斯(Brooke Adams)。1992年结婚至今, 一起合作演出过好几部电影,她也在MONK中客串演出多次, 目前两人一起在百老汇演出.  1990年托尼·谢尔博获得出演长篇剧集《Wings》的机会,此后又陆续出演了《黑超特警》(Men in Black)一二集,和《十三猛鬼》(Thir13en Ghosts)等片,慢慢成长为一个知名演员。他主演的《神探阿蒙》(Monk)十分受欢迎,2003至2006年间他四次获得艾美奖喜剧类最佳男演员提名,并于2003、2005和2006获得该项殊荣。
邦尼·亨特(Bonnie Hunt),1961年9月22日出生于伊利诺伊州芝加哥,美国喜剧女演员、作家、导演、电视制作和日间电视节目主持人,代表作品有《玩具总动员4》《海龟》等。
黑人女星凯莉·华盛顿出演过20世纪福克斯公司改编自漫画的科幻影片《神奇四侠》(Fantastic Four),并在奥斯卡获奖影片《灵魂歌王》(Ray)中扮演雷·查尔斯的妻子黛拉,此外她还在斯派克·李(Spike Lee)执导的《她恨我》(She Hate Me)中担纲主演,她出演西德尼·鲁迈特(Sidney Lumet)执导的HBO电视电影《Strip Search》,揭示了9/11后美国民众深陷其中的妄想症。2002年,凯莉凭借影片《Lift》获得独立精神奖最佳女演员提名,她在《舞出一片天》(Save the Last Dance)中塑造的主要角色赢得青少年票选奖的最佳突破表演奖。  凯莉的其他作品包括:梅格·瑞安(Meg Ryan)主演的《拳坛小妹大》(Against the Ropes: The Jackie Kallen Story),与加里·欧德曼(Gary Oldman)、文·瑞姆斯(Ving Rhames)联袂主演的《孽杀令》(Sin),与凯文·斯贝西(Kevin Spacey)一起出演的《利蓝的美国》(United States of Leland),妮可·基德曼(Nicole Kidman)和安东尼·霍普金斯(Anthony Hopkins)主演的《人性污点》(The Human Stain),克里斯·洛克(Chris Rock)和安东尼·霍普金斯的《乌龙搭档》(Bad Company),在广获好评的独立影片《我们的歌》(Our Song)中,凯莉扮演一个明智却充满矛盾的少女。  工作之余的凯莉·华盛顿还是Creative Coalition的积极支持者,这是一个致力于推广《第一修正案》的组织。  同时还担任欧莱雅的代言人。
Robert Quinlan Costas (born March 22, 1952) is an award-winning American sportscaster, who is employed by MLB Network, where he does play-by-play and hosts an interview show called Studio 42 with Bob Costas. He is known for his long tenure with NBC Sports from 1980 through 2018, and for many Emmy awards.[1] He was the prime-time host of 11 Olympic Games from 1992 until 2016.
Margo Martindale was born July 18, 1951 in Jacksonville, Texas, to Margaret (Pruitt) and William Everett Martindale, a lumber company owner and dog handler. She is the youngest of three children, and the only daughter. Margo attended Lon Marris College, and later transferred to University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, and did a summer study at Harvard University. She made her film debut appearance in Days of Thunder (1990), she played the minor role of Donna. Notable roles include: Sister Colleen, Susan Sarandon\'s fellow nun in Dead Man Walking (1995). She played a brief but memorable role as the selfish mother to Hilary Swank\'s character in Million Dollar Baby (2004).  Trivia (18)  Was nominated for Broadway\'s 2004 Tony Award as Best Actress (Featured Role - Play) for her performance as Big Mama in a revival of Tennessee Williams\' \"Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.\".  Has been in four films with Nicole Kidman (The Human Stain (2003), The Hours (2002), Practical Magic (1998), and Days of Thunder (1990)), four with Meryl Streep (August: Osage County (2013), The Hours (2002), ...First Do No Harm (1997) and Marvin\'s Room (1996)) and four with Susan Sarandon (Earthly Possessions (1999), Lorenzo\'s Oil (1992), Twilight (1998) and Dead Man Walking (1995)).  Miss Jacksonville High School 1969, Football Sweetheart 1969. Also, a High School Cheerleader.  From the late 1970s to early 1980s, she was the \"foot tickler\" in a series of Downy fabric softener commercials, becoming as recognizable as Jan Miner, who played \"Madge the manicurist\" for Palmolive dish-washing liquid.  Her husband, Bill Boals, is a musician.  Has one daughter, Margaret.  Attended Lon Morris College in her hometown of Jacksonville, Texas. Also attended the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.  Top of her bucket list is to sing on Broadway.
小伊塞亚·维特洛克,1954年9月13日出生于美国 印第安纳州 南本德,演员。
保罗·杜利,1928年2月22日生于美国 西弗吉尼亚州 Parkersburg,演员,编剧。
Katherine Marie Helmond was born on July 5, 1929, in Galveston, Texas. She was raised by her mother, Thelma Malone, and her grandmother; they were Irish Catholics. Young Katherine attended Catholic school, and appeared in numerous school plays and pageants. She took a job at a local theater while still in high school, hammering and sawing the scenery, cleaning the bathrooms and pulling the curtain.  Since her stage debut in \"As You Like It\", she worked in New York theatres during the 1950s and 1960s. She operated a summer theatre in the Catskills for three seasons and also taught acting in university theatre programs. She made her TV debut in 1962 but had to wait another 10 years until her breakthrough came in the 1970s. She stayed busy on TV as well as on stage and earned a Tony nomination for \"The Great God Brown\" (1973) on Broadway. She honed her acting abilities with Alfred Hitchcock in Family Plot (1976) and in numerous TV series, notably in ABC\'s cult sitcom Soap (1977), for which she had four Emmy nominations and a Golden Globe. On the big screen she starred in Brazil (1985) as Jonathan Pryce\'s mother who is addicted to plastic surgery and snooping in her son\'s messed-up life.  In 1983 she studied at the Directing Workshop of the American Film Institute and then directed four episodes of the series Benson (1979) as well as episodes of Who\'s the Boss? (1984). She also picked up Emmy nominations for her role as Mona Robinson, a liberated grandmother in \"Who\'s the Boss?\", and as Lois in Everybody Loves Raymond (1996). Although Helmond has been a bona-fide TV star since her \"Soap\" days, she continued working on stage in the 2000s and was acclaimed for her performances in \"The Vagina Monologues\".  Katherine Helmond was married twice. She has no children. Although she was raised in a Catholic family, she turned to Buddhism in later years. She shares her time between her home in Los Angeles and homes in New York and London.
艾米·汉莫出生于洛杉矶,他同样是一位有着显赫家世的人,他的父亲是个知名的商人。而他的曾祖父则是大名鼎鼎的美国石油大亨和慈善家阿曼德·哈默,而阿曼德·哈默的父亲则是美国共产党的创始人。小时候他曾随着家庭多次搬迁,17岁的时候因为热衷表演还一度退学。之后他陆续在很多电视剧集中客串演出,包括《发展受阻》、《美眉校探》、《绯闻女孩》、《绝望的主妇》等。 艾米·汉莫的首部电影是2006年的《弗利卡》,2007年他还出演了恐怖片《...
张艺兴,艺名LAY,1991年10月7日出生于中国湖南长沙,歌手,男子组合EXO/EXO-M中国籍成员。2005年因参加湖南经视《明星学院》比赛获得总决赛季军。  2008年通过S.M. Casting System的选拔成为韩国娱乐公司S.M Entertainment旗下练习生后赴韩国开始练习生生活。2010年张艺兴以公开练习生[1] 身份参与公司前辈组合SHINee日本一巡演唱会舞蹈演出。  2012年4月张艺兴以SM公司新组合EXO和其子队EXO-M中国成员身份正式出道,公开艺名为LAY。队内为主领舞、副主唱和乐器担当。[2]
克里斯-库柏1951年7月9日出生于密苏里州的堪萨斯城(Kansas City)。父亲查尔斯(Charles Cooper)曾在美国陆军中任内科医师,并经营着一家牧场。母亲玛丽-安(Mary Ann Cooper)是位家庭主妇。克里斯在他父亲的牧场里长大,十多岁时开始对舞台剧有了兴趣,在当地剧院里设计和制作布景。高中毕业以后,他在密苏里大学学习学业和表演,后又前往纽约打零工,希望在戏剧界有所发展。1979年他在表演班上课时相识了剧作家、喜剧演员玛丽安...
鲍勃·彼德森(Bob Peterson),1961年1月9日生于美国俄亥俄州的伍斯特,美国动画电影演员、导演、编剧,先后毕业于俄亥俄北方大学和普渡大学。1997年,出演个人第一部短片《棋逢敌手》,进入演艺圈;2001年,凭借个人银幕处女作《怪兽电力公司》,登上大银幕;2003年,自编自演动画喜剧片《海底总动员》;2009年,自编自导自演动画电影《飞屋环游记》;2013年,出演动画电影《怪兽大学》;2017年,自编自演动画电影《赛车总动员3》。
刘易斯·汉密尔顿,英国F1车手,毕业于剑桥文理学院,F1史上第一位黑人车手。2007年初登陆F1舞台便创下连续9站登领奖台的纪录,2007年以1分之差惜败,获得年度亚军。  2008年成为F1史上首位夺取个人冠军的黑人车手。2010年、2012年、2013年获得年度第四名,2009年、2011年获得年度第五名。2014年再次获得世界冠军。职业生涯获得31次F1分站赛冠军,39次杆位,是F1现役最优秀的车手之一。