


Tashlin drifted from job to job after dropping out of high school in New Jersey at age 13. In 1930, he started working for Paul Terry as a cartoonist on the Aesop\'s Film Fables cartoon series, then worked briefly for Amadee J. Van Beuren, but he was just as much a drifter in his animation career as he had been as a teenager.  Tashlin joined Leon Schlesinger\'s cartoon studio at Warner Bros. as an animator in 1933, where he was noted as a fast animator. He used his free time to start his own comic strip in 1934 called Van Boring, inspired by former boss Van Beuren, which ran for three years. He signed his comic strip \"Tish Tash,\" and used the same name for his cartoon credits (at the time it was considered extremely unprofessional to use anything except one\'s birth name among animators, but Tashlin was able to get away with this due to the anti-Germanic feelings of that era). Tashlin was fired from the studio when he refused to give Schlesinger a cut of his comic strip revenues. He joined the Ub Iwerks studio in 1934. He moved to Hal Roach\'s studio in 1935 as a writer.  He returned to Schlesinger in 1936 as an animation director, where his diverse interest and knowledge of the industry brought a new understanding of camerawork to the Warners directors.\"  Afterward, he served as production manager at Columbia Pictures\' Screen Gems animation studio in 1941. He effectively ran the studio and hired many former Disney staffers who had left as a result of the Disney animators\' strike. He launched The Fox and the Crow series, one of the better products of the studio. He was fired over an argument with the executives of Columbia.  Tashlin moved on from animation in 1946 to become a gag writer for the Marx Brothers, Lucille Ball, and others, and as a screenwriter for stars such as Bob Hope and Red Skelton. His live-action films still echo elements of his animation background; Tashlin peppered them with unlikely sight gags, breakneck pacing, and unexpected plot twists.
Doris Day原名Doris Von Kappelhoff,1922年4月3日出生于俄亥俄州的辛辛那提。她是美国二战后流行音乐歌手中名气最大的一位。在她16岁转入歌坛前,是一位舞蹈演员。将其姓氏改为Day后,便在Bob Crosby乐队内当歌手。后来在Les Brown乐队中当歌手时,由歌伦比亚唱片公司为他们录制的唱片《Sentimental Journey-怀乡之旅》销售超过一百万张。在1948年在她主演的电影《Romance On The High Seas》中,她演唱了Sammy Cahn和Jale Styne作曲的《It’s Magic-那是魔力》。这是一部成功的电影。她那迷人的面貌,勾魂的嗓音,令她演出了多部电影,不论巾帼英巾或浪漫女性的角色她都能驾轻就熟。和当时的女歌手一样,她也喜欢和其它歌星合作,和Frankie Laine唱的《Sugarbush》,和Johnnie Ray合唱的《 Let’s Walk That A-Way’》都成了热门曲。他还有一曲《Whatever Will Be, Will Be-世事不可强求》后来也登上英国榜首。在停顿了将近6年后,她演的一个电影主题曲《Move Over Darling》,终于又上了榜。在60年代末她在好莱坞的生涯告一段落。在脱离公众视线20年后,1993年又在加州她家乡Camel,为兹善事业重返舞台演出“患难珍妮”。 2019年5月13日,多丽丝·戴去世,享年97岁。
他是一名磨房老板的儿子,长大后曾在英国皇家学院,接受音乐及戏剧课程的训练。1956年首次登台演戏,两年后即步入英国电影界。1963年在《超级的男性》中,饰演一名粗暴的橄榄球员,勇夺戛纳电影节最佳男主角奖,从此获得国际性的知名度。1967年主演了他最著名的一部歌舞电影《凤宫劫美录》,饰演的亚瑟王又演又唱,影坛还无人能出其右。其后他在娱乐圈作多线发展,既演出《太阳盟》等商业性浓厚的暴力西部片,又大唱《麦克亚瑟公园》等高调的流行曲出版个人专辑唱片,甚至写诗和写小说。近年来以性格演员姿态参与多部名片演出,包括:《爱国者游戏》、《杀无赦》及最新的《角斗士》等。值得一提的是,他还参与扮演了《哈利波特》系列电影前两部《哈利波特与魔法石》和《哈利波特与密室》中的阿不思·邓不利多校长,也是哈里斯的绝唱。 伦敦时间2002年10月25日晚7时在伦敦的一所医院中病逝,享年72岁。
Maurice Marsac,是一名演员,主要作品有《天罗地网》等。
麦克·波勒(Michael J Pollard),美国演员。2003年,出演了电影《千尸屋》。