


埃尔多冈·阿塔雷(Erdogan Atalay)1966年9月22日(处女座)出生于德国汉诺威,德国著名男演员,编剧,1996年以《极速特警(火线干探)》系列风靡德国,成为了德国有史以来寿命最长的警匪剧。
德国演员,1979年1月29日出生于德国黑森州威尔堡,在乡野间长大,自幼喜爱户外运动和摩托车,在拉恩河畔威尔堡上高中,2016年9月与俄罗斯女演员玛莎·托卡列娃(Masha Tokareva)结婚,如今与她一起住在柏林夏洛滕堡区。  他于1997年开始为欧洲第二大广播电台RTL工作,并接受表演培训。2002年远赴美国纽约,在李斯特·拉斯伯格表演艺术研究所学习。2004年被授予德国电视最佳新人奖。2008年,他在电影《巴德尔和迈因霍夫集团》(红军派)当中饰演的天真而残忍的激进分子彼得-于尔根,成为德国家喻户晓的著名演员。在RTL系列电视剧《眼镜蛇警报》中扮演警长亚历克斯·勃兰特。2018年,他参与了俄罗斯与捷克合拍电影《T34》的摄制,在剧中扮演人性未泯的纳粹德国坦克手克劳斯·雅格尔。该影片在俄罗斯和东欧国家广受欢迎,也为他收获了大批粉丝。
妈妈供职于德国汉莎航空公司,父亲和哥哥是IT男,When Nadia Hilker was 17 years old, she and her mother flew from Munich to Berlin to meet with a potential acting agent, despite the fact that Hilker had never acted a day in her life. “I walked into the office and the agent just looked at me and said, ‘you’re an actor, I want you,’” Hilker says. “I thought she was cuckoo!”  She booked her first role, a lead in a German TV movie, on her first audition. After a couple of years, though, she couldn’t quite find her place in film anymore. “I played a lot of rebellious young girls, and then I got older and we don’t really have a lot of ‘not a girl, not yet a woman’ parts in Germany, especially not for me as I’m very exotic-looking for Germans,” she says. “I kind of stopped working, and it was really bad. I was broke, my parents had to support me, and I spent years in my apartment just staring at the ceiling.”  Her father was once again the one to pull her to acting. “I was thinking about becoming a stewardess,” she says, “and my dad, who is very German in terms of being pragmatic and realistic, just said ‘no, you’re going to give it one more year. And if nothing happens you can quit.’” In that year, she was cast as the lead in an independent film called “Spring.” “I stood in front of a camera again and realized how much I love it and need it and want it.”
Katrin He? 1985年6月26日出生在德国亚琛(Aachen)。  2008年2月至2009年9月在德国肥皂剧Verbotene Liebe(禁断之恋)中饰演角色Judith。  2011年3月参演112 - Sie retten Dein Leben(生死营救)。