渔岛之子 (1959)故事梗概在一个满布椰林的渔岛上,有五个天真活泼的孩子——海生、小发、金福、小玉和亚妹。有一天,他们划着竹筏,到海边的岩石上去摸海螺、捉海鸟和找鸟蛋,为明天学校举行的爬山比赛准备吃的。他们在一块大石头下发现了一个可以打气的橡皮船,就把它拿来玩。晚上,小玉找到海生,告诉他橡皮船不见了。海生的爸爸罗永成听到后感到情况可疑,立刻和海生找解放军报告。一个黑影闪进了渔业合作社会计林振波的家,这是美蒋派遣特务蒋登九前来与潜伏特务林振波联系。海生他们发现的橡皮船,就是蒋登九划来的。林振波从亚妹口中获悉,才又将橡皮船偷走。第二天,孩子们高高兴兴地参加了爬山比赛。海生和小玉护送掉队的亚妹走在后面,他们在穿越山洞追赶大队时,发现了装有电台的包,正要去交给孙队长,蒋登九突然出现,自称是勘探队员,让孩子们把包还给他,遭到海生坚决的拒绝。蒋登九上来抢夺,小玉将他缠住,海生急忙把包藏在洞外草丛里,又用弹弓打伤了蒋登九的眼睛。他们急忙向山下飞跑,正好撞见林振波,以为找到了救兵,带领着林振波,去找蒋登九。林故意审问了蒋登九,批评他不该捆小玉,准备骗取孩子的信任,伺机拿回电台。机智的海生看出林振波也不是好人,坚持要交给孙队长。林振波这才露出了本来面目,把孩子们捆了起来,李老师找不到海生和小玉,急忙报告了孙队长。孙队长布置部队搜山,寻找孩子。林振波无法取回电台,就决定把海生和小玉做人质,躲过搜山部队,下山准备渔船。他与蒋登九约定晚上在海滩见面。海生偷偷解开了捆着小玉的绳子,让她去报信。小玉领着罗永成赶回来,人已经看不到了。他们发现海生留在路口的鞋子,便顺着鞋子的方向寻找。海生趁蒋登九不备,纵身跳入河里。蒋登九跑到海边,看见橡皮船上坐着林振波,急忙上船。谁知林振波早已落网,船上坐的是孙队长,只得绝望地束手就擒。
Ralph Anderson returns to his remote California hometown for the first time in many years. Now a lawyer, he has been estranged from his father, Lloyd, and brother, Tippy, ever since being sent to reform school as a youth for stealing a car, taking the blame for his brother's crime.Lloyd is now sheriff and Tippy his deputy. Forced to represent a wanted criminal, Ralph asks the law to look the other way while a local airfield is used to enable the mobster, Massonetti, to flee the country. A disgusted Lloyd agrees to help, but Tippy decides to arrest Massonetti and cash in on a big reward.Tippy's beautiful wife Linda was once the love of Ralph's life and regrets his long absence. She is tired of Tippy's shiftless, drunken ways and Lloyd's domineering rule of the family.Massonetti arrives in town, backed by Davis, his top thug. Tippy and two deputies, Karger and Eddie, make an amateurish attempt to capture Massonetti, only to get Lloyd shot and killed while trying to stop them. Ralph manages to get Massonetti behind bars at the town jail.The mob cuts off phone communication and highway access to the town. Ralph suggests driving Massonetti to the authorities in Barstow in the mobster's own fast car. Noticing the tension between the brothers, Massonetti taunts them both and offers $25,000 to tempt Tippy into betraying Ralph and setting him free.On the road, deputy Eddie is ambushed and the brothers learn that Linda has been abducted. A deal is made to get her back, but Karger is killed and the car is disabled. Ralph manages to get the four of them to a gas station, where the owner is found shot. In a fight for the gun, Ralph is winged and Tippy seriously wounded.Borrowing a miner's jeep, Ralph drives Massonetti to a main highway, where two policemen take them into custody. They turn out to be impostors who drive Massonetti to an air strip where Davis is waiting with a plane. After they board, Ralph drives the car into the plane, overturning it. He drags Massonetti from th